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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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:rofl: As usual the Orange Indian media at work.

Just look at the details of this news story.

A woman succeeded in killing a 'militant" with an axe .

The woman and her husband snatched the weapons from "Militants"

:rofl: well the highly trained, highly equipped Indian army hardly kills these "highly trained militants" without suffering any casualties or injury. And look at this news an armless woman killed a militant lolzz

It clearly shows the men were ordinary criminals NOT freedom fighters.

When will Indians learn to behave like real men stop such cheap propaganda.:tdown:

By the way did you do some kind of search / research before you started your yellow / orange rhetoric again.

Please be open otherwise whats point in having these discussions if we build a iron wall around our brains. Whats is so devastating in the news. If you have someone at you home trying to take you hostage will you not try and do something to save yourself.
wait for sometime, they will say "they were Indian army in millitant outfit" :disagree:

Why not in the past too Indian army used to rape and killed and put it on freedom fighters.

India in the past had created a fake militants/freedom fighters' group in Held Kashmir to infiltrate freedom fighters. This group used to kill Hindus and Sikhs and blam it on Kashmiri freedom fighters.
Women like her should be appreciated for her act of bravery !

Many Kashmiri women join women village defence committee and are trained to use AK-47s and other heavy-duty weapons, at regular intervals which imbibes a sense of self-confidence and boost of confidence in dealing with an adverse situation like this.






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India doesn't need to "spice up" news stories to re-enforce it's position on Kashmir. I don't know how it works in Pakistan, but in India, news agencies don't work for the government.
Pakistan was conceived as a homeland for Muslims, that does not mean we drag every Muslim in South Asia kicking and screaming into Pakistan - there were those who embraced the idea of Pakistan and immigrated there, and others who did not and stayed where they were due to whatever compulsions they had.
Well, Pakistan was conceived as a homeland for the Muslim ruling elites where they could continue oppressing their subjects but this is another subject.

Pakistan was to be consisted of the areas of Muslim majority, and that included Hyderabad, Junagarh and Manavader. It was never said in the resolution that Pakistan will be consisted of the X part of the land where the Muslims of India will immigrate if they chose to.

Pakistan's responsibility is to fight for those that chose her, and those that were denied the right, as much as is possible.
So the Muslims of Hyderabad, Junagrah and Manavader chose her, did Pakistan fight for them?

And Pakistan did protest the forcible annexations of Junagadh, Munavadh and Hyderaba into India, but the reality of the situation was that Pakistan was in no position to militarily impact those states and therefore defend our interests and those of the people of those states (in case they chose to join Pakistan), nor were all of those states Muslim majority, which meant that a plebiscite (which the rule sof partition indicated had to be employed in disputed accessions) would have gone against Pakistan in any case.
Militarily it was not possible, but what about taking the matter to the United Nations? What we did for the Muslims of these three states on the diplomatic front?

Yes - we fought over the Rann of Kutch and Siachen did we not? But it is also true that in all three of those cases, Kashmir, Rann of Kutch and Siachen, we were able to militarily contest our rights.
We fought in the mentioned three theaters not for the love of the Muslims living there (in fact in Rann, there are more Hindus than Muslims) but for their strategic importance.

You ignore the fact that there was already an indigenous rebellion against the Maharajah in various parts of Kashmir, which he brutally attempted to suppress, which was the catalyst for the Tribal invasion.
Nom we intervened in Kashmir because MahaRaja refused to annexed the State with Pakistan. The Pakistan Army and the Lashkaris entered in Kashmir only after the GoP gave them a green signal. If the suppression or oppression of Maharaja was the catalyst, the Lashkaris would have entered the state long before 1948.

Operation Gibraltar was an ill conceived operation, and it would have only taken a few to *** out the covert operation - it says little about whether the Kashmiris would choose Pakistan or India if offered the opportunity to select in a free, fair and impartially plebiscite.
How it says little about the mindset of the Kashmiris? What stopped the Kashmiris to help the Pakistani troops who were there to liberate them? Why the Kashmiris decided not to accept that help? It is clear from the failure of the Op. Gibraltar that Kashmiris were settled down for whatever the reason and had little or no interest in any attempt by the Pakistan to get them liberated from the so-called oppression of the India.
lol what a filmi post ..! women kil 3 highly trained militants with an axe ! ,

its probably a tatu choor or choors trying their luck and got axed by a women.

lets not "Bollywood: this forum please lets be real
no i dont ..... its common sense 3 guys with AKz and a women with an axe ! think pls !

That's the point.

These people never expected the retaliation by an unarmed women. And this lady thought otherwise. And anyways when militants take hostage a civil family they know they are not at war front.

Think Please .. Is it that under current has become over current and things have started to look different.. Little far fetched but a real possibility. A different perspective.

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