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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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If you want to free Kashmir so badly, why dont you call your officials and tell them to start a war to get it? Ok?

Kashmir isn't going no where. Eastern Turkestan isn't going no where. Chechnya isn't going no where.
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Pakistani members need to look at this survey. Even though there too many stats, go to page 19 & look what Kashmir thinks.

Only 2% from Indian Kashmir want to join Pakistan. Even 50% from P0K wish to part away from Pakistan. Even if a plebiscite be held in the entire valley, and only two options given as per UN resolution, India wins thumbs down. :agree:

Sadly for India, there are areas where majority of them want independence. But again, that's strictly a business between India & Indian People of Kashmir. When Pakistan has virtually no role to play in Indian Kashmir as proven by the survey, whats all the fuss about? Why did GoP created terrorists, as admitted by Musharraf, when there was no & is no support for Pakistan at all in Indian Kashmir?

Note: Core Jammu & Ladakh was excluded from the survey, which are known to be highly inclined towards India. If they had been included, India would have had much better figures.

Yes there are problems that India needs to address, but so much for 'Kashmir's passion to join Pakistan'.
Only 2% from Indian Kashmir want to join Pakistan. Even 50% from P0K wish to part away from Pakistan. Even if a plebiscite be held in the entire valley, and only two options given as per UN resolution, India wins thumbs down.

Then why doesn't india allow a plebiscite in Kashmir?

Why india doesnt allow a plebiscite that your first prime minister of india promised to the people of Kashmir?

According to these polls, india may even get Pakistan's Azad Kashmir's vote, so go ahead what are you waiting for hold a plebiscite and lets end this dispute already.
lol, like Omar said, if you are so confident about Kashmiris then why not have free and fair elections in Kashmir?

You will win and all the objections will be lifted by Pakistan?
Because a plebiscite can not be held in our integral state, as simple as that. Above survey answers what if it had been held. The points that I want to discuss are -

1. Under what assumptions Pakistan wishes to 'liberate Indian Kashmir' when it has no role even according to people there?
2. If people are not supporting 'freedom fighters', who is? Where did they originate & how?
3. What prompts your ministers to say Pakistan is incomplete without full Kashmir, when only 2% support you?

Be real - Liberation has always been a hogwash for you Pakistanis. It has always been a mania instead of an honest desire.
Because a plebiscite can not be held in our integral state, as simple as that. Above survey answers what if it had been held. The points that I want to discuss are.


The United Nations and the international community recognizes Kashmir as a disputed territory not an integral part of india.

Doesn't india want Pakistan's Azad Kashmir badly. It will give you a border with Afghanistan and Central Asia, something that india always wanted but Pakistan stood in the way.

If india was so confident that the majority of Kashmiris would chose india over Pakistan when given the choice, then india would've allowed a plebiscite in Kashmir and ended this 63 year old dispute with Pakistan years ago like you did with Junagadh.
Pakistani officials have said that if Kashmiris want and independent country it will be granted. In case you didn't know the infrastructure for an independent Kashmir is already set up in Kashmir. If Pakistani wasn't ready to do so the infrastructure wouldn't exist. Plus Muslims would not want to see their brothers trapped. Look at Baluchistan Muslims from all over Pakistan have stood up for the people of Baluchistan and because of that it sometimes get more money than the Province of Punjab has some of Pakistan's biggest projects in operation, when that number is exceeded you know that the people care. So if the Kashmiris ending up wanting Independence there's no problem because we're prepared to help them, it turned more into a humanitarian concern for many.

As for how India is handling check it out for yourself.
YouTube - Unreported World - The Killing of Kashmir 1 / 5
You are bypassing my questions and not discussing survey as well. Junagadh is entirely an out of context comparison. There is entire sea between Junagadh & Pakistan. Look what happened to BD - Junagadh would have ended up the same causing even more turmoil for the region.

Thats one of the reasons there is no terrorism there. Pakistan does not have any easy access.
You are bypassing my questions and not discussing survey as well. Junagadh is entirely an out of context comparison. There is entire sea between Junagadh & Pakistan. Look what happened to BD - Junagadh would have ended up the same causing even more turmoil for the region.

