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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Your language (Persian?) itself uses the Arabic script. Talk about irony :rolleyes:

Persians developed the script alongside the arabs genius!
btw, the Persian alphabet has 4 extra letters and some of the similar letters are used differently. Arabs also use accents while we don't.

And anyways, it's like saying English and Turkish and Russian are the same because of their scripts lmao!!
You Hindus come up with weird ****.
India has stabbed Iran in the back many times, so what is the big deal if Iran's leader called India a zionist regime.
I think Iranian leaders are in dream...... but one thing is sure this has cleared Indias path..... till now we were balancing everything... now we can support the real zionists.. according to our interests
Good to see Iran has finally woken up to the truth. India is very close to Israel while it says its a friend to Iran. While Pakistan doesn't even recognize Israel.






Thank you Omar.....thank you so much.

This is one partnership that is mutually beneficial to both the countries and I hope India and Israel take their alliance to a new level.

Again thank you for posting these wonderful pictures. :)
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Firstly, worst presentation of journalism by TOI, the newspaper just qouted view of an individual with whole state of Iran,which is totally BS.

Secondly, this is not a statment by MEA or GOI( Gov. of Iran ). So, this statment can't be termed as official stand of iranian Gov.(hence no need for india to reply).

Finally, as i said on a similar thread related on statment of this guy..!


The answer is "NO"

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UNSC hasn't discussed Kashmir in 45 yrs

NEW DELHI: The "India-Pakistan question", which is a euphemism for the Kashmir question, was last discussed in the UN Security Council in 1965 having been first raised in 1948. Since then the Security Council has not discussed the issue.

Earlier this week, the Pakistan envoy to the UN, Amjad Sial, opened the lid on what is probably the worst kept secret in the UNSC -- that Kashmir as an issue has not been raised in the Council for almost half a century, even during the worst of India-Pakistan relations.

The Pakistan envoy protested in the General Assembly earlier this week that the Kashmir issue was "missing" from the UNSC annual list, describing it as an "inadvertent error." Indian diplomats maintained that it was not inadvertent at all, but that the Kashmir issue was a "dead letter".

Later, UNSC spokesperson Farhan Haq clarified that the annual list submitted to the General Assembly only published issues discussed in the Council from January 1, 2007, and that the full list of issues that had ever been discussed by the Council was in an addendum published in March 2010. That list, Haq said, includes Kashmir, which means Kashmir remains a "live" issue in the UNSC, unlike the Indian interpretation that it was a "dead letter".

However, the addendum in question, posted on March 8, 2010, lists "items which were identified in document S/2010/10 as subject to deletion in 2010 because they had not been considered by the Council at a formal meeting during the three-year period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2009". According to UNSC's own rules, these items would be removed from the list in 2010. Which, say, Indian officials, is what was done.

In 2005, the then UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, declared that the "plebiscite" issue could not be enforced or self-implemented. But it was after Annan's remarks, made in the context of the resumption of the India-Pakistan dialogue in 2005, that the UNSC dropped the reference to the dispute. In the past five years there has been no such mention.

UNSC hasn't discussed Kashmir in 45 yrs - The Times of India
It doesnt matter UN discuss it or not

But one thing is sure neither UN nor any other country can mediate is this issue

And one more thing no one have guts to do that... So if Pakistan really want to solve this issue so they should stop supporting insurgency in J&K and start talk with India.... Otherwise :cheesy:
Kashmir Is a Dead Issue

UN has already stated That It is Internal issue of India - and pakistan should talk with India on the issue
UN hasen't discussed kashmir in 45 yrs and UN will not discuss it in future..;)

I am still wondering, what was Mr Sial thinking? What could have possibly possessed him to scratch a dry wound open?

I am not complaining though. Its fultu entertainment.
Out of context He was talking about supporting Muslims struggling in the world he mentioned Palestinians and Kashmiris as well. When he was talking about Palestine he mentioned the Zionist regime some hate monger took it out of context to spread hate go look at the original speech it will make a lot more sense.

This thread should be deleted for spreading propaganda.
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