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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Pakistan by asking US to negotiate on Kashmir takes American pressure off itself to act on terror by agruing that the 'cause' of terror still exists an is unresolve..the only problem I see is that this co-relation has passed its expiry date as the teror movements are now proxies of people controlling drug cartels and intel agencies and mercenaries...and Kashmir itself has seen peaceful (stones cannot equal guns) demonstration...Actually, its a blessing for India..as its also the first time India is taking the movement seriously and moving to resolve it...

It should show people how wrong were the likes of Hamid Gul and others..who used the Afghan war to start the Kashmir insurgency...to that extent it allows Pak govt to act against the Haqqani's etc
For 63 years Pakistan hasn't followed any plan for long term economic development. We actually had a plan in the 50s, back in Ayub Khan's days, but we didn't follow it. (The South Koreans adapted our plan and look where they are now.)

The K issue has nothing to do with Pakistan's economic woes; they are caused by rampant corruption and the de facto alliance between the feudal oligarchs and the military.

To answer your question, I can't give you the number of years, but Pakistan will never progress until we break out of this oligarchy-military alliance.

You are giving German-Japan-South Korean examples, yet you are not inclined to give any time table for Pakistan.

Indian politicians have stashed lots of funds in swiss bank too and have spend lot of money on arms - yet they have come on the top as far as economy is concerned. Corrupt politicians straddle on both sides (India Pakistan).
You are giving German-Japan-South Korean examples, yet you are not inclined to give any time table for Pakistan.

Indian politicians have stashed lots of funds in swiss bank too and have spend lot of money on arms - yet they have come on the top as far as economy is concerned. Corrupt politicians straddle on both sides (India Pakistan).

No Corruption is no proxy for efficiency or economic growth, in other words corruption can drag growth down a tad but not scuttle it.
Absolutely, the push must come from the people...the hoi polloi.

That's what happened with India.

Although, in a setup like that of China, the govt. pushes everything.
^^ What else could you expect?

You know, Pakistanis wanting kashmir is like a child urging his father to buy him a toy.

The child wants the toy but why? That the child doesn't know.

Similarly, Pakistan wants Kashmir or let's say kashmiris' human rights or whatever they claim...point is, they do not know WHY they want it??? Pakistan does not have any locus standi on the subject!

I again urge my Pakistani friends, please answer my questions!
Wow frustration. Anyways...

I have just three questions for the thread starter.

1 Why are you using a dual ID?

2 Why aren't you banned yet?

3 Why you still cry that Indians face biased moderation on this forum when you aren't banned even after the clear violation of the forum rules?

Hopefully the thread starter would get off the frustration horse he is riding and would answer with sanity.:azn:
Wow frustration. Anyways...

I have just threequestions for the thread starter.

1 Why are you using a dual ID?

2 Why aren't you banned yet?

3 Why you still cry that Indians face biased moderation on this forum when you aren't banned even after the clear violation of the forum rules?

Hopefully the thread starter would get off the frustration horse he is riding and would answer with sanity.:azn:

I'm not using a multiple id...you can ask the mods to check it..

BTW, the frustration is reflected more in your post than in mine...time to answer the questions buddy :D
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I'm not using a multiple id...you can ask the mods to check it..

BTW, the frustration is reflected more in your post than mine...time to answer the questions buddy :D

I say
you revamped yerself and are not supporting the fascist avatar no more
but dare I say . the poison & jealousy is still in abundance
I'm not using a multiple id...you can ask the mods to check it..

You didn't answer my questions dear. And I also know you are a bharati Patrician who was banned from the forum. You also know that.

Now answer my questions. ;)
unless you go through it you wont understand.i know it takes time if your browser is slow.read it.trust me it will answer all your queries.do you really think zaid hamid is a comedian?i have heard he's the most hated man in india?is it true?

I haven't heard of Zaid Hamid until I joined PDF. Trust me... after seeing his videos...I don't even take him seriously
You didn't answer my questions dear. And I also know you are a bharati Patrician who was banned from the forum. You also know that.

Now answer my questions. ;)

What is there to answer? :what: you are making unsubstantiated allegations without proof.

Proof please and then we shall talk!

Now let's get back to topic, shall we?
So my Pakistani friends, kindly tell me, what's so special about kashmiris that you are so pained about their so-called oppression and suffering

It may have passed you by but when they where making pakistan and india the basic formula used was that majority muslim regions where to go with pakistan while the majority hindu regions where to go with india......going off this basic logic kashmir being majority muslim should have gone to pakistan.
So it is a territorial dispute with some religious underpinnings.
There are a lot kashmiris in pakistan and for obvious reason they are going to show more support to there brethren then other causes.

and what not while at the same time you guys do not give two hoots about the suffering of peoples elsewhere on earth?

Well if theres a fire a hundred miles away its not going to affect me as much as the fire next door......i can at least help my next neighbour.

Q- Where was this love in 1971?
Please do not say that 1971 was a result of India. I can accept that India added fuel to the fire but that's it. The fire already existed before India decided to step in.

The mere fact that that 'fire' existed is enough to prove that you/your govt./your army did not have too much love for the then east bengalis even though they were Muslims isn't it?

Theres a parellel here with your kashmir question.........hindu bengalis supported there brothers in bangladesh and the knock on effect bought the support of hindu india.

Q- Where is this love when it comes to Uighurs?

Accept it, the uighur struggle also constituted muslims but you guys seem to have turned a blind eye to it. Not even once did you talk about the rights of Uighur muslims...why? Are they not muslims? Or the fact of their being muslim is not very important because of your 'all weather ally'?

How many uighur in pakistan?
There is no struggle in china by muslims.........and going of your remarks it seems you back an islamic ummah that helps muslims around the world fight the oppressors?

Q- Where is this love when it comes to afghans?

The Taliban indulged in all kinds of abuses of human rights be them those of afghan women or children but yet your army always seems to favour them. Even here on PDF, I've seen many Pakistanis advocating friendship with the barbaric Taliban. Do I have to remind you of the gross persecution and torture they inflicted on the afghan women and children...or may be you are not willing to see it because of some misplaced notion of 'strategic depth'?

The indian army does a lot worse......why dont you care?

Please enlighten me. I really wish to know the answers to these questions?

Please enlighten us on why after going to the UN you indians will not the kashmiris vote for what they want?......if you indians are so great then for sure you will win the vote.......wont you?
Hi minimalist:... I also asked a few questions before to jana too.. one was Why was there no trouble in Kashmir till 1989....

The indians shot a load of innocent protesters demanding freedom and then imposition of Governor's Rule with all the draconian laws to go with it and the last so many decades of rigged elections and the 1987 election in particular that led to 1989 freedom fight.
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