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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Well, I wouldn't go as far as to call her a traitor. But she is definitely doing a terrific job of jump starting her career which fizzled out after the the 'Booker' award so many years ago. The media has been extremely helpful to her in her endeavors, faithfully broadcasting every word she utters and staging talk shows to discuss her utterances.
It is time the media realised that she is just a minor 'one book wonder' writer and a nobody, trying to garner publicity by making making anti-establishment comments and stopped giving her unnecessary air time. They should just leave her alone and spare us the agony.
Unfortunately, what Miss Roy fails to realize is that the miserable situation she describes in Kashmir is a direct result of meddling neighbor who supports terrorism against India. As a result, the heavy handedness by the Indian Army may not be correct but it is what it is. Her support on Dalits got my respect but her opinion on Kashmir is just that, an opinion. She fails to acknowledge the plight of countless other Kashmiri minorities who suffered, yet no one fights for them. Section 360 or whatever should be immediately repealed and kashmir should formally be made a state. if certain groups of ppl are not happy then plaza leave the country of India because sooner or later we will not tolerate the atrocities committed by terrorists on innocent Indian ppl.
Of course Areesh.....but this isnt new, this has always existed....

This is a given.....In a multi faceted country like India, there are people with a whole spectrum of views....some that are possibly against the unity of the nation....
I mean take the Khalistanis, NE speratists etc.... Arundhati Roy being the prime example of a prominent Indian with differing views than the majority...

But the point is that these people do not represent the majority....and thats the key and beauty of a democracy.... the shaping of people's ideas and thoughts has a huge impact on the foreign policy as well as politics.....India's Kashmir policy is a reflection of Indian sentiments towards Kashmir.....

Now let me say something that you probably will not like hearing....

Most Indians I feel have become desnsitized to the Kashmiri struggle mostly due to the political aspect of the situation....ie. Pakistans involvement.....I strongly feel that a lot of people sympathize with Kashmiris...but because Pakistan is a party to this conflict, it makes it hard for Indians to do anything to appease Pakistan...

Harsh but True....

Very nice post. Here lies the problem for India. Pakistan's heckling should not stop Indians from realizing the problems Kashmir faces and publicly showing sympathy for them.

India should learn from Pakistan in this respect. Pakistan civil society and media publicly notes the killings in Balochistan despite the impunity with which army and other state organs act. So the cord which still connects Baloch from Pakistani mainstream, despite the thrashing on the otherside, is this sympathy. It does not matter what effect these pressure groups can bring on the military operation. All that matters is a little hope that they can live in the country with self respect.

On the other hand ultra nationalism of Indian media and the silence of civil society has alienated Kashmiris beyond the breaking point. Better late than never. Lest you will loose the already weak support you have in the valley. Remember they could live for 40 years with you. Still their protests were branded as foreign elements. What else can be expected...

I mean imagine having a curfew every week and hearing gun shots as a routine. How are kids going to grow up there?
@srsrsr : yeah fair enough. but what if it fails?! That is why it is better to go with a plan. The committees on Telangana and J&K are the best things MMS government did wrt Indian governance and political problems.
Chod do isko, she does not deserve so much attention.
His jobs are mainly restricted to .

Walk the dog


Wonder which of them leads a dog's life?
Of course its incomplete.

Because India holds the the 5 rivers and all the water in the sub continent flows from Himlayers thru punjab & Kasshmir

Also Kashmir seperates Pak from China.

And its a beautful green vally with stunning veiws.


Pakistan already shares a border with China thanks to the part of Kashmir under Pakistan's control, but india is still separted from Central Asia even when having India Occupied Jammu & Kashmir.


Yes like all Muslim majority regions in South Asia, Kashmir is beautiful Masha'Allah.
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ISLAMABAD, Oct 28 (APP): The Pakistani and Kashmiri community in UAE observed “Black Day” on October 27 signifying sustained solidarity of people and government of Pakistan with Kashmiri people who have been offering sacrifices persistently for their right of self-determination.The observance of Black Day is aimed at attracting the attention of the international community to the plight of Kashmiris due to the occupation of Kashmir by the Indian forces and ongoing Indian state terrorism and to the imperative need of resolution of Kashmir issue to the satisfaction of Kashmiri people.

