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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Well if it is banned on the system than it is obvious what they believe about IOK and AJK. If you aren't allowed to write that dumb work about AJK than it means it is AJK and everyone is supposed to say that being a ground reality. And if I am allowed to say IOK as IOK than it is because of your illegitimate occupation of the state.
Again, I am waiting for one of the gentlemen I mentioned to correct my mistake, if I am indeed mistaken. For a very large period of time on this forum, saying the Pa** word was not blocked, but still was not tolerated. . So your arguement doesnt work.

This is what the mods believe.

I believe they can say that themselves.

It is better to stuck in the system than asking farce questions.


I believe, its better to let the people to whom a question is addressed answer it instead of being presumptuous and jumping in.
How about just PK and IK, just to make discussions more dispassionate?

This will multiply the entire Kashmir tussle with big ZERO. Which means NO Passionate or Dispassionate discussion in the first place.

If it was the case we would not have been having millions of Indian invader army in Occupied J&K neither we would have Kashmiri civilians coming on roads including women in protest with just stones in hands against Indian terrorist army with most deadly made in Israel weapons.

The bottom line is Sir that for Kashmiris "Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime" for Azadi from invaders.
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For a very large period of time on this forum, saying the Pa** word was not blocked, but still was not tolerated. . So your arguement doesnt work.

Because the admins were still hoping Indians will refrain from abusing thats why but when you did not then it was blocked.

So if Pa** word is blocked on this forum so is Bhin**.

So stop crying foul.
Because the admins were still hoping Indians will refrain from abusing thats why but when you did not then it was blocked.

So if Pa** word is blocked on this forum so is Bhin**.

So stop crying foul.

I dont know why all of you are jumping down my throat. I had a recollection of a statement and refered to it. May be I am wrong and the person in question will clarify it. Give it a chance..
City Muslims support Kashmiri Pandits

Hurriyat hawk Syed Ali Shah Geelani had an agenda on his Delhi visit. Sadly, for him, he would have to remain an unsatisfied man.Though it was not the first time that somebody tried to communalise the Kashmir issue, it was probably the first time by somebody from the Hurriyat

However, Geelani's evil designs not just met with shoe that was hurled at him at a meeting in the national capital. He also got a rude shock when people from the Muslim community showed up with a group of Kashmiri Pandits who reached a seminar at the LTG Auditorium on Copernicus Marg, being attended by Geelani and Naxal supporters like Arundhati Roy.

Nasim Akhtar, 40, is one of the city Muslims who had joined the representatives of the displaced community in protesting against the Hurriyat hardliner.Parliament attack accused Prof SAR Geelani had organised the seminar and the subject was Kashmir's 'azaadi'.

"These Pandits are living with me for the last many years. I can understand their pain of being separated from their motherland. The separatists have done great injustice with them. Even if they want a free Kashmir, it could not be made on the basis of religious discrimination," Akhtar, leader of a traders association in Karol Bagh, told MiD DAY.

"People like Geelani must know that divisive agenda cannot succeed," he said. Akhtar said he wanted Geelani to know that what he was doing is wrong. "They breathe in India's air, they wear clothes made in India, they eat food grown in India, the live on Indian land then how could they talk against India. If they want to quit India then I dare them to stop using everything that is Indian."
why is every news from india communalised in a muslim vs xxxxxx tone?? When selections like Kashmiri hindus, Kashmiri pundits, sepratist muslims are used it sets a clear tone of blowing reality of fake indian unity!!

WASHINGTON – Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi Wednesday regretted the international community’s “deafening silence” over the brutal suppression of the Kashmiri people, as he sought justice for them. “Any person of conscience cannot ignore the use of brute force against the defenceless Kashmiri youth,” he told a big gathering at Brookings Institute, a Washington-based American think-tank.

The United States and other so-called defenders of human rights have not said a single word about the Indian security forces’ clampdown on Kashmir where people have been staging mass demonstrations in support of their right to self-determination.

Qureshi said that Pakistan desired a peaceful and stable South Asia, but that prospect was endangered by the recent events in Kashmir, where more than 100 people, mostly teenagers, have been gunned down by security forces.

“Their mothers are rightly bewildered at the deafening silence of the international community,” the Foreign Minister said.

“Wisdom proposes that the aspirations of any people cannot be suppressed by the use of force. Such will be with the legitimate rights of the Kashmiri people. It is in the interest of lasting peace, stability and development of the region, that the US works for resolution of disputes in South Asia. This has to begin with justice for the Kashmiri people,” Qureshi added.
no human rights activists here????, no tv channel coverage, if somebody does suiside bomb or people are killed by drone attacks, it makes world wide coverage
Geelani: India wants to kill time through holding talks

Written by KMS
Friday, 22 October 2010 14:29


New Delhi, October 22, 2010: Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) Syed Ali Shah Geelani, while refusing to hold talks with the newly appointed team of interlocutors by India, has said that India is not sincere in holding meaningful and result-oriented dialogue but it is its another attempt to kill the time.

Syed Ali Shah Geelani addressing a seminar in New Delhi organised by the Committee for Release of Political Prisoners said, “All previous dialogue processes with India have failed without solving the issue as New Delhi didn’t want to find out amicable solution to the Kashmir dispute.”

