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Kashmir is Pakistan & India's internal matter, says Taliban; India is not relevant


Jul 23, 2017
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The strong clarification comes a day after officials monitoring social media noted a spike in posts around claims that a Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said it was impossible to be friends with India unless the Kashmir dispute is resolved.
INDIA Updated: May 18, 2020 21:40 IST

Shishir Gupta
Hindustan Times, New Delhi

Suhail Shaheen, the spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as the political wing of Taliban calls itself, issued the clarification on Tuesday. (Sourced )

The Taliban on Monday denied claims on social media that it could join Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in Kashmir, underlining that the Taliban was clear that it “does not interfere in internal affairs of other countries”.

“The statement published in the media about Taaliban joining Jihad in Kashmir is wrong…. The policy of the Islamic Emirate is clear that it does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.” Suhail Shaheen, the spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as the political wing of Taliban calls itself, tweeted on Monday evening.

The strong clarification comes a day after officials monitoring social media noted a spike in posts around claims that a Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said it was impossible to be friends with India unless the Kashmir dispute is resolved. The spokesperson was also claimed to have said that the Taliban would, after capturing power in Kabul, “capture Kashmir from infidels also”.

Diplomats based in Kabul and Delhi told Hindustan Times that the Taliban spokesperson’s clarification came after India worked the backchannels to confirm reports about the group’s approach to India, and on Jammu and Kashmir.

New Delhi was told that the social media posts were fake and did not reflect Taliban’s position.

But analysts have also underlined that the Taliban wasn’t a monolithic body and comprises people holding different beliefs. For example, while the group has deep linkages with the Pakistani deep state, there are also some who favour an independent line.

Since the Afghan Taliban’s top decision-making body Shura is based in Quetta and its sword arm, the Haqqani network based in Peshawar, both in Pakistan, an Af-Pak watcher said, one should not be surprised if there is a tweak in this stance under pressure from Pakistan.

Already, political equations are changing rapidly in Afghanistan with the US all set to withdraw from Kabul. Unlike in the past where Islamabad for decades acted as a proxy for the US during the Soviet-Afghan war, this time Pakistan is riding on China, who in turn has close partners in Russia and Iran. This time, Washington is the common enemy.

While the US has ensured that Ashraf Gani and Abdullah Abdullah have joined hands in power sharing, it hopes that the Tajik-Pashtun leader may sign an agreement with the Taliban as the former has refused to be any party to it.

The Indian initiative in Afghanistan is also at cross-roads as Pakistan based terrorists groups will use Taliban-ruled Kabul to target India without fear of any Balakot. For all the main players, Afghanistan is turning full circle with Pakistan strategically placed in the great game.
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I've had plenty of Indians explain to me with 100 percent confidence that the Afghans are closest friends of Indians, and born enemies of Pakistanis. :pop: I mean Hindi-Afghan bhai bhai etc.

I could only mutter: "whatever, dude. You clearly don't know the Afghans very well." I do. There are a lot of Afghans living in Europe, and having spent a lot of time in Central and Western European countries. I'll just put it this way, they are not very popular with anyone.

Based on my personal experiences, I'll trust any random Indian, Pakistani (or Bangladeshi etc.) over a random Afghan.

Hope no mod rules were broken with this anecdote.
Thank you Taliban....

I have always seen that Taliban has some soft corner for India... they never did anything harmful towards India.... during Vajpayee time when India passenger plane was hijacked that time also Taliban offered to attack plane and save some lives.....
Thank you Taliban....

I have always seen that Taliban has some soft corner for India... they never did anything harmful towards India.... during Vajpayee time when India passenger plane was hijacked that time also Taliban offered to attack plane and save some lives.....

You should be either very young or naive to believe in that fairy tale. The truth is the Taliban had actively helped the IA hijackers, or at least turned a blind eye what was going on their soil. So what if they took good care of the hostages?

