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Kashmir: India says eight civilians injured in Pakistan firing

Chinese punies are no match for IA in Himalayas. Chinese got fcked by IA in 1967 and 1989. They just ran their tails between their legs.

You are indeed petrified of getting fcuked again by the Chinese。

Your twaddle says it all 。:D
Indian blood is treated cheaper than sea water. Indians are so scared. They didn't do anything when PLA soldiers entered India back in April. Any other country would have fired but Indians are petrified of getting smacked by the PLA again.

You first deal with Japan. They have dispatch fighter jet...
You are indeed petrified of getting fcuked again by the Chinese。

Your twaddle says it all 。:D

India will just lay there and be like 'Damn, is that all you got? So the thing they say about asian men is true after all.'
The irony is that the Pakistanis claim to be the 'defenders' of the Kashmiris' rights and welfare and never cease to take the opportunity to bash India for so called 'human rights violations'. But they are now targeting the Kashmiris themselves by killing them with bullets and bombs!

Doesn't this amount to gross human rights violations by the Pakistanis on the people of Kashmir who they profess to love so much?
why indians seems more concern about the killing of kashmiris .. 100,000 mass graves are the proof of their love for kashmiris ...
The irony is that the Pakistanis claim to be the 'defenders' of the Kashmiris' rights and welfare and never cease to take the opportunity to bash India for so called 'human rights violations'. But they are now targeting the Kashmiris themselves by killing them with bullets and bombs!

Doesn't this amount to gross human rights violations by the Pakistanis on the people of Kashmir who they profess to love so much?

first of all ur nes agencies are not credible ... swcondly we are the defenders bcoz all indians hate u from the core of their heart and say jeevay jeevay Pakistan ..even on streets of Kashmir .. you can google it too , watch the videos .. ;)
I agree with this quote so much so true, Destro. I mean Chinese men in real life are actually gutless wimps with no spine. That is why you see Chinese women going with westerners, the sort of westerners who are considered themselves to be wimps and losers in their own country. I mean, how can you blame those western Men, Chinese women fantasise about white men and desperately want to be white. Chinese men too want to be with white women, but they lack self esteem because they are such weaklings.

And I am surprised at you writing english so fluently, because when Chinese speak English it usually sounds like two cats having sex.

Well, after that you eat them of course.
No you are wrong here, Chinese men love Japanese chickcs.
Congress send bomber supposed to kill Narendra Modi several days ago, the goverment is interested in killing the competitor than border security.
You first deal with Japan. They have dispatch fighter jet...
You mean those old teeth grandpa F15, i will love to have one in the musem of my hometown. Even MKI is far superior than those old Japanese gadget.
I think the chance of Naredra Modi wins the election will be very low, casue all Congress need to do is giving those illiterate Indian voters hundred Rupee for ballot. India will be under Congress lead for another say decades, China damn love Congress.
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