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Strikes in OSJK should serve as wake up call

Written by KMS
Thursday, 28 October 2010 17:57


Srinagar, October 28, 2010: Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Shah Geelani has emphasised that the observance of the Black Day, yesterday, should serve as a wake up call for the international community that should come forward in an effective way to resolve the Kashmir dispute, without any further delay.

Syed Ali Shah Geelani in an interview in Srinagar, today, asked India to shun its rigid stance on Jammu and Kashmir and allow Kashmiris to exercise their inalienable right of Self-Determination. APHC Chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani had said that the ongoing "Quit Kashmir Movement" will continue till its logical end.

On the other hand, the authorities have invoked the draconian law, Public Safety Act against APHC leader, Yasmeen Raja detaining her in Srinagar Central Jail. The law authorises the administration to detain any person for a period up to two years without producing him to any court. Over 300 Hurriyat leaders and activists are presently languishing in jails under this draconian law.Hundreds of people staged protests in Palhalan against the molestation of two women by Indian forces.

The troops barged into the houses in the area subjecting the people to brute force and vandalising the household goods. Indian paramilitary personnel resorted to baton charge and tear smoke shells to break up anti-India demonstrations in Bandipore and at Nagam in Chadoora.

After remaining under continued curfew for a month, the residents of Palhalan in Pattan witnessed molestation and an attempt to **** two women by Indian forces.

The personnels of Indian forces, who barged into the house of one Ghulam Rasool Sheikh at Raipora Palhallan, smashed windows and doors and beat up the inmates and ransacked the house goods, the locals said.

Sheikh’s son, Sajjad Ahmad told media men that Indian forces, without any provocation, forcibly entered their house. “To save me from police my mother forced me to leave the house from the rare side. After hearing the screams of my mother and sister, I along with my neighbours came rushing to my house. I saw my mother and sister lying on the ground with forces personnels beating them ruthlessly,” he said.

Sajjad said that had his father not been there, the personnels would have outraged the modesty of his mother and sister. “My father received thrashing while protecting the chastity of my sister. He covered her and got fractures in arm and his right foot. Indian forces were trying to take my sister to the nearby Special Operations Group Camp,” said wailing, Sajjad.

Sajjad’s 25-year-old sister is in deep shock. “Everything is lost,” she cried and fell unconscious. Sajjad’s wailing mother sitting besides her daughter is unwilling to talk. “(Indian) Police have destroyed our family,” she said after much persuasion.

Sajjad said police broke everything that came their way. “Damage to the property is not the worry, but the molestation and attempt to **** is humiliating,” Sajjad said.

Hundreds of people staged protests against the Indian police and paramilitary personnels for abusing and beating women.

The Tehreek-e-Hurriyat (TeH) Jammu and Kashmir has denounced the stepped up acts of Indian state terrorism in the territory.

The spokesman of Tehreek-e-Hurriyat in a statement issued in Srinagar said that Indian forces barged into the houses in Palhalan Pattan and subjected the inmates to brute force. “The CRPF men molested the women and vandalised the household goods,” he added.

He said that Indian police resorted to heavy lathi charge and tear gas shelling against the peaceful protestors in Nagam Chadoora who were protesting against the illegal detention of three innocent Kashmiri youth, Irfan, Imtiaz and Muddasar.

Condemning the gross human rights violations by Indian troops, he expressed concern over the deteriorating health of illegally detained Hurriyat leaders and activists including Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Mir Hafeez, Muhammad Rafiq Ghanai, Ayub Dar and others in the jails. “The authorities have not provided them with sufficient medical facilities due to which they have developed various ailments,” he maintained.

Senior APHC leader, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi, has condemned the imposition of curfew and restriction by the authorities across the territory. Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi, who is under illegal house arrest, in a statement issued in Srinagar said that India could not alter the ground realities by using unethical and undemocratic tactics. “The use of brute force by the occupation authorities cannot deter Kashmiris’ resolve to get freedom from Indian occupation,” he added.

He said that the people of Kashmir had given matchless sacrifices for the freedom movement, which would not be allowed to go waste at any cost. Moosvi said that India had flouted the international laws by illegally occupying the territory.

Meanwhile, other pro-freedom parties have also denounced the illegal detentions, house arrests of Hurriyat leaders and activists and imposition of curfew in the territory by Indian forces. They appealed the world community and the international human rights organisations to take cognisance of rights’ abuses in the occupied valley.

The Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) of occupied Kashmir has said that Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed territory and the United Nations resolutions are evident of the fact.

The spokesman of Jamaat-e-Islami in a statement issued in Srinagar said that the longstanding dispute should be resolved according to the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

He said that the Indian Home Ministry was hatching a conspiracy to implicate veteran Kashmiri Hurriyat leader, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, renowned Indian author and Booker prize-winner, Arundhati Roy and other speakers of a seminar held in New Delhi in false cases for their bold remarks on the Kashmir dispute.

The JI spokesman said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir were struggling for their inalienable right to Self-Determination.

The authorities booked APHC leader and Chairperson of Muslim Khawateen Markaz, Yasmeen Raja under draconian Public Safety Act (PSA) and lodged in Central Jail in Srinagar. Yasmeen Raja was arrested on Tuesday (October 26) during a raid on her house by policemen in Pampore.

The authorities at Srinagar Central Jail informed Yasmeen Raja that she had been booked under Public Safety Act, the spokesperson of Muslim Khawateen Markaz, told media men.

Strikes in OSJK should serve as wake up call
Thanks. We would ukhad Kashmir from you.


Kashmir is integral part of India, and it reality. if your minister think pakistan is incomplete without kashmir why cant he wage a war and take it. one thing is sure a single inch of kashmir will not change hand without a war

let see who will "ukhad" who's at war
finally remember a number 90,000 who shamelessly............
"Black Day" to mark something you are not happy about? And then you complain about Obama not visiting Pakistan during his trip to India in 2010!
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is it just me or anyone else is noticing?
the horde of india bashing threads going on.
JK, arundati roy, poverty (and the usual specialities).
must have something to do with the weather :lol:.

kashmir WILL remain an indispensable part of India.
anybody thinking otherwise , read my signature.

People tend to bash you when you are doing something right.
Of course its incomplete.

Because India holds the the 5 rivers and all the water in the sub continent flows from Himlayers thru punjab & Kasshmir

Also Kashmir seperates Pak from China.

And its a beautful green vally with stunning veiws.

to b honest there is nothing new abt BJPs idiotic demands..the endless list..2 yrs back when she wrote her article azadi, she clearly said that shez not advocating kashmirs merger with pakistan..to her that was not a good option..all she has talked about is indian atrocities n thats nothing new..how on earth can she b termed a traitor?
oh forgot the BJP charge sheet..huh:coffee:

Then WTH did she share a dias with Gellani whose life's mission is acceding Kashmir to Pakistan ?

The BJP should file hundreds of FIRs all over the country and make her life miserable so that next time before she opens her trap she thinks thrice.

btw how about awarding her next Nobel peace prize?:agree:

Arey yaar..all this drama-baazi and nautanki is for that only...She saw the Peace price going to Liu and suddenly decide that she too has a shot at that if she continue her antics.
I want to meet the man who married her in 1984. And is still married to her. If anyone deserves the Nobel Prize, it is him. I'd also give him an Oscar for Lifetime Achievement if I could. And a Booker.
I want to meet the man who married her in 1984. And is still married to her. If anyone deserves the Nobel Prize, it is him. I'd also give him an Oscar for Lifetime Achievement if I could. And a Booker.


This is the poor soul. Pradeep Kishen , her second husband
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