Indians don't really know anything about the Taliban's two-faced character. You guys think only Pakistan is the enemy, wake up and smell the chai. A lot of countries around the world don't like Indians. In fact, Pakistanis would be like saints compared to what some people from other countries really think about India, and "Indians" especially Hindus. Living in denial won't help.
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The news every Indian wants to hear. But ask yourself why would Talibans like India?? Especially after all these years India has supported the Northern Alliance and helped developed Afghan troops who have repeatedly attacked Talibans. This constant Indian need or urge of liked by others makes them irrational .

No Talibans don't like Indians, would they attack India? Most likely no. India needs not worry about Talibans, they never attack enemy outside Afghan soil.
I've had plenty of Indians explain to me with 100 percent confidence that the Afghans are closest friends of Indians, and born enemies of Pakistanis. :pop: I mean Hindi-Afghan bhai bhai etc.

I could only mutter: "whatever, dude. You clearly don't know the Afghans very well." I do. There are a lot of Afghans living in Europe, and having spent a lot of time in Central and Western European countries. I'll just put it this way, they are not very popular with anyone.

Based on my personal experiences, I'll trust any random Indian, Pakistani (or Bangladeshi etc.) over a random Afghan.

Hope no mod rules were broken with this anecdote.
Wow, you know everybuddy!!!
Kashmir is India’s internal matter, says Taliban; denies plan to target Delhi
The strong clarification comes a day after officials monitoring social media noted a spike in posts around claims that a Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said it was impossible to be friends with India unless the Kashmir dispute is resolved.
INDIA Updated: May 18, 2020 21:40 IST

Shishir Gupta
Hindustan Times, New Delhi

Suhail Shaheen, the spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as the political wing of Taliban calls itself, issued the clarification on Tuesday. (Sourced )

The Taliban on Monday denied claims on social media that it could join Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in Kashmir, underlining that the Taliban was clear that it “does not interfere in internal affairs of other countries”.

“The statement published in the media about Taaliban joining Jihad in Kashmir is wrong…. The policy of the Islamic Emirate is clear that it does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.” Suhail Shaheen, the spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as the political wing of Taliban calls itself, tweeted on Monday evening.

The strong clarification comes a day after officials monitoring social media noted a spike in posts around claims that a Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said it was impossible to be friends with India unless the Kashmir dispute is resolved. The spokesperson was also claimed to have said that the Taliban would, after capturing power in Kabul, “capture Kashmir from infidels also”.

Diplomats based in Kabul and Delhi told Hindustan Times that the Taliban spokesperson’s clarification came after India worked the backchannels to confirm reports about the group’s approach to India, and on Jammu and Kashmir.

New Delhi was told that the social media posts were fake and did not reflect Taliban’s position.

But analysts have also underlined that the Taliban wasn’t a monolithic body and comprises people holding different beliefs. For example, while the group has deep linkages with the Pakistani deep state, there are also some who favour an independent line.

Since the Afghan Taliban’s top decision-making body Shura is based in Quetta and its sword arm, the Haqqani network based in Peshawar, both in Pakistan, an Af-Pak watcher said, one should not be surprised if there is a tweak in this stance under pressure from Pakistan.

Already, political equations are changing rapidly in Afghanistan with the US all set to withdraw from Kabul. Unlike in the past where Islamabad for decades acted as a proxy for the US during the Soviet-Afghan war, this time Pakistan is riding on China, who in turn has close partners in Russia and Iran. This time, Washington is the common enemy.

While the US has ensured that Ashraf Gani and Abdullah Abdullah have joined hands in power sharing, it hopes that the Tajik-Pashtun leader may sign an agreement with the Taliban as the former has refused to be any party to it.

The Indian initiative in Afghanistan is also at cross-roads as Pakistan based terrorists groups will use Taliban-ruled Kabul to target India without fear of any Balakot. For all the main players, Afghanistan is turning full circle with Pakistan strategically placed in the great game.
Oh Please... The neverending word jugglery to suit Indian propaganda...
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