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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

‘Obama must meet Kashmiri leadership’

NEW YORK: Former prime minister of Azad Kashmir Barrister Sultan Mehmood has asked US President Barrack Obama to meet Kashmiri leadership during his forthcoming visit to India to find a solution to the 63-year-old dispute between two hostile nuclear neighbours i.e. India and Pakistan.

Addressing a protest rally and later talking to our sources in front of United Building here on Wednesday afternoon, Barrister Sultan said the real issue in the sub-continent was the issue of right of self-determination of Kashmiri people. President Obama should talk to Kashmiri leaders and find ways to sort it out as peace cannot be established in the region without resolving the Kashmir dispute.

The protest rally was attended by a large number of Kashmiris living in New York. They were holding placards and raising slogans against Indian atrocities.

A number of Kashmiri leaders including Azeem Bakhish, Sardar Aleem and Sardar Imtiaz, announced on the occasion that Kashmir movement was indigenous and peaceful. They stressed the international community to assert the situation and ask the Indian government to pull out its troops from Kashmir. They said that it was moral obligation of the international community to honour the UN resolutions on Kashmir and put pressure on India to grant the right of self-determination to the people of Kashmir.

We're yet to see Obama make good on his promise for change. Although I only foresee Obama disappointing us, but political honesty demands that he meets the Kashmiri leadership and gauges first hand knowledge of the issues that marr the Pak-India relationship.

He once himself said that the solution to Afghanistan lies in Kashmir, can he walk his talk?
It's an opinion piece Karthic. Not news.

You may disagree with the author's opinion.

Thanks for clarifying.

BTW Yes,I disagree strongly with the author.
In this charged atmosphere, the problem began when Roy began to speak. She was heckled, for ignoring the injustices against Kashmiri Hindus, as she blasted the Indian State. The taunts of the hecklers, numbering just a dozen, were drowned in the thunderous applause of the majority, which wanted the seminar to continue.

As the crowd lapped up each word Roy spoke, I felt proud that our democracy has become mature enough to allow leaders of radical movements to express themselves in the very heart of India. But my pride ebbed when Geelani began to speak — a handful of protesters began to raise cries of Bharat Mata ki jai, unfurl the tricolour and make threatening advances towards the stage. They were asked to listen peacefully or leave. Ultimately, the police escorted them out.

I don't agree with this part. Those crowds had as much right to protest as did Arundhuti or Geelani to question Indian state, and when their protest reached beyond peaceful means, they were escorted out by security personnel. Why most sensible persons fail to see the both parts of coin? :s

Also 'handful of protester' is a stupid and majoritarian argument, those Kashmiris shouting for Azadi are handful as well compared to rest of India's population.

Rest of the article is balanced.
Compared to BR and all the other indian forums out there, this one is the most civilized and tolerant.

Just look at the number of indians on this forum, if this was an indian forum almost all the Pakistanis would have been banned by now.


Sorry to post offtopic but could not resist.
I am not a member of BR since they do not allow free email ids for registration. I have been there and found that they generally discuss in very civilized manner on topic. I have hardly seen any bashing that PDF member often quote.

About Pakistani's getting banned on Indian forums, I think I know the reason. Every countries forum has some baise in favor of locals, like here as well. When Indians talk here, they know the limit and discuss within limit. What Pakistani's do in Indian forums is cannot control their limit and gets banned. It's more about being in limits.

P.S. Mods, I am just responding to questions often asked.
Arundhati Roy called a traitor for Kashmiri rights plea
Arundhati Roy called a traitor for Kashmiri rights plea - Asia, World - The Independent

The Booker prize-winning writer Arundhati Roy has made a strident defence of comments she made over the disputed territory of Kashmir after the Indian government threatened to arrest her for sedition.

The authorities in Delhi have taken legal advice over whether to bring charges against the novelist and activist after she said Kashmir had never been an "integral part of India".

"Even the Indian government has accepted this. Why are we trying to change this now?" she added, at a public meeting, at which one of the other speakers was veteran separatist leader, Syed Ali Shah Geelani.

The comments of Ms Roy were immediately seized on by political opposition, which demanded she be charged. Law minister, Veerappa Moily, said while India enjoyed freedom of speech, "it can't violate the patriotic sentiments of the people".

But Ms Roy, writing from Srinagar, the largest town in the Kashmir valley and the scene of numerous deaths of protesters this year, said she had only given voice to what millions of people in Kashmir had been saying for a long time.

