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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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I think you missed the point. It doesn't matter what Indians do or what not. What matter and what positive about this news is that after all the years of ranting about the Indian integrity with Kashmir some Indians have started to talk about Azadi and solution of Kashmir issue outside Indian constitution.

Nobody is saying that Indian parliament is going made the amendments in the constitution tomorrow or day after tomorrow. What's necessary is that at least some Indians have started to smell the coffee. :)
Regardless of premature ejaculation of our Pakistani member here, I like the subtlety here.

Amendment of Constitution is inevitable for the solution of Kashmir. If autonomy is to be given to Kashmir, it would require Constitutional amendment. If Article 370 is to be revoked, it would require Constitutional amendment as well. So whats the big deal here.

I think you aren't allowed for any premature ejaculation with just two lines out of whole article.

“Next time when we come (to Kashmir), let us discuss azaadi and its economic and strategic implications. We have to discuss it threadbare. If this is your wish, we can discuss it,” Mr Padgaonkar had said.

SRINAGAR/NEW DELHI: In what could invite fresh criticism, J & K interlocutors on Wednesday hinted at introducing amendments in the Indian Constitution to accommodate a discussion on the “ azaadi option” for Kashmir.
What about when your so called country interfered with other countries and sponsored terrorism in East Pakistan in 1971 and the LTTE in Sri Lanka?

Interference in E.Pakistan was because of Pakistan not minding its own business wrt Kashmir...had you not launched a sneak attack on Kashmir, we would not have attacked you.

Interference in Sri lanka was in favor Lankan and against LTTE...where IPKF fought against LTTE for 3 yrs.
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As I always say. So much for the unbreakable part or integral part of India rant. ;)

“If azaadi means discussing freedom from overbearing presence of security forces in civilian areas, what is the harm in discussing it,” asked a senior government official.

Excellent diplomacy,I must say.

Army is not stationed in Mumbai or Delhi or Kolkata..Does this mean they are not integral parts. :no:

Soothing the feelings of the local populace while still maintaining the ground realities of full Army presence in LoC to thwart infiltration attempts.

Good move. :tup:
This forum has gone sick..

There are so many members who suggest the hate for India and they can't even ignore it in their signature..

That only shows the desperateness and morons you guys are.. Even Elite members put their signature indicating how much they hate India and every morning they wake up with only one thing in mind...

Keep it up you will never be able to develop.. Love your religion, who is disrespecting it? I have never seen sane person saying that MUSLIM should rule INDIA.. How sick, illiterate, low standard does that sound.. What impression it leaves on others you have no idea...

If I meet you tomorrow face to face, I will always have a halo perception which will protect me to talk to nicely... And when you cannot communicate, development hampers..
This forum has gone sick..

There are so many members who suggest the hate for India and they can't even ignore it in their signature..

That only shows the desperateness and morons you guys are.. Even Elite members put their signature indicating how much they hate India and every morning they wake up with only one thing in mind...

Keep it up you will never be able to develop.. Love your religion, who is disrespecting it? I have never seen sane person saying that MUSLIM should rule INDIA.. How sick, illiterate, low standard does that sound.. What impression it leaves on others you have no idea...

If I meet you tomorrow face to face, I will always have a halo perception which will protect me to talk to nicely... And when you cannot communicate, development hampers..

You obviously haven't visited BR, no one can compete when it comes to how sick it is or the amount of morons in it.
You obviously haven't visited BR, no one can compete when it comes to how sick it is or the amount of morons in it.

Don't worry...PDF is also well on its way. :(

Just look at the relentless India bashing going on on almost every single thread (literally)

What matter and what positive about this news is that after all the years of ranting about the Indian integrity with Kashmir some Indians have started to talk about Azadi and solution of Kashmir issue outside Indian constitution.
'Outside Indian constitution' doesn't necessarily mean secession. Even if autonomy is to be offered it will be outside Indian constitution because, except for Article 370, which grants limited autonomy and is temporary in nature, there is no other provision allowing such arrangement.

I think you aren't allowed for any premature ejaculation with just two lines out of whole article.
“Next time when we come (to Kashmir), let us discuss azaadi and its economic and strategic implications. We have to discuss it threadbare. If this is your wish, we can discuss it,” Mr Padgaonkar had said.
SRINAGAR/NEW DELHI: In what could invite fresh criticism, J & K interlocutors on Wednesday hinted at introducing amendments in the Indian Constitution to accommodate a discussion on the “ azaadi option” for Kashmir.
And that 'azaadi' has been defined, in those two lines, as:
...discussing freedom from overbearing presence of security forces in civilian areas...

If you had some comprehension skill you would have realised that those two lines have set the tone for the entire news report.
I think our friend,Areesh's intentions in opening this thread has been an EPIC FAIL reading the comments of the Indian members :lol:
And that 'azaadi' has been defined, in those two lines, as:


And by whom???

asked a senior government official.

Not the Kashmiris or those interlocutors who started all this debate. Who needs misinterpretation by a GOI official for the word "Azadi".

As I said you are also not allowed premature ejaculation on just too lines out of whole article. You can ejaculate on any other reason though. :lol:

Don't worry...PDF is also well on its way. :(

Just look at the relentless India bashing going on on almost every single thread (literally)


Compared to BR and all the other indian forums out there, this one is the most civilized and tolerant.

Just look at the number of indians on this forum, if this was an indian forum almost all the Pakistanis would have been banned by now.

I think our friend,Areesh's intentions in opening this thread has been an EPIC FAIL reading the comments of the Indian members :lol:

Yeah right you think I was expecting some sane attitude from Bharatis and fan boys present on this forum. Or if we care about the comments of Indians about a news. :lol:
Only if Muslims again rule india like we did for over 1000 years.

The only places muslim ruled for over 1000 years are in Pakistan now.Good for u.

Half of India was ruled by natives Hindu kings untill Mogul empire established itself in around 1600 AD .Then again Mogul's writ was restricted down to Delhi castle by the year 1750. The marathas and the Sikhs have taken control of north India . And the time year 1850,all of india is in control of the British.

So for almost half of india from Maharashtra,Orissa to down South in Tamilnadu ,kerela the Muslim rules lasted somewhere between 100-250 years max.Thank u.
And by whom???

Not the Kashmiris or those interlocutors who started all this debate. Who needs misinterpretation by a GOI official for the word "Azadi".
Isn't it the whole point? That GoI has its own definition of 'azaadi'. I hope you do know the meaning of 'interlocutor'. If not, check the dictionary.:no:
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