A large number of Kashmiris residing in UAE assembled in the premises of the Consulate General of Pakistan, Dubai to show their solidarity with their brethren back home and also to condemn the action of Indian troops for usurping the territory of Kashmir in 1947 without any legal or moral justification.

In his remarks regarding the observance of the Black Day, the Consul General of Pakistan Tariq Iqbal Soomro said that the objective of the observance of October 27 as a Black Day is to draw world attention towards the miseries of the Kashmiri people and to appeal to the international community to take cognizance of the urgency of resolving the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris’ aspirations.

He said that it is also aimed at sending a loud and clear message to India that Kashmiris reject its illegal occupation of their soil and that they would continue their struggle till they achieved their inalienable right to self-determination.

The Consul General said that the people of Kashmir rejected India’s illegal occupation right from the day one and started a forceful movement against it. He said that ironically, India itself had approached the UN Security Council seeking help to settle the Kashmir dispute and successive resolutions passed by the Security Council nullified Indian invasion and occupation of Kashmir.
He further said that Pakistan is keen to get the longstanding Kashmir dispute resolved through a process of dialogue and engagement. It was with this resolve that Pakistan has always insisted on a Composite Dialogue process with India.

On the occasion, Kashmiri leaders also addressed the gathering, highlighting the significance of the day and called upon the Government of India for the cessation of hostilities in Indian held Kashmir as well as find solution of Kashmir dispute in accordance with the wishes of Kashmiri people.

The speakers re-affirmed the resolution of Kashmiris to continue the liberation struggle despite Indian State terrorism, till the objective is achieved.

They highlighted the importance of this day and stressed upon the international community to immediately intervene and stop the Indian forces from brutal killing of innocent Kashmiris. They vowed that the recent surge in the liberation movement in Indian occupied Kashmir has unnerved India.

Despite the killing of over one hundred innocent civilians by Indian police and troops, which started with the murdering of an 11th class student, Tufail Ahmad Matoo in Srinagar on June 11, this year, the movement is gaining momentum with every passing day.

They said that Kashmiris would not take respite till they achieve their cherished goal of liberation from India’s illegal occupation of their motherland.

The ceremony started on a note of condolence on the sad demise of the Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah Sheikh Saqr Bin Mohammed Al Qassimi. The Consul General of eulogized the meritorious services of the late ruler and prayed for the eternal peace for the departed soul. He said that people and government of Pakistan share this great loss with the people, governments and Royal Families of the United Arab Emirates.Fateha was also offered for the late Sheikh Saqr Bin Mohammed Al Qassimi on this occasion.
Settlement of Kashmir issue not far away, says OIC aide


Abdullah Alam, OIC secretary-general's special representative on Jammu and Kashmir, speaks at a Kashmir Black Day meeting in Jeddah on Wednesday night. (AN photo)


Published: Oct 29, 2010 00:15 Updated: Oct 29, 2010 00:41

JEDDAH: The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) believes that the people of Jammu and Kashmir, after so many years of suffering, deserve full respect for their legitimate right to self-determination.

“Surely, it’s (settlement) not far away,” Abdullah Alam, assistant secretary general and special representative of the OIC secretary-general on the Jammu & Kashmir dispute, told a “Kashmir Black Day” event organized by Pakistan International School-English section at Pakistan Consul General Abdul Salik Khan’s residence on Wednesday night.

“As we all acknowledge the great importance of a peaceful solution to the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, we commend the commitment of Pakistan to the peace process and hope that India will show the same attitude in order to give the peace process a significant and positive push forward,” Alam said.

He added that the OIC is examining all existing possibilities and authorities to help people gain their rights. “The permanent inclusion of the Jammu and Kashmir issue on the agenda of OIC’s summits and ministerial sessions is a clear indication of the Islamic organization’s strong support and continuous solidarity with its people.

