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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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71 was our internal matter and Indians have done Cross border state Terrorism in Pakistan.

Simple straight. Period.

Instead we should ask Indians here what is so special about Israelis that Indians here waste no time when it comes to defending Israeli terrorism against Palestinians.

Above all Indians jumping the wagon here should ask where is Your love for your own people when hundreds of Low cast Hindus are burnt alive for converting to Christianity? where is your love for your countrymen whom you call Commies because they are not siding with bajrangis/saffronis ?

The list is long
i hope kashmir becomes Pakistan soon.how long will people have to listen to nonsense like vande matram.

...Till the time your country is powerful enough to take Kashmir by force,defeating India.

Do the time calculation for yourself.
Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir fighting for their rights




Actions speak louder than words
i hope kashmir becomes Pakistan soon.how long will people have to listen to nonsense like vande matram.

Kashmir is legally Pakistans' :pakistan:

If the Indian side thinks that it is unfair, then let me explain.
During the time of Partition, Muslims (Pakistanis) were promised 7 provinces, but the deal was that it would be runned by the Britishers.

However, our great leader, Quaid-e-Azam opposed the proposal and told that Muslims (Pakistanis) want a totally free country.

The Britishers agreed, rather coldly. The day finally arrived, but it was announced that Muslims will have 4 provinces because they cannot handle such a large country .

Before the proposal, all the provinces were asked which country to join. Kashmir was a Muslim majority but had a Hindu ruler.

The muslims wanted to join Pakistan but the ruler (Hindu) wanted India.

The dispute couldnt be come over and it is countined until now!

till the time we are powerul enough?i dont know what to say.you really doubt our military might.pakistan army is by the grace of god one of the most well equipped,effiecent and fearless fighting force on god's earth.the people of pakistan are behing their army.we are a nuclear power and my message to those who are still underestimating our ability.wake up!

So when are you going to crush India and reclaim your rightful property(Kashmir) ..? Any dateline ??
Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir fighting for their rights




Actions speak louder than words

wht an intelligent message bravo!!!

and shame on indians, looks like bharat is planning for a famous slaughter day, bad news coming and tempers boiling, its a bad position from indian public to stupidilly react like that
Kashmir is boiling ,, the time is not far when it will be liberated from the tyranny of India..!!!
till the time we are powerul enough?i dont know what to say.you really doubt our military might.pakistan army is by the grace of god one of the most well equipped,effiecent and fearless fighting force on god's earth.the people of pakistan are behing their army.we are a nuclear power and my message to those who are still underestimating our ability.wake up!

You may be very powerful and all that, but the sad fact (from your perspective) is that India is much more powerful than you. And we're getting more and more powerful each passing day. The gap is widening - economically, militarily... in every way.

So you wake up! And get over this Kashmir obsession. Its bad for your country, your economy, your self respect - everything. And you know that you dare not come face to face with India in open war.

If you had been capable, you would have snatched Kashmir long back. Fact of the matter is, you are not capable of doing that, as of today.
Gilani lauds Pakistan’s support to Kashmir cause

New Delhi, October 23 (KMS): Veteran Kashmiri Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, has lauded Pakistan’s political, diplomatic and moral support to the Kashmir cause and said that India is trying to suppress Kashmiris’ just struggle for their right to self-determination through use of brute force.

Pakistan’s High Commissioner in New Delhi, Shahid Malik, visited the residence of Syed Ali Gilani at Malviya Nagar in New Delhi to see him. The veteran Hurriyet leader apprised the High Commissioner of latest situation in the occupied territory.

Syed Ali Gilani maintained that the Kashmiris’ liberation movement had entered into a decisive phase and Pakistan should expedite its diplomatic efforts to resolve the Kashmir dispute.

He appealed to the United Nations, Organization of the Islamic Conference and the world human rights bodies to take cognisance of the gross rights violations perpetrated by Indian police and troops in the territory and impress upon India to settle the longstanding dispute and release all the illegally detained Kashmiri Hurriyet leaders and activists.

Gilani lauds Pakistan?s support to Kashmir cause | Kashmir Media Service
till the time we are powerul enough?i dont know what to say.you really doubt our military might.pakistan army is by the grace of god one of the most well equipped,effiecent and fearless fighting force on god's earth.the people of pakistan are behing their army.we are a nuclear power and my message to those who are still underestimating our ability.wake up!

But the same fearless, all powerful, most well equipped fighting force couldn't stop the drone attacks on your soil by another country, what a joke!
Let me asure you.we know what we are capable of.I would be surprised a country who speaks of peace and is actively promoting aman ki asha looking for an active military conflict?does that comply with principles of dharma?
I challenge you and your army to cross over and we will show you and teach your coming generations a lesson they will never forget.Pakistan ZINDABAD

Actually we have done that before, and if I remember right, your country was split into two. And India was soooo poor and weak that time. Now, when India is stronger and richer than it ever was, to expect that you can teach India any lessons, is childishness. Yeah, all this patriotic jingoism sounds good, but you know very well that it has no meaning.

And no, India is not looking for conflict. I am all for peace. And you know, India is ready to convert the LOC to permenant border and shove the issue aside. We don't even want P-O-K, but you guys want the entire Kashmir. You are not willing to compromise! So, what dharma are we talking about? If we had indeed been hawkish and aggressive, we would have demanded P-O-K also, non-negotiable.
The two nation theory never has and never will fail.It is the vision of our elders.it was the dream of dr.allama iqbal which translated into the pakistan movement.Pakistan is an ideology and millions have sacrificed all they had to make this dream come true. unlike the wicth craft beliefs of our neighbours who worship mother earth not unlike our wicca friends who consider their mother earth as bharat mata.an ancient concept derieved from pagan worship.

The same Allama Iqbal who wrote -

Mazhab nahin sikhata
Aapas mein bair rakhna

You sure are one heck of a follower.
i feel i should conviently remind you that Pakistan has and will maintain that any drone attacks on our soil will not be tolerated.you forget that the united states of america issued and offical apology to the state of Pakistan for its mistake.The world was witness to the apology that was given by the united states.we have taken an account into the apologies and have drawn the limits that our allies have.By no means we will compromise on our intergrity,be it united states,or be it india.

Small correction. America apologized for the incident when a manned helicopter killed three Pakistani border guards.

No one has apologized to you for drone attacks. Drone attacks have constantly been "tolerated" by your government(s), they are continuing even now, and I think they will continue for as long as the US is in Afghanistan.
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