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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Maybe not for Muslims, but definitely for Kashmiris. They are struggling for what we (my ancestors, and maybe yours) did, and their desires are the same as ours, freedom in a land of their own, amongst their own people. I understand your point, but we are not fighting for a chunk of land. We are fighting with the people to whom that chunk of land belongs to. Not the same thing at all, not even close. We didn't struggle for Hyderabad because the people did not struggle for the same cause. They waited there for the rest of us to do something, whereas the Kashmiris didn't, they fought tooth and nail, and continue to do so. Again, I can't stress enough, India and Pakistan relative to Kashmir, not the same deal at all. I am sad that you, a poster whom I respect so much, feels this way.
“Maybe not for Muslims, but definitely for Kashmiris”. Why is that? The ‘Two Nation Theory’ was the basis of the partition, was it not? If the theory was correct, why we decided to help the Kashmiris but left the Muslims of HyderAbad, Junagarh and Manavader on their own? What was so special about the Kashmiris? I tell you what was so special. Special was the region where they live. Special is the source of fresh water Kashmir has. If Kashmir was a desert, you think we were so eager to help them?

When we sent in our troops back in 1948, it was the Pakistan Army and the Lashkaris (the tribal folks) who fought tooth to nail not the Kashmiris (few exceptions were there). Similarly when Pakistan started a covert operation in the valley in 1965 (The Op. Gibraltar), most of our fine men were got arrested and/or killed by the Indian Army on the 'lead' of no one else but the same Kashmiris for who’s liberation those men were sent in.
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Now see, you say you've been to Kashmir, and in the second paragraph, you prove yourself wrong. Take it from someone who has family in Kashmir, "terrorists" or "freedom fighters", whatever you want to call them, have strong, very strong

Very strong support? That's totally incorrect. If it were true then why do the locals themselves give tip-offs to the Indian army about their presence? No one supports the terrorists who cross the line of control.

support from the locals in about 80-90% of the region.

No they have no support. Not even in Srinagar where anti-Indian feeling is high. The locals themselves are sick of violence.

Why would they support militants - whose entire aim is to make Kashmir a part of Pakistan - when even most ardent anti-Indians favour independence from both Indian and Pakistan?

, Maybe you visited an Indian Army base or something, and think that's how all of Kashmir is.

I've visited ladakh and Srinagar.

I'm glad you mentioned JKLF. Yes, their leadership renounced violence, but exactly because of Indian aggression. They realized that for every Indian soldier they killed, several innocent Kashmiris were murdered. It wasn't a fair fight, so the leaders backed-off, but the JKLF is not a corporation where, if the heads decide to shut down the business, then the business no longer runs.

The majority of militants active in Kashmir are not indigenous but have crossed over from the L.O.C.

So if this is not State sponsered terrorism then the genocide of Muslims in Gujrat must qualify for that. Right??

What the hell does Gujarat have to do with a thread regarding the death of a major in Kashmir?

or you, Indians can't do wrong and it is the fault of everybody else. My suggestion is to start realizing what the Kashmiris want

Kashmiris either want to become independent or stay with India.

otherwise you will lose more then Kashmir!

Look dude, my advice to you is to try and bait someone else. If you don't have anything worthwhile to say, don't say anything at all.
That is Interesting.. This guys is doing something which Mahatma Gandhi might have done. Here in Pakistan, no dam politician can imagine mixing with poor people because they stink, they are full of germs, they dont look pretty and of course are invaluable. Its good to see somebody in south Asia breaking barriers between himself and the actual people of the country.
I am surprised that an Indian politician is getting a positive compliment
Rightly said Graphican, we all are getting more sophisticated day by day and leaving poor and weak people alone as they don't exist.. I can say its good step by Rahul to be deep-rooted with the reality. I can smell a good leader is not far away from reality..
That is Interesting.. This guys is doing something which Mahatma Gandhi might have done. Here in Pakistan, no dam politician can imagine mixing with poor people because they stink, they are full of germs, they dont look pretty and of course are invaluable. Its good to see somebody in south Asia breaking barriers between himself and the actual people of the country.

Do you know what Harry Reid(our great Senate Majority leader) said as justification to make the visitors centre in Washington?...that it is necessary to keep normal people out of the senate halls as they stink.

Looks like it is normal behavior for politicians.
I once read that For India to give way the whole of Kashmir away was like a daggar to its heart.

Give away the massive strategic advantage and have both china & pakistan right on top looking down into indian plains from great height.

Lose the control of water from himlayers indian sub continent life line

and the horrendus humilation internationally for losing huge land to their neighbour.

Lose Kashmir and india will fall like a deck of cards.

No sane indian will ever let this come even close regardless of whose involved.

I agree with every line...if Musharaff's proposal to make the LOC porus is agreed to that means effectively India's border will be right next to Delhi. India will stick to status quo come what may.
From the article:

"The Gujjars of Jammu and Kashmir today extended an exclusive invitation to Congress general secretary and Lok Sabha MP Rahul Gandhi to visit the state and stay with them in their tribal huts and nomadic 'dharas' (temporary shelters)," a statement from the organisation said.