"Pity the nation that has to silence its writers for speaking their minds," she said. "Pity the nation that needs to jail those who ask for justice while communal killers, mass murderers, corporate scamsters, looters, rapists and those who prey on the poorest of the poor, roam free."

Ms Roy's comments come after the deaths of dozens of protesters in the Kashmir valley since new demonstrations for autonomy erupted in June. The once-independent kingdom has been fought over since 1947 when its Hindu ruler decided the Muslim-majority state should join independent India, rather than the newly-created Pakistan. India and Pakistan have gone to war over the area on three occasions.

An insurgency that gathered pace after India rigged elections in 1987, combined with an unrelenting response from the Indian authorities that has transformed Kashmir into one of the most militarised places on the planet, has led to the deaths of more than 70,000 people. Most Hindus were forced out or fled.

Ms Roy added: "I spoke about justice for the people of Kashmir who live under one of the most brutal military occupations in the world, for Kashmiri pandits who live out the tragedy of having been driven out of their homeland; for dalit soldiers killed in Kashmir whose graves I visited on garbage heaps; for the Indian poor who pay the price of this occupation in material ways and who are now learning to live in the terror of what is becoming a police state."

Her comments come as Indian authorities have dispatched a team of interlocutors to speak with separatists in Kashmir, among them Mr Geelani, whose calls for strikes often brings Srinagar to a standstill.

The state's chief minister, Omar Abdullah, has seen the momentum slip from his hands. He has also been widely criticised for failing to control the violence.

The threat to charge Ms Roy comes after the campaign group, Reporters without Borders, listed India in 122nd place in latest its annual press freedom report. It said the position of the world's largest democracy had slipped 17 places, partly due to the situation in Kashmir where "security forces... sometimes crack down hard on media".

Ms Roy last night received the support of English PEN, which campaigns for free expression worldwide. The group's president, Lisa Appignanesi, said: "Since June, Kashmiri journalists and broadcasters attempting to report on unrest in Indian-administered Kashmir have been subject to violence and gagging. Arundhati Roy has now stepped forward to draw the world's attention to the plight of Kashmiris.

"The truth of what is happening in Kashmir needs to be told," she said. "Brutality by the state and the silencing of reporters is no option for a modern India."

How dare you call a person fighting for Human Rights a "traitor" ?
Why not try all the Azaadi calling protesting Kashmiris for treason too then? Why just her? Because she's famous?

There is a difference between Separatists and Fools (I wont call her a traitor,She is not worth it.)

The separatists are not doing what they are to get any international acclaim/awards/brownie points etc.

They have some valid issues that needs to be addressed withing the ambits of the Indian constitution.

Now coming to Mrs.Suzanne Roy,the only ambition that she has is to be in the attention and to get publicity (no problem if its negative or positive) as long as it is is publicity.

She never addresses to the Indian masses....rather to the elite,hyper-educated,ultra-liberals sitting in Manhattan and discussing nothing worthwile,yet can give Prizes to whomever they feel is upholding Humanity.

I suggest you go through this thread.

i strongly suggest a sub-forum for arundathi roy,
now that she's the pakistans favourite. :lol:

Before condemning the Indian state and government ( always our perpetual soft targets ) for its “ brutal ways” and mocking India’s freedom and democracy in a public platform , Ms Roy needs to do some serious introspection on her much-postured predilections on Kashmir’s Azaadi . A lesson in history might help, including contemporary politics.

case rested , way too many threads on this subjects (cant keep track!!)
A person who doles out Bull$hits against one's own country is called a TRAITOR.

Naa don't agree with your post,
Come to Europe, criticize your own country, you will get rewards in return

Labelling her a Traitor? ------- oh well that only happens in India and Indian subcontinent!


But Ms Roy, writing from Srinagar, the largest town in the Kashmir valley and the scene of numerous deaths of protesters this year, said she had only given voice to what millions of people in Kashmir had been saying for a long time.
I donno why some ppl feel she is "very" famous.

She has won the Booker prize and has got some fame but that's not really too much.

There are many other famous and more popular Indians out there.
I personally wouldn't classify her as a traitor. She is outspoken and virulently anti-establishment- a bit like the 60s hippie anti-Vietnam war types that smoked pot all the time and called soldiers baby-killers.

One tends to respect the views of a public figure, if she/he shows some semblance of balance- by that I mean if one can understand the other side's POV. The best word I can use to describe her is RABID.

She makes a lot of sense at times, but she needs to learn how to curb her virulence if she wants educated people in India to take her seriously.
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