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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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She's just 'Scorpio' - stubborn, emotional, obsessive, good looking, Secretive. Just like Indira Gandhi. Both November born Scorpio.
take a chill pill
she has the guts to criticize the own side
that’s something really remarkable

Indians always say they don’t care what the world say about their treatment of Kashmiris. now its very citizens are criticising and you cant digest it?

Its not bullshit if it doesn’t suit your side. Your attitude is the first step towards the decline the absolute dismissal of reality and snubbing the criticism is what leads to the fall of empires in history.

He has as much right to be disgusted at Arundhuti as Arundhuti has to criticise State of India.

We don't care the world, true. But all this debate, questioning the realm of 'freedom of expression', reaching at different opinions on it, in all layers of Indian society prove that, we do care our citizens concern and our democracy is still vibrant!
Lol bhai.....You get what you give.;)

Asking for something that you can't exhibit is unfair on your part.

I didn't get anything while on the other hand two Indians who were ranting on this threads are banned for good.;)
Separatists want to separate, they don't give a damn about the Indian constitution. Indian constitution is as important as the daily comic strip in the papers.

Main thing is simple, once the population you are calling your own does not acknowledge you as their own, your rules stop being applied onto them.
If you don't want to fight on Kashmir and want to discuss things, then you have to start with the assumption that the Indian constitution is inapplicable to the Kashmir issue and only the wishes of the masses are what counts

The population we are calling Indian is because we claim the land....

We dont want any forced marriages.....which is why Kashmiris can be "Azad" if they need to on the west side if need be.....

Indian constitution applies to the land.....the people can choose to relocate as did our ancestors in 47....Kashmiris are nothign special to deserve a special place....

Arundhati Roy may not be a traitor, but her views should be limited to Human Rights and NOT Politics...
Talking about India's legitimacy over Kashmir is none of her business and she is now talking like a politician which is beyond her realm .....She did not fight to win it nor has she spent her blood to secure it.... her pathetic words are NOT going to change the scenario of Kashmir....Simple!
I have mentioned in previous threads that Azaadi should be discussed. If discussing it brings the Kashmiris and the State to the table, so be it. At least it will get them talking.
take a chill pill
she has the guts to criticize the own side
that’s something really remarkable

Indians always say they don’t care what the world say about their treatment of Kashmiris. now its very citizens are criticising and you cant digest it?

Its not bullshit if it doesn’t suit your side. Your attitude is the first step towards the decline the absolute dismissal of reality and snubbing the criticism is what leads to the fall of empires in history.

Being a democracy and a multi faceted one at that....We expect people within India to have differing opinions....

But as long as the majority favors Kashmirs ascession to India....the current status quo cannot be changed....

In fact, in order for ANY political compromise on Kashmir has to be voted in within the framework of the Indian costitution....ie. Voted by the legislative assembly....something impossible due to the size of the opposition...

The other option is military ascession that has been tried in the past to absolute failure....

So YES....any political solution has to be within the framework of our constitution...
Here's an idea for all Pakistani friends: Why not welcome her to Pakistan and grant her your citizenship? We'd be glad to get rid of her.
You guys really dont understand the bigger plot here. Its well proven strategy by Indian Govt to conduct these missions/interlocution etc and buy time - best healer of all problems. Agitations are going to settle down bit and life is normal in few months. Interlocution may not going to end up with any action,whatever they find ( if at all made public - uncensored)

I think you missed the point. It doesn't matter what Indians do or what not. What matter and what positive about this news is that after all the years of ranting about the Indian integrity with Kashmir some Indians have started to talk about Azadi and solution of Kashmir issue outside Indian constitution.

Nobody is saying that Indian parliament is going made the amendments in the constitution tomorrow or day after tomorrow. What's necessary is that at least some Indians have started to smell the coffee. :)

I agree.. Don't you think the idea of getting rid of the problematic Kashmir would have struck at least some Indians? The reason is lame politics and pride. India maintaining a diplomatic stand of Kashmir is an integral part of the country and Pakistan caring more about Indian Kashmir than its own people. Both are fake if you ask me. Indians not dealing with the real issue and Pakistan showering the fake sympathy for the brotherhood.

