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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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I had posed these questions in other threads but couldn't get an answer hence thought why not create a separate thread?

So my Pakistani friends, kindly tell me, what's so special about kashmiris that you are so pained about their so-called oppression and suffering and what not while at the same time you guys do not give two hoots about the suffering of peoples elsewhere on earth?

Q- Where was this love in 1971?

Please do not say that 1971 was a result of India. I can accept that India added fuel to the fire but that's it. The fire already existed before India decided to step in.

The mere fact that that 'fire' existed is enough to prove that you/your govt./your army did not have too much love for the then east bengalis even though they were Muslims isn't it?

Q- Where is this love when it comes to Uighurs?

Accept it, the uighur struggle also constituted muslims but you guys seem to have turned a blind eye to it. Not even once did you talk about the rights of Uighur muslims...why? Are they not muslims? Or the fact of their being muslim is not very important because of your 'all weather ally'?

Q- Where is this love when it comes to afghans?

The Taliban indulged in all kinds of abuses of human rights be them those of afghan women or children but yet your army always seems to favour them. Even here on PDF, I've seen many Pakistanis advocating friendship with the barbaric Taliban. Do I have to remind you of the gross persecution and torture they inflicted on the afghan women and children...or may be you are not willing to see it because of some misplaced notion of 'strategic depth'?

Please enlighten me. I really wish to know the answers to these questions?
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1971 was India cunning war plan..and our own bigotry as well foolishness. India came and took advantage instead of proving itself a worthy neighbor. Pakistan could have very well sided with Portugal in the seige of Goa had it not been for our neutrality.
1971 was India cunning war plan..and our own bigotry as well foolishness. India came and took advantage instead of proving itself a worthy neighbor. Pakistan could have very well sided with Portugal in the seige of Goa had it not been for our neutrality.

So that means you are trying to take revenge...right??

So all this show-shaa of love for kashmiris is nothing but a farce and a means to conceal your desire to take revenge isn't it? Isn't that what you mean?

Aceept it, it's not love for kashmiris but it's your desire to take revenge.
I wonder where my dear friends Abu Zolfiqar and Omar1984 are....would love to hear it from them.
This is the reply you are going to get

because Chinese have no religion, while Taliban are muslims. Therefore, there is not point crying for the dying muslims. However, in Kashmir it is the evil fascist hindus and Palestine its the evil jews.

There is no point asking such questions to people who have made up mind towards hating their neighbors. You can make a person to think in a different way but it is not possible to change a person opinion when hatred is running that deep into the blood. Ever since Pakistan's independence, the government and its people have been trying real hard to justify the two nation theory (i have also seen a lot of Pakistani member here doing it). Who's asking for the justification? and what does the two nation theory prove? for me it tries to prove that Islam cannot co-exist with other religions as a minority. That is why requires a state within a state. India has been hard on these secessionist movements for the rightful reasons as it would deteriorate its national
sovereignty and unity. Every soon EU nations will follow.

It is about time moderate muslims take a stand to stop all this non-sense and try to assimilate with other religions rather than showing their superiority and call world domination. Learn to co-exist with other or end up being isolated.
This is the reply you are going to get

because Chinese have no religion, while Taliban are muslims. Therefore, there is not point crying for the dying muslims. However, in Kashmir it is the evil fascist hindus and Palestine its the evil jews.

There is no point asking such questions to people who have made up mind towards hating their neighbors. You can make a person to think in a different way but it is not possible to change a person opinion when hatred is running that deep into the blood. Ever since Pakistan's independence, the government and its people have been trying real hard to justify the two nation theory (i have also seen a lot of Pakistani member here doing it). Who's asking for the justification? and what does the two nation theory prove? for me it tries to prove that Islam cannot co-exist with other religions as a minority. That is why requires a state within a state. India has been hard on these secessionist movements for the rightful reasons as it would deteriorate its national
sovereignty and unity. Every soon EU nations will follow.

It is about time moderate muslims take a stand to stop all this non-sense and try to assimilate with other religions rather than showing their superiority and call world domination. Learn to co-exist with other or end up being isolated.

So that means all this love for kashmiris and their so-called suffereing is nothing but a veneer to hide the pakistanis' hatred for India and desire to take revenge?? Is that it?:undecided:

And that makes kashmiris a tool for Pakistan in its policy towadrs hurting Idnia.

So that's what kashmiris are...a tool...a pawn!
So that means all this love for kashmiris and their so-called suffereing is nothing but a veneer to hide the pakistanis' hatred for India and desire to take revenge?? Is that it?:undecided:

It does not mean anything. Its just my opinion. Other people can give their opinions for you to decide.
1971 was India cunning war plan..and our own bigotry as well foolishness. India came and took advantage instead of proving itself a worthy neighbor. Pakistan could have very well sided with Portugal in the seige of Goa had it not been for our neutrality.

and who was going to take care of millions of Bengali refugees? Not India. We had our own problems to take care of.
What is not special about them???they our and will be our brothers..and yes we do feel the pain of all muslims...no matter what country they live,what race they are ,whereever they are.and yes we do feel the pain no matter if its gujrat,it assam...trust me we do feel it.
dont you feel anything for the human rights voilations in your countries in ahemdabad and gujrat......or are they not special enough for you?

What happened to this 'love' and 'feeling' in 1971 when your very own 'muslim brothers' in east pakistan were at the receiving end of your policies???

My question still remains unanswered...:coffee:
1971 was India cunning war plan..and our own bigotry as well foolishness. India came and took advantage instead of proving itself a worthy neighbor. Pakistan could have very well sided with Portugal in the seige of Goa had it not been for our neutrality.

Dude are you high? Portugal? LOL - They surrendered in hours. What could you have possibly done to help them? How many Portuguese came to Pakistan seeking refuge? LOL - given that they were around a 1000 of them in Goa in the first place.
Dude are you high? Portugal? LOL - They surrendered in hours. What could you have possibly done to help them? How many Portuguese came to Pakistan seeking refuge? LOL - given that they were around a 1000 of them in Goa in the first place.

Relax...let's focus on the questions I've asked buddy!
What is not special about them???they our and will be our brothers..and yes we do feel the pain of all muslims...no matter what country they live,what race they are ,whereever they are.and yes we do feel the pain no matter if its gujrat,it assam...trust me we do feel it.
dont you feel anything for the human rights voilations in your countries in ahemdabad and gujrat......or are they not special enough for you?

Your heart only goes for the muslims in Gujurat. What about the Hindus that were killed in the riots? You heart goes for Palestinians who were driven from their lands but show no remorse for what happened to the Kashmiri Pandits.
ha ha ha, lagta hai saara ka saara pyaar kashmirion ke liye hee bacha ke rakha hai. :rofl:

P.S. My questions still remain unanswered!
1971 was India cunning war plan..and our own bigotry as well foolishness. India came and took advantage instead of proving itself a worthy neighbor. Pakistan could have very well sided with Portugal in the seige of Goa had it not been for our neutrality.

Dont flatter yourserlf too much.

It would not have mattered if you had given your whole country to Portugal.
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