Thats one of the reasons there is no terrorism there. Pakistan does not have any easy access.

Junagadh is very much part of this since these two problems have the same origin. An entire sea, have you looked at a map? As for terrorism, there have been reports that it is would be very easy to cross borders between Sindh and Gujarat hence Junagadh. If Pakistan supported terrorism right now nothing would be standing in its way to start such movements in a large scale in Gujarat again hence Junagadh. Terrorism isn't a geographical thing where its limited to borders.

As for the number of people wanting to join Pakistan, I see that as no big deal because the number of people wanting to join Pakistan or want a free Kashmir is something an opinion that changes between each other. But given the choice between dealing with India for a solution and dealing with Pakistan, Pakistan has always been the winner in that one. What about in Independence Kashmir? You seem to have forgotten that, Pakistan hold that as an option India doesn't. How come Pakistan is calling for elections as well as the UN and the rest of the world. The attitude you expresses is a hypocritical one.
BJP demands Arundhati Roy's exile over Kashmir remarks

Madhya Pradesh BJP President Prabhat Jha today urged Centre to exile author-social activist Arundhati Roy from the country for her recent remarks on Kashmir.

Jha in a letter to Union home minister P Chidambaram said that the author be banished from the country and she and the people working with her be tried under charges of sedition.

Jha also demanded that Arundhati should be stripped off all the awards and honours bestowed upon her by the government.

"Arudhati has betrayed the country," he said, adding that he has written the letter not in the capacity of state BJP president but as an Indian.

"It is shocking that such an able home minister isn't able to make out the difference between sedition and freedom of expression," the letter said.

In a speech in Delhi and Srinagar recently, the author reportedly advocated freedom for Kashmir and described India as coloniser.

Prabhat Jha clearly doesn't know the constitution. Indian Govt don't have the power to exile anyone who choose to be an Indian Citizen.
All I gathered from the report was that "FACTS Worldwide, Mumbai" should never be put in charge of a poll again. The number of 0% and 100% poll results for entire districts is laughable to say the least, regardless of what questions were asked.

Btw OP, dont try these silly drive-by arguments again. First you throw such a pathetic report in our faces and then try and deafen us with the "integral state- plebiscite not possible" argument. If you are so confident about poll results I guess there is no reason to object to those UN resolutions.

This report also confirms that under no circumstances should India be trusted with holding a fair referendum or election (already proven in 1988).
Only 2% want to join Pakistan and to contain those 2% indians have 700000 army getting its *** kicked.

Imagin 10% wanting to join Pakistan.

and there is not such thing as ***

The non indian occupied kashmir is a soverigen state with its own govt and stuff.

Hye. why does P.O.K without the dots gets ***????
lol, like Omar said, if you are so confident about Kashmiris then why not have free and fair elections in Kashmir?

You will win and all the objections will be lifted by Pakistan?

Man it is very easy to disrupt an election by one or two guys with
a gun.
You will win and all the objections will be lifted by Pakistan?

I dont think pakistan could give a guarantee on the above statement !!!
take a chill pill
she has the guts to criticize the own side
that’s something really remarkable

Indians always say they don’t care what the world say about their treatment of Kashmiris. now its very citizens are criticising and you cant digest it?

Its not bullshit if it doesn’t suit your side. Your attitude is the first step towards the decline the absolute dismissal of reality and snubbing the criticism is what leads to the fall of empires in history.

She is an Indian citizen, isn't it?

Then why cant she see the sacrifices of the Indian soldiers in kashmir.

What happens in Kashmir (or what happened in Kashmir) was not due to Indian army alone, the role of the terrorists cannot be ignored too. Even they are responsible for the killings of thousands of innocent civilians.

THis one sided nonsense by Arundhati is NOT ACCEPTABLE.
Prabhat Jha clearly doesn't know the constitution. Indian Govt don't have the power to exile anyone who choose to be an Indian Citizen.
Sometimes I feel that a few of the BJP brats should be expelled from their party first. NitiGadkari being my first choice :-)
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