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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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You see what, LeT is banned in Pakistan, for us they dont exist.

It's like trying to hide a whole pumpkin in a plate of rice. Sure you can pretend not to see it.

Infact, the attack was directly linked to Kashmir and that's what Abu had said.

It's linked to Pakistan's lust for Indian territory. There were zero Kashmiris among the 10 gunmen.

Had it been REALLY a 'very big deal' to you, you definietly would have taken some serious steps to get the Kashmir issue resolved ..

Ostensibly Pakistan pulled this terrorist stunt thinking that Indians will immediately run to the table for talks on Kashmir. This must pass for strategic thinking in Pakistan which kind of explains your overall general situation.

Oh...i am shivering!

Possibly its the cold weather ! LOL

I dryly stated how the Pakistani threat is not credible anymore since your country is now featuring on the top 10 list of failed states. It's essentially circling the drain. Like I said, some schadenfreude for Indians, vindication of our position even.

Point being, we are in a position of strength and are consolidating our gains every day. Each day that Pakistan is NOT able to do something on it's Kashmir claim is one *more* day India gets stronger. Perhaps there was an inflexion point sometime in the early 90's. Pakistan missed that bus. Sorry.

i think we just refused a WB and ADB loan.

Let me know if you need help re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
I was just reading the other article and clearly it says that the people shouting slogans against this leader are also kashmiris. I am not sure who or what RSS is, but this story is completely twisted. If this is the level of journalism in pakistani newspapers, no wonder most people cant get a good picture of what is happening in the outside world. I for one think that extremely bad information flow into and out of pakistan is one of the reasons that country has been pushed to the dark ages and has become a launching ground for terrorist attacks around the world. The first thing, at least in my opinion, is to make sure that principles of natural justice and unbiased news gets reported and analyzed in pakistan.

Well that tends to happen when you fail at 'problem identification', the first stage towards solution of any problem.
Another smart Arse
hello your royal stupidness.. that is the dilemma for you that you are unable to admit. That despite being a biggest democracy you cant digest the fact that the rights of democracy (people power) apply to Kasmiris as well. and the people from a country mostly ruled by dictators will have to come and teach you.

I must admit though that being a citizen of a dysfunction democracy it is really hard for me to understand that a “thing” like you is talking about democracy out of your mouth or out of your backside when you have an avatar of a biggest fascist and mass murderer. Are you planning to apply his 3rd Reich philosophy in India? and call it democracy? You are laughable and pathetic.

Request to all. I invite every able & willing member to mock this Buffoon who is proclaiming his superior Democratic wisdom & has declared it as a forbidden fruit for us while supporting Hitler’s picture as his avatar. A self defeating plonker springs to mind

Oh you sill got your democratic Hitler? I guess it is becase you havent been drilled by other members yet

Monsieur Baloch, your diatribe is testimony to the futility of any feat intended to convey to you the staggered march of a democracy from being incipient to being accomplished.

Another tranche of cognition you piteously fail at is the discernment that even the vilest of men may possess some commendable features of persona.

Hence, kindly pardon my inability for it is beyond my pedagogic skills to make you realize something that is, very sadly, beyond your ken.
Take up Kashmir with New Delhi, not us: US to Pakistan

The United States has refused to intervene in the Kashmir issue as requested by Pakistan, saying this should be resolved bilaterally between New Delhi and Islamabad.

Pakistan is incapable of wrestling away Kashmir, nor is superpower out there to help it, so now what?¿

Take up Kashmir with New Delhi, not us: US to Pakistan)
How Azad is Azad Kashmir actually?

What's the use of having a PM/Flag etc. when you can't make your own policies (foreign or defence), when the PM has to take oath in the name of allegiance to the occupier country??

Azad or Sham?:undecided:

Moreover, I've seen people calling Kashmir as a separate country occupied by India, does that not make Pakistan also an occupier for it also 'occupies' Azad Kashmir?
Iqbal for the matter of the fact who wrote letters upon letters to Quaid and convinced him to comeback and lead the cause.

The two nation theory is a flawed one, nations cannot be built on religion and that is a fact. Religion will always oppose a proper democratic infrastructure and without non religious constitution, a state can never function properly. Jinnah's dream was to create a separate state for Muslims but the point he himself got wrong was that huge divisions that exist within Muslims themselves, Shia's wont talk to Sunnis, Ahmadias are not even regarded as Muslims etc etc. We still dont know what Iqbal and Jinnah had in mind as either their writing's were to vague or too less. Jinnah early demise multiplied the fact that his theory is still pretty much flawed. Only he knew where he wanted to take Pakistan, all others have no idea at all. India's multicultural outlook, however flawed it is, continues to grow in leaps and bounds mainly because religion can never overtake the central government. Fact of the matter, nations cannot be formed on the basis of religion.
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Hence, kindly pardon my inability for it is beyond my pedagogic skills to make you realize something that is, very sadly, beyond your ken.

sorry i missed that.
what did you say?