Javaid Rahi, national secretary of the foundation, said: "To feel the plight and dilemma of our tribal life, which is identical to the life of Dalits in India, we urge Rahul Gandhi to visit us."

He said that Gandhi should be part of Gujjar community's "toughest nomadic life for at least a day and a night".

"It is another unfortunate part of our life that we - the Muslim Gujjars - are living a marginalized and stigmatized life since 1947 in this Muslim majority state," the letter says

I'm also a Muslim Gujjar. My ancestral village in Northern Punjab of Pakistan is not that far from Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

In Pakistan, Gujjars are living a good life especially in Punjab province, Azad Kashmir, and even in NWFP. Other tribes/ethnic groups give us a lot of respect.

Traditionally, the two main tribes in Punjab (atleast in Pakistan's side) were Gujjars and Jatts. Many cities in Punjab province of Pakistan are named after Gujjars like Gujranwala and Gujrat. The person who came up with the name, Pakistan, in 1933 was Gujjar, Choudhary Rahmat Ali.

Its sad the Muslim Gujjars in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir are treated so badly.
Many members can't seem to believe why major majority of the Kashmirs are against militants.

Just to clarify once again, there was no large scale violence in Kashmir until 1989. One of the most prominent and first acts of terrorism was kidnapping the unmarried daughter of Mufti Sayeed a Kashmiri leaders in exchange for the release of other terrorists. 1989 kidnapping of Rubaiya Sayeed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is this how a muslim is suppose to behave? It it completely Unislamic and insult to the noble concept of jihad! Right then Kashmirs were disgusted by the actions of JKLF. And now that JKLF have themselves renounced violence, who is coming here to fight then?
Of course the IA, and more specifically the paras have abused human rights at times. These should be punished with the strictest punishment possible, there should be no respect or leniency for someone in the security forces that does not respect the very citizens he is suppose to protect and defend.

Also, most of these operations are carried out by the J&K police which is Muslim majority, similarly there are even Kashmirs who are martyred in this anti-terrorist operations as well defending THEIR land against these extremists.

Now coming to the 1950s, there is no doubt at all that Sheikh Abdulla was by far the MOST popular leader in J&K. Granted that in some areas around Mirpur, Muslim league had support. But the valley were the majoirty of the population lived was solidly behind Sheikh Abdulla. Even the hindus and Buddhist supported Abdulla because of his pro-poor policies.
And there is a strong case to believe that had a plebiscite been conducted right then, the people would have followed Abdulla's lead.

And what did he think about Muslim league? Reading his speech in 1951 to the J&K legislative assemble will shed light on this Excerpts from Sheikh Abdullah's Opening Address to the J&K Constituent Assembly, 5 November 1951
Let me add some fuel to this conspiracy.

One day or the other we are going for a pebliciste that is for sure. So such a thing to take place Pakistan should be sure that they are going to win it and should ask for the same. Project minor incidents to higher level to make Pakistan believe it. Make a propaganda for the Pakistan so that they come into belief.Give them a feel as if whole of Kashmir is burning and no one wants to be with india :devil:

This is just my theory based upon the interaction with Kashmiris which are quite a few and their views about India and Pakistan. So i feel something cooking. No offenses intended.
A plebiscite, if held, will also involve the population living in the Pakistan controlled Azad Kashmir. Does India have a chance to get more than 50% of all Kashmiri votes? I think, it will be quite difficult.
Woman kills militant in Jammu and Kashmir

Jammu, Sep 28 (IANS) In what may be the first ever such act of resistance against militants in Jammu and Kashmir, a young woman in Rajouri district killed one militant and injured and drove away two others who had barged into her house and tried to abduct her, police said Monday.
Rashida Begum and her husband Noor Mohammad were sleeping in their house in Shadhara village in Thanna Mandi area of the district, about 190 km north-east of Jammu, when a group of three militants barged into their house late Sunday night, police in Rajouri said.

As the militants, armed with automatic assault rifles, demanded the woman be handed over to them and threatened Noor Mohammad, Rashida picked up an axe and hit one militant, killing him. A violent scuffle ensued, in which another militant was injured. The two remaining militants fled, but not before Rashida and her husband snatched the weapon of one of them.

Police officials in the district have commended Rashida’s courage.

“This is a great act by the woman,” a police official said

Woman kills militant in Jammu and Kashmir
This women should be awarded for her act. Make sure her bravery is recognized all over. I salute her, police should also provide her protection. The so called freedom fighters will not hesitate to attack her family like cowards.
Excellent news........soon we will se a whole population standing against these terrorists....

God bless this brave women.....

wait ...did i hear ... indian propoganda......hmmmm
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Before someone call this an Indian/Hindu propoganda, I salute the women for her sheer bravery. Clock is ticking. We will see what becomes of these so called "freedom fighters" who tried to do this low level act as abduction.

Though offtopic but I can't resist myself putting this:
Its God's responsibility to forgive the terrorist organizations. Its our responsibility to arrange the meeting between them and God.
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