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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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I think Chinese poor strategic decisions are more and more visible now a days......do they forget that they also have plenty of loop holes that can be targeted.....and I think it's the time GOI takes the diplomatic offensive and plays tibet card......question is why stick to the rotten ideologies.....why dont call spade a spade.....
Drawing a dramatic parallel between the territorial red lines of both countries, India on Sunday told China that just as New Delhi had been sensitive to its concerns over the Tibet Autonomous Region and Taiwan, Beijing too should be mindful of Indian sensitivities on Jammu and Kashmir.

The comparison – which is intended to drive home the depth of Indian concerns over recent Chinese attempts to question the country's sovereignty in Kashmir — was made by External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna in his meeting with China's Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on the sidelines of the Russia-India-China trilateral meeting here.

This is the first time India has drawn this parallel directly, Indian officials told The Hindu.

We have argued that the US is the source of instability on our region, the incredible statement above is further proof that US policy seeks to embroil China in petty conflicts -- but neither Pakistan nor China must not allow itself to be drawn into the cesspool - they should just continue to do what it has judged is in the best interest of Pakistan and China.

As for Indian policy makers, well, confrontation, today, is a policy that sells among lower and rising middle class, it gives them the psychological crutch they seem to need as a symbol of having arrived -- Pakistan and China just have to live with this proclivity until it works itself out of the Indian national sense of themselves - there are of course other mechanism to bring about national sobriety and maturity.

SRINAGAR: Suspected rebels fatally shot two Indian paramilitary soldiers guarding a busy marketplace in Indian-held Kashmir (IHK) on Wednesday, an official said. Anti-India sentiment runs deep in the disputed Muslim-majority region, where guerrilla groups have fought for Kashmir’s independence from India or its merger with Pakistan since 1989. More than 68,000 people have been killed in the conflict. Wednesday’s attack occurred in Pattan town about 30 kilometres north of Srinagar, the summer capital of IHK, triggering panic among shoppers and merchants, said Prabhakar Tripathi, a spokesman for the Central Reserve Police Force. The attackers fled after grabbing the dead soldiers’ rifles, a police officer said on condition of anonymity as he was not authorised to speak to the media. No group claimed responsibility for the attack. While insurgent strikes have largely been suppressed by Indian forces, Kashmiri resistance is now principally through street demonstrations. Since June, the region has been rocked by violent anti-India protests and subsequent crackdowns by government security forces that have killed at least 111 people - mostly teenage boys and young men in their 20s. India and Pakistan have fought two wars for control over the region since they won independence from Britain in 1947. ap
India Occupied Kashmir is nothing like China's Tibet and Taiwan.

Kashmir is a disputed territory between Pakistan and india. There is a LINE OF CONTROL between Pakistan's Azad Kashmir and India Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. There are no international borders between Pakistan's Azad Kashmir and India Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Tibet and Taiwan are not disputed territories between China and some other country. Tibet and Taiwan is part of China, every country accepts that.

LAHORE: Speakers at PINA’s Seminar on “Implication of Obama’s Visit to India” held in Lahore called for an emergency OIC foreign ministers conference for immediate withdrawal of Indian occupation forces and cessation of human rights violations against non-violent and indigenous freedom movement in Indian-held Kashmir (IHK). They urged the government to step-up diplomatic efforts for achieving a permanent seat for the Muslim block in UN Security Council. The speakers also stressed the need to restore internal stability, law and order and economic health of the country for preserving national integrity and attaining respectable and credible place in the global community.

The seminar was presided over by renowned intellectual, Senator SM Zafar, and was addressed by leading figures of civil society, political and defence analysts.

Altaf Hasan Qureshi, PINA secretary general, in his opening remarks, called for a objective analysis of Obama’s India visit and drawing of realistic conclusions for the future strategy in dealing with the US, India and the region. He explained that PINA, in the past, had always supported the cause of the oppressed Kashmiris and provided them intellectual and moral strength in all crisis situations.

Brigadier (r) Farooq Hameed Khan stated that Obama’s visit has strengthened the US-India strategic partnership by encouraging India’s future admission as permanent member of UNSC, its inclusion in Nuclear Suppliers Group, thereby indirectly recognising India’s status as a regional power. He said it was ironic that President Obama had condemned human rights violations in Myammar but failed to do so openly in case of Indian Army’s atrocities in IHK.

Vice Admiral (r) Javed Iqbal termed Obama’s visit as an effort to make India a centre for maritime control alongwith Japan and US. He stated that India was ineligible for the UNSC permanent seat due to state sponsored terrorism in IHK.
Maybe i sound like facist, but i really don't care if Indian soldiers are dying. I hope more of them are killed in the the honour of the Kashmiris who have been killed. And also for the Pakistani soldiers who died fighting these fugly Indians in previous wars.
Now a days talking about Kashmir has become more of a fashion statement.

OIC will do nothing.
It's a harsh thing to say Zeeshan - they are men as well, with wives and children and friends and mothers and fathers -- but really it's all stupid and tragic - that two large nations should be at such level of intensity only points out that we are both stupid to let this fester and infect the entire body

Just go to any of the videos/articles about the suicide bombings in Pakistan, and see the comments from those Indians. They even laugh at our young children dying for God's sake!

I'm not going to talk sweet to them just because of how they behave on our forum towards us.
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@muse... respect the comments you have made.

Each and every life that is lost for this cause should be taken as a loss and not as a victory for the other side... After all it is loss of a human life who did not deserve to die. May their souls rest in peace.
Yeah, I have seen those and yes, it makes want to say and do unkind things -- but the soldiers have a sworn duty, they are professionals and on a different level, they are men.

But I know how you feel and I don't want you to think that I'm trying to suggest that I'm some how on a different plane than you are, I'm not -
this is not good omar and zeeshan.....:frown:

They are going crazy mannn... think about the people who enjoy when other's people die. :angry:

omar, PakiiZeeshan, and pakistani nationalist...... may God have pity on you. you are no less than any psycho, you need doctors because common man don't enjoy people's death. get well soon. :whistle:
@kinetic.... wat happens when u say the same abt us and our kashmiri brethern?
I pitty you n ur double standards....... you are no less than any psycho.

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