“We are now trying to explore, through the OIC offices in New York and Geneva, the Human Rights Council, international human rights groups and humanitarian organizations to prevent further violations of the human rights of the Kashmiri people and work toward helping them realize their right to self-determination,” Alam said.

Other speakers, including Muhammad Umar Badahdah of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, the consul general and members of the Kashmir Committee, explained the significance of commemorating the Kashmir Black Day every year on Oct. 27 and said in recent months there had been an alarming increase in violation of human rights and indiscriminate use of force against Kashmiris in Indian Kashmir, which has resulted in the killing and injury of dozens of people. “It was on Oct. 27, 1947, two months after the end of British occupation of South Asia, that Indian forces entered Jammu and Kashmir and they have since been violating all established principles of law, justice, morality and politics,” the consul general said.

“The occupying power must realize that bullets and batons are not an answer to the demand of fundamental rights. Kashmiris can never accept their subjugation. It’s time to start a meaningful dialogue with Pakistan for the resolution of this longstanding dispute,” the consul general added.

“On its part, Pakistan is fully committed to a just and peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions and, most importantly, the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.”

Settlement of Kashmir issue not far away, says OIC aide - Arab News
Black Day? Dang! And here I was thinking I missed a Solar Eclipse!

Srinagar, Oct 28: Stating the “blood of Kashmiri martyrs” will not go waste; JKLF Chairman Mohammad Yasin Malik Thursday alleged that police and the Indian para-troopers are on killing spree in Kashmir.

In a statement issued here Malik visited the Humhama to express solidarity with family members of the persons killed in police and CRPF firing.

While addressing a gathering he said that in four months, police and troopers have killed more than hundred people in Kashmir. “This killing spree is still on. In addition to it, innocent students are being book under draconian laws. The Imam of the Masjid, Rafiq Fazili who is only 20 years of age has been booked under PSA,” Malik said.

He alleged that on one hand India is talking about a dialogue process and on the other hand has declared a ‘war’ against the people. “The oppression will not deter the resolve of the people. Kashmiris want total freedom which has been accepted by the world’s most important organizations as well,” he said.

Earlier, Malik along with other party leaders visited the family members of 55 year old Ghulam Rasool Tantry. “He was killed while he was ferrying an injured into a cab,” Malik said.

Malik also visited the family members of Nisar Ahmad Kuchay and Aadil Gaffar and expressed sympathies with their family members.

ISLAMABAD, Oct 28 (APP): Pakistan High Commission, Ottawa held an event on Thursday in connection with the Kashmir Black Day to express solidarity with the people of Kashmir who are struggling for their right of self determination.Addressing the function the key note speaker Mr. Scott Taylor said in 1948, Canadian General Andrew McNaughton was the President of the UN Security Council which passed the Resolution proposing the right to self determination for the people of Kashmir.Canada needs to play a more active role in the resolution of the Kashmir issue and in peacekeeping there, he said.Mr. Scott Taylor is the Editor and publisher of Canadian military (magazine) and writer of numerous books on conflicts in Afghanistan and Central Asian States, says a message received here on Thursday from Pakistan High Commission, Ottawa.

High Commissioner Akbar Zeb in his message read on the occasion said Pakistan’s principled position on Jammu and Kashmir is based on the UN Security Council resolutions, which provide that the final disposition of Jammu and Kashmir will be made in accordance with the will of the people of Kashmir.

He called upon the international community and international human rights bodies to take due cognizance of the plight of the Kashmiri people.

These organizations have also asked India to allow an independent and transparent inquiry into the actions of its military and paramilitary forces and to desist from the use of torture which is prevalent in the valley, he added.

He said Pakistan has always emphasized the necessity of a meaningful, constructive and result oriented dialogue to resolve the Kashmir dispute.

Pakistan, he said will continue to provide moral and political support to the struggle of the people of Kashmiri.

Later a documentary highlighting the reign of terror unleashed by Indian security forces in the Indian held Kashmir was shown.

The event was attended by the members of Canadian-Pakistani Community.
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