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Kashmir: Declare Ahmadis non-Muslims: Grand Mufti

Religious matters are personal matters, and no call to me or anybody. Mufti or anybody else can hold whatever religious beliefs they want to.

However the Law of the Land as enshrined in the Indian Constitution and enforced by an active system of Jurisprudence will prevail.
So even I or some Mufti cannot declare Ahmadis (or anyone for that matter) as Muslims or Martians.

Nope they are not.... Maybe in Hinduism you can do whatever you want and still be a Hindu well thats not the case in Islam... Thats what i am trying to tell you guys and in reply receiving personal attacks from many members....

And what Indian Govt do about that matter does not concern me.... I am stating fact about Islam, The very basic rule of Islam not Indian constitution....... People may claim muslim doesn't mean they are one.... If I dont follow the basic idea of Islam than i am not muslim. Doesn't matter what my documents say....
when u r the lawyer and the judge- both! u can prove whatever u want and even declare the guilty and pronounce the punishment... seriously, what all u pakistani guys are not understanding is that none of the Indians here is questioning ur "faith".. what we mean simply is: plz respect other humans and let them live their life in the way they want...:what:

Funny that huh........ why dont the Indians let the Kashmiris live that way, away from India also........

That logic of yours is flawed. By your argument then Muslims too should be allowed to live as they want, hey that means not to attack Islam by the ideology of Ahmadiyyat who itself attaches itself to Islam as given by my example of Christians and Brahmins above
when u r the lawyer and the judge- both! u can prove whatever u want and even declare the guilty and pronounce the punishment... seriously, what all u pakistani guys are not understanding is that none of the Indians here is questioning ur "faith".. what we mean simply is: plz respect other humans and let them live their life in the way they want...:what:

They can live the way they want..... I just dont want someone to live a life by my identity and telling every one that he is me and do the stuff i dont approve..... He can do all that stuff if he uses his own name......
Maybe this is why the 'quest' for Azadi is limited to the Sunni muslims from the Valley and not even the Shias in Kargil or the Gujjar, Bakerwals give two hoots to it. They know that in an independent Kashmir or one which acceded to Pakistan they would be branded "kaffirs" and "wajb-ul-qatl". They know they are free and safe in India. Thanks to the Mufti for his invaluable service in increasing that feeling among those people.
Maybe this is why the 'quest' for Azadi is limited to the Sunni muslims from the Valley and not even the Shias in Kargil or the Gujjar, Bakerwals give two hoots to it. They know that in an independent Kashmir or one which acceded to Pakistan they would be branded "kaffirs" and "wajb-ul-qatl". They know they are free and safe in India. Thanks to the Mufti for his invaluable service in increasing that feeling among those people.

When you guys run out of argument you always start putting off topics and Pakistan India....... Islam is not limited to Pakistan India......

Not a personal attack...but its funny how you guys have turned your all inclusive fantastic religion into a a negative checklist based faith.

It was a personal attack and its so typical of you guys.........
Indian Constitution has to not only respect the views of Sunnis, but also every other sects of Islam including Ahmedis even if other sects are uncomfortable with this.
Can U accept Hindus as Muslims and call them Muslims even they don't practice Islamic laws and beliefs??? If U do then no need to argue with U.....:smokin:
If you go by the mentality of individual Muslims then you can see it that way, however Sunni/Shia means nothing, both parties with whetever there views about certains topics are Muslim.

Your above comment about being too tolerant, Brahmins cannot even accept Dalits/Shudras let alone a group coming forward to claim to be Krishna and declare Brahmins evil and start misguiding their youth. Recently the Christians did that and began conversions of Hindu youth and they were killed, so please dont tell us about tolerance with Hindus.....

The bold part, i don't know what do you mean by that. Bramins and other OBC and FC caste belive that Dalits are also HINDUS but what the difference is that ORTODOX HINDUS do not eat BEEF and DALITS eat beef and because of that OBC and other FC people avoid them in including them in thier homes.

And regarding tolerance, show me another nation that has this many diversity yet stay united with a common constitution. yes we had a few frictions in the past but we INDIANs are quick learners and that is the reason we evolve much faster than you guys
this is just like those useless "Bahai " ( بهایی ) , their leader -Baha ullah - claimed he is the lost prophet and technicaly that mean greatest prophet ( Hazrat Mohammad ) was a liar and Islam isn't a Godly religion ( استعفر الله ) ...

Bahai's main base is in occupