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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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I remember Asim or TechLahore making a comment somewhere that P0K and I0K are not acceptable terms on the forum. The correct terms are AK and J&K. Is that rule still in effect?

I have not read them saying this about IoK.

As its Azad Kashmir with own PM, President, Flag, Constitution hence there is NO question of using word O for AJK.

On the other hand we and the world considers IOK as occupied territory with no such arrangement as AJK hence IOK is there.
My my, we have a migratee among us...


Nah nah..!

You see what, LeT is banned in Pakistan, for us they dont exist. Our govt has not supported them nor did the military. i know you would try to link every shyt happening inside india with ISI but then you cant even prove Kasab's linkage with our military what to talk of Kashmiri freedom fighters.

Abu's reply was in connection to a stupid school of thought prevailing amongst a few indians that mumbai attack had nothing to do with Kashmir. Infact, the attack was directly linked to Kashmir and that's what Abu had said.

So you see, Kashmir is a problem which leads to the birth of organizations like LeT. So i think, any sane mind would try to hit the root-cause of a problem then just trimming away the branches, i know you have started to get the idea around here :)

Again wrong.

Why dont you show us this 'universal agreement' ASAP?

Quoting sources from 'dot in' wouldnt suffice.

i dont see the US telling us to stop 'infiltration', though we usually see TOI and NDTV telling us about some imaginary infiltration attempt being foiled, and it gets even better when they are unable to catch a single infiltrator but still are able to pin point their source of origin, color, race and creed!!

You are so funny man.

Had it been REALLY a 'very big deal' to you, you definietly would have taken some serious steps to get the Kashmir issue resolved but then we saw the otherwise happening - your soldiers being thrashed with stones.

Death of innocents should always be regretted and mumbai is no exception to this. But then unfortunately we dont see any concrete steps being taken from this happening again - concrete step bolay tuu....resolving the root-cause, the Kashmir Issue itself!

Oh...i am shivering!

No wonder you people dont talk of Akhand Bharat no more! :lol:

i think we just refused a WB and ADB loan.

May be this is not enough, ofcourse it is not enough, but then you know what, it's the first step!

Xeric..you are getting tiresome with your outlandish assertions. Pakistan is indeed in a terrible shape. Instead of focusing on eliminating the scourge called terrorism, it has created several of them because of poorly regulated schools and entry/exit procedures. In Mumbai attacks, a Jewish center was attacked and foreigners were deliberately targeted. Is this the Kashmir strategy - to go kill foreigners? Then, I am all the more against Kashmiri nonsense then. You dont see Tibetans going around killing people to make a point, do you? Yet Tibetans have a far higher traction when it comes to getting the message across than the Kashmiris ever have.
:lol: ghisa pitta redundant remark as usual from all Indian invader politicians with regard to IOK (Indian Occupied Kashmir)

It has no importance

It is more important than either your remarks or mine....It is simple... she is the most powerful politician in India and her party rules the country
Truth is coming out..............nobody can hide the truth for a long......now even from the tongue of Omar Abdullah the "Pupet of Indian Govt."
I have not read them saying this about IoK.

As its Azad Kashmir with own PM, President, Flag, Constitution hence there is NO question of using word O for AJK.

On the other hand we and the world considers IOK as occupied territory with no such arrangement as AJK hence IOK is there.

I will let them only validate and invalidate this thing. BTW is J&K refered to as IOK in any of the UN documents. I dont think so. SO you cant use a slur against India but then expect to avoid a return slur.

The world cosiders J&K as occupied as AK and Northern areas. so hash that arguement..
Xeric..you are getting tiresome with your outlandish assertions. Pakistan is indeed in a terrible shape. Instead of focusing on eliminating the scourge called terrorism, it has created several of them because of poorly regulated schools and entry/exit procedures. In Mumbai attacks, a Jewish center was attacked and foreigners were deliberately targeted. Is this the Kashmir strategy - to go kill foreigners? Then, I am all the more against Kashmiri nonsense then. You dont see Tibetans going around killing people to make a point, do you? Yet Tibetans have a far higher traction when it comes to getting the message across than the Kashmiris ever have.

Wait for the rant on why America is against China and hence Tibetans have a higher traction.
Kashmir part of INDIA

Jammu, Oct 22 (IBNS) Jammu and Kashmir is very much a part of India since the former princely ruler Maharaja Hari Singh had signed the Instrument of Accession with India as all other states after the Independence, said Congress MP and statesman Karan Singh at a seminar in Jammu.

The heir of the ruler of the pre-Independence princely state of Jammu and Kashmir said Kashmir had always enjoyed a special status under Article 370 and had its separate constitution, but remained a part of India after accession.

"Jammu and Kashmir signed the same instrument of accession as other states," he said, adding that it makes the state a part of India though it had not formally merged.

Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah had questioned the status of Jammu and Kashmir earlier, saying that the state hadn't merged with India but only acceded.

The Instrument of Accession that the former princely states of India had signed is a legal document that was also executed by Maharajah Hari Singh, ruler of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, on 26 Oct 1947.

With the formal acceptance of the Governor General of India, it settled the question of the accession of the Jammu and Kashmir princely state (including Jammu, Kashmir, Northern Areas, Ladakh, Trans-Karakoram Tract and Aksai Chin) to the Dominion of India.

Kashmir part of India: Karan Singh
Thanks you just said it. and its the very essence. the desire and will of the people

Huh...where did I say so.. or for that matter where the Rights say so..:what:

by the way I find the name twisting by yourself disappointing moving on if this debate remains nonviolent and civil it doesnt matter if you become a spokesperson of Indian occupation forces and I become the representative of the Kashmiri Freedom movment.

Which name twisting sir.?? All I said was in good humour.So does that mean you think it below yourself to be associated with "Pro-Freedom Insurgents" ;)

Irfan Baloch (not Abu Irfan)

Arey bhai...by "Abu,Irfan" i meant Abu Zolfiqar and Irfan Baloch ,two of the regular posters in this thread. No offence meant.
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Jammu groups to celebrate accession day Oct 26

Jammu, Oct 21 (IANS) Several organisations are planning to organise functions and rallies in the Jammu region of Jammu and Kashmir to celebrate the state's accession to India 63 years ago.

The last Dogra king of Jammu and Kashmir Maharaja Hari Singh had signed the instrument of accession Oct 26, 1947. The accession was later ratified by the Constituent Assembly of the state in 1956.

The Jammu Province People's Forum (JPPF), the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party (JKNPP) and several other groups have decided to hold a series of programmes marking the accession day Oct 26.

'We will hold rallies, organize seminars and other public functions to mark the occasion,' said JPPF convenor Ramesh Singh.

He told reporters that 'this is an historic occasion and we must celebrate it in a big way.'

Bhim Singh, chairman of the JKNPP, announced that his party will organize functions across the region Oct 26 to 'celebrate the state's accession to India'.

'The Maharaja (Hari Singh) had taken a conscious decision of linking the fate of Jammu and Kashmir with India and that's something we all need to celebrate.'

The BJP too has started preparations for celebrating the day.

It is for the first time in many years that organisations in the Jammu region have decided to celebrate the accession day in such a big fashion.

Jammu groups to celebrate accession day Oct 26
Pakistan has lost its economical focus and has developed Kashmir focus since partition. The result being, while India has acheived much more GDP (PPP wise India is fourth largest), Pakistan is nowhere but failed state as per WIKI. Google

Thanks only to Kashmir, which will still le dubega Pakistan.......
So much for "Kashmir means whole of J&K"

Kashmir means valley people because ladakh, Jammu, Kargil etc. have no will whatsoever to destroy their lives for the misguided notion of 'Azaadi' of some.
In Mumbai attacks, a Jewish center was attacked and foreigners were deliberately targeted. Is this the Kashmir strategy - to go kill foreigners? .

my boy,
sadly for the victims familes the invesitgation was suddenly halted when the bullets were found to be fired by the guns normally used by the security forces.
shame that when the news came up of the possible hand of the security foces in the killing of the Jewish victims it was all hushed up

nothing new to be honest. Americans just managed to do it recently when they killed the British abductee with a hand grenade and initially blamed it on taliban
RSS attempt to attack Gilani foiled

NEW DELHI: In New Delhi, the hooligans of extremist Hindu organization, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, made a failed attempt to attack veteran Kashmiri Hurriyet leader, Syed Ali Gilani, at a seminar on Kashmir, today.

According to reports, when the veteran leader reached the venue of the seminar, the RSS people rushed to assault him.

However, their plan failed when a group of enthusiastic Kashmiri youth encircled Syed Ali Gilani and shielded him from attack. The incident was followed by forceful anti-India and pro-liberation slogans, which reverberated the seminar hall continuously for half an hour.

The event was organised by the Committee for the Release of Political Prisoners and those who spoke on the occasion included Syed Ali Gilani, Arundhati Roy, Professor Abdur Rehman, Professor Sujatha Rao, Najeeb Bukhari, Dr Sheikh Showkat Hussain, Varvara Rao and Dr N. Venu. The majority of speakers stressed the need for an early resolution of the Kashmir dispute while denouncing the human rights violations by Indian troops in the occupied territory.

On the other hand, Indian troops pressed gunship choppers into service during a clash with Mujahideen at Maloora Shalteng in the outskirts of Srinagar, today. Two Kashmiri youth were martyred in the gun battle, which was underway till last reports came in.

The authorities imposed curfew and strict restrictions in Srinagar and all other districts of the valley in a bid to thwart Lal Chowk March, call for which had been given by the forum patronized by Syed Ali Gilani. Indian police resorted to brute force to quell peaceful protesters in Habba Kadal in Srinagar and near Cement Bridge in Baramulla town.

On the occasion of the death anniversary of Agha Syed Yousuf Al-Moosvi Al-Safvi, APHC leader, Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi, addressing a function in Budgam, said that the mission of late religious leader would be continued against all odds.

The Norwegian Parliament has issued a schedule to debate the Kashmir dispute from November 15 taking serious note of the human rights violations in occupied Kashmir. The reports said that the Norwegian Foreign Minister would release a policy statement on Kashmir after the debate.

RSS attempt to attack Gilani foiled - GEO.tv

I was just reading the other article and clearly it says that the people shouting slogans against this leader are also kashmiris. I am not sure who or what RSS is, but this story is completely twisted. If this is the level of journalism in pakistani newspapers, no wonder most people cant get a good picture of what is happening in the outside world. I for one think that extremely bad information flow into and out of pakistan is one of the reasons that country has been pushed to the dark ages and has become a launching ground for terrorist attacks around the world. The first thing, at least in my opinion, is to make sure that principles of natural justice and unbiased news gets reported and analyzed in pakistan.
my boy,
sadly for the victims familes the invesitgation was suddenly halted when the bullets were found to be fired by the guns normally used by the security forces.
shame that when the news came up of the possible hand of the security foces in the killing of the Jewish victims it was all hushed up

nothing new to be honest. Americans just managed to do it recently when they killed the British abductee with a hand grenade and initially blamed it on taliban
source of both the accusation.......

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