I am happy the interlocutors are getting some headway and their statements seem close to what the reality on the ground is.
I didn't get anything while on the other hand two Indians who were ranting on this threads are banned for good.;)

Isnt this supposed to be Pakistan Defence Forum ? ;)

Anyway lets not get offtopic here. :)
What is this barhimins??/

And if u are talking about Brahmin community who constitutes just 4.32% of the total population,well i am not in a position to comment over it as I am not that expert like you on their mindsets. :lol:

Pakistanis keep talking about Brahmans. I didn't know they have such control on India. At least not in my state (ANDHRA). Is it different in other states? Are they forcing anyone towards Hindutva or discriminating others? Did it ever happen to fellow Indians on this forum.
BJP demands Arundhati Roy's exile over Kashmir remarks

Madhya Pradesh BJP President Prabhat Jha today urged Centre to exile author-social activist Arundhati Roy from the country for her recent remarks on Kashmir.

Jha in a letter to Union home minister P Chidambaram said that the author be banished from the country and she and the people working with her be tried under charges of sedition.

Jha also demanded that Arundhati should be stripped off all the awards and honours bestowed upon her by the government.

"Arudhati has betrayed the country," he said, adding that he has written the letter not in the capacity of state BJP president but as an Indian.

"It is shocking that such an able home minister isn't able to make out the difference between sedition and freedom of expression," the letter said.

In a speech in Delhi and Srinagar recently, the author reportedly advocated freedom for Kashmir and described India as coloniser.
to b honest there is nothing new abt BJPs idiotic demands..the endless list..2 yrs back when she wrote her article azadi, she clearly said that shez not advocating kashmirs merger with pakistan..to her that was not a good option..all she has talked about is indian atrocities n thats nothing new..how on earth can she b termed a traitor?
oh forgot the BJP charge sheet..huh:coffee:
lol, seems like you have bookmarked some of DaRk WaVe's posts

and sorry but we have already done more than our capabilities..... compare Pakistan's low economy with such a high population with any country of the world....we have progressed better than rest/most of the world - under our limited resources

Start counting from Defence to each and every economic field.... We are way below the chart in terms of GDP, but we are way above the chart in terms of technology and its sister fields. We are the 9th largest English speaking nation of the world and you know only high level of education peoples can speak English in Pakistan... so just take a guess about the level of education we have achieved in past 60 years.... in 1951 only 16% peoples in Pakistan were considered educated, in 1998 the figure was near 44% and now its 60% + in such a short period considering the old and uneducated generations + childrens living in the country

And I find nothing wrong by having sympathy with above mentioned nations.....We are at least better than our neighbouring nations who is always poking nose in others internal matters.... and always crying about anything we buy from the world.....even if that is a WC for the toilet....we only have sympathy with other nations but never interferes in others matters.....

so by your above logic ----------- Indian Government is more Pakistani than the Indians itself

Zaki my friend,if you are thinking that I have come down to the level of cheap flaming by making some cheap comments then you cannot be anymore mistaken...

Firstly,I am not comparing India with Pakistan.We both know very well that the two countries function in a different manner.While some similarities may exist between the societies ,the differences are far too great.

What exactly I want to point out is there is something seriously wrong with the sentiments in the western side of the border of my country.The idea of hate is far too great.And it is not just with India,it is with many others.

Hate,is a complex and very powerful feeling my friend.Hate calls for 'Revenge'.And 'Revenge',happens to be one of the oldest and one of the strongest form of motivator for a man.It is a dangerous feeling to deal with,as it makes a man go delusional and can be tampered with.
Tampering of emotion,is something done by many Pakistani leaders since its creation,you may disagree.

The point that I tried to make in my previous post is about this tampering of emotion and thereby ideology.The idea of hate,specially against its neighbour is so deep rooted that it has found its way even in the textbooks.We have seen threads not long ago on that..

I don't know Zaki,but sometimes I feel there are powerful forces in motion in Pakistan who are hell bent in baptizing the youth of Pakistan with the idea of hatred even before they actually know whom they are hating or why they are hating for......

This hatred has kept a significant portion of Pakistani youth totally out of focus,where the prime focus should be own country,own society,own home....

You know better about Pakistani society than me.I was merely talking about what is being felt outside Pakistan,without being biased.

For me,and for many Indians like me,"Charity begins at home."
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