On a serious note
I kneel to your sad-arsed Shakespearian farce. Whats next going to make an account with the avatar of Stalin talking about delicacies of Humanity & birth rights?

Another tranche of cognition you piteously fail at is the discernment that even the vilest of men may possess some commendable features of persona.

Come again.....? Yet you refuse to allow us to mention democracy? Now that’s self defeating your own argument. By the way if I share this overloaded quote of yours with a descendent of a Holocaust victim then he will smite your rectum so hard that it will reside between your shoulder blades for the rest of your physical existence.
The two nation theory is a flawed one, nations cannot be built on religion and that is a fact. Religion will always oppose a proper democratic infrastructure and non religious constitution, a state can never function properly. Jinnah's dream was to create a separate state for Muslims but the point he himself got wrong was that huge divisions that exist within Muslims themselves, Shia's wont talk to Sunnis, Ahmadias are not even regarded as Muslims etc etc. We still dont know what Iqbal and Jinnah had in mind as either their writing's were to vague or too less. Jinnah early demise multiplied the fact that and his theory is still pretty much flawed. India's multicultural outlook, however flawed it is, continues to grow in leaps and bounds mainly because religion can never overtake the central government. Fact of the matter, nations cannot be formed on the basis of religion.

Whatever little chance the two-nation theory had of succeeding was thrashed to the bin the day Pakistan became an Islamic republic (as oppposed to the vision of its founder) and relegated its minorities to second class citizenship.
How Azad is Azad Kashmir actually?

What's the use of having a PM/Flag etc. when you can't make your own policies (foreign or defence), when the PM has to take oath in the name of allegiance to the occupier country??

Azad or Sham?:undecided:

Moreover, I've seen people calling Kashmir as a separate country occupied by India, does that not make Pakistan also an occupier for it also 'occupies' Azad Kashmir?

Before starting such a thread, first search out the meanings of occupation??

Now coming to how azad it is!! It is a separate state, with its own constitution, own assembly, own flag, own president, own PM, own cabinet, almost everything a country needs. But yes its not a separate country, its people have decided to be a part of Pakistan, therefore Pakistan safeguards its frontiers, as it would do to any other of its parts. Now you wont see its people fighting against Pakistan army, nor them protesting against Pakistan, nor them burning Pakistan Flag as every now and then, neither would you see hundreds and thousands of Army men marching down it its streets daily, to suppress any movement. Every thing is calm and every one is contended.Compare that to Indian occupied Kashmir and a blind can come up with an answer,"who is azad and who is being occupied?"

Now the whole point in providing them with every thing is that the whole Kashmir Region(both IOK and AJK) is an disputed territory. And the whole populous should decide whom they want to live with! India or Pakistan or Independent. We respect their rights but can and would you?? But why would you, when your macho Army is doing a fine job while defining the term "occupation" with a new meaning!
Whatever little chance the two-nation theory had of succeeding was thrashed to the bin the day Pakistan became an Islamic republic (as oppposed to the vision of its founder) and relegated its minorities to second class citizenship.

More than that its the creation of
Bangladesh that proved religion(Islam ) cann't keep a nation together.
Current Pakistani idea of the Kashmir and the two-nation-theory in relation to it is based on marginalizing all minorities even if at a certain point in history they had a 40%+ share in the population and establishing a radical version of Islam , similar to the one established in most of Pakistan today. They use the azaadi claim and justification where it suits their purpose of Kashmir acceding to Pakistan , but they conveniently forget all about the Pandits , other minorities ,issues of economic development , Kashmiri right to an independant parlianment and head of state who does not have to toe the Islamabad line.

these are points they keep carefully silent or ambiguous about, and stir people up in a frenzy in the wave of "alleged Indian atrocities" .......
Living proof that India has not yet evolved from hindu muslim divide which is at least a millinieum old. Grand salute to Jinnah for his forward vision!

Poor soul might turn in his grave when he sees the utter desperation of Pastuns, Sindhi's, Balochis and Kashmiri's in Pak occupied kashmir.
Dude, I am not talking about whether its banned from the system or not. I remember one of them making this statement that we should be using AK and J&K as they are the internationally accepted names. I am just waiting for one of them to clarify.

Well if it is banned on the system than it is obvious what they believe about IOK and AJK. If you aren't allowed to write that dumb work about AJK than it means it is AJK and everyone is supposed to say that being a ground reality. And if I am allowed to say IOK as IOK than it is because of your illegitimate occupation of the state.

This is what the mods believe.

Pakistan Occupied Kashmir... Banned word.. No.. Acceptable.. No as well..

Is PO* allowed? No. So it is obvious what they believe about this unreal rant.

Dont get too stuck up in the system

It is better to stuck in the system than asking farce questions.

How about just PK and IK, just to make discussions more dispassionate?
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