He reiterated that the Kashmir dispute could be resolved only through right of Self-Determination and the people of Occupied State of Jammu and Kashmir (OSJK) should be given a chance to determine their fate. He said that Kashmir was not an internal dispute but an international one and added the interlocutors should be boycotted. He informed the audience that Kashmiri youth were being targeted by Indian police and paramilitary forces during the peaceful protest demonstrations.

Earlier, noted Indian author, Arundhati Roy, expressed solidarity with the people of Occupied State of Jammu and Kashmir in their fight for justice and right of Self-Determination.

After taking over the control of Srinagar–Baramulla highway, to thwart protests in rural areas, the Indian forces Rashtriya Rifles (RR) are searching most areas of Palhallan in Pattan and threatening the residents of dire consequences in case the schools and shops were not opened.

Residents told media men that Indian forces led by an army major who visited Palhallan, Goshbugh, Wusan and many adjoining areas entered into the schools of villages. A Major of the Rashtriya Rifles met the village heads and residents. He ordered them to ensure that schools and shops should be opened on the days announced by APHC chairman, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, to be marked with strike.

“He (Major) said that army would not allow the people to observe the strike on the call of Hurriyat leaders,” a resident of Wasun said. He added that the army officer threatened them of dire consequences in case they did not follow the orders.

The residents of Goshbugh said that the coercion, harassment, nocturnal raids and arrest by the Indian army had made their life a hell.

Illegally detained APHC leader and the Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir National Front, Nayeem Ahmad Khan was once again sent to Srinagar Central Jail on 10-day judicial remand. Nayeem Ahmad Khan was arrested on June 28, this year when the All Parties Hurriyat Conference had given “Sopore chalo call” after Machil fake encounter followed by killing of innocent Kashmiri people by Indian troops.

Nayeem Ahmad Khan was presented in the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Budgam. Several senior lawyers present in the court submitted a bail application for the APHC leader. The court issued directives for sending Nayeem Ahmad Khan to Srinagar Central Jail on 10 days judicial remand.

Nayeem Khan was arrested on June 28 near Pattan when he was on way to Sopore to express solidarity with the families of four youth martyred by Indian troops in the town. He was lodged in Baramulla sub-jail.

On September 29, a court granted bail to the APHC leader, however, he was shifted by the police to Joint Interrogation Centre at Humhama. Subsequently, on October 6, he was presented by police before court, which granted him remand for five days. He was again produced before the court of October 11 and was sent on judicial remand for 10 more days and was lodged in Central Jail Srinagar.

The authorities continued to impose curfew and strict restrictions in Srinagar and all other towns to prevent people form conducting a march towards Bijbehara, today.

Call for the march had been given by APHC chairman, Syed Ali Shah Geelani as part of the ongoing "Quit Kashmir Movment". All entry points of Bijbehara town were closed with razor wire and armoured vehicles while the area around the historical Jamia Masjid in Srinagar was sealed.

In other developement, a dead body of one more youth was recovered from the debris of the houses destroyed by Indian forces in Srinagar, the provincial capital of Occupied State of Jammu & Kashmir.

With the recovery of the body, the toll of martyred youth has risen to three at Maloora Shalteng in the city outskirts. The Indian forces on Thursday during clash with Mujahideen destroyed two residential houses with heavy mortar shelling and bodies of two youth were recovered from the debris, last evening, after the operation ended.

On the other hand, three Indian forces including Captain, Gaurav, Lance Naik, Karnail Singh and Sepoy, Karan Singh were killed in a landslide triggered by heavy rains at Tikri in Uri area of Baramulla district.

Meanwhile, the occupation authorities strictly restricted the movement of people in Srinagar, Islamabad, Bijbehara, Shopian and other towns by imposing curfew and other restrictions.

Geelani: India wants to kill time through holding talks
Isnt that the case.?

Anyways Diplomacy at its very best. :tup:
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This will multiply the entire Kashmir tussle with big ZERO. Which means NO Passionate or Dispassionate discussion in the first place.

With ALL due respect Jana, is that not the whole point: to end the debate AND the 60 year old "tussle"?
Living proof that India has not yet evolved from hindu muslim divide which is at least a millinieum old. Grand salute to Jinnah for his forward vision!

As an Indian ,I second that.May his soul rest in peace .

I shudder when I imagine pakistan to be part of India and all the chaos ,madarrsas,fundamentalism ,suicide bombing in my Country.

Grand salute to Jinnah for his forward vision !
There are hundreds of independent countries in the world, but no country write independent with its name, as it is understood that they are all independent. However, with Kashmir Pakistani authorities have included Azad (independent), it clearly means there is something wrong - daal main kuch kala hai - something sinister is at play; and they have something to hide. This Word is included to fool people of Jammu and Kashmir, just to give them false sense of independence
Living proof that India has not yet evolved from hindu muslim divide which is at least a millinieum old. Grand salute to Jinnah for his forward vision!

Psychology says "Only if you are not sure about a thing,you keep repeating that thing to yourself to pacify your mind and justify it "..

Is this one such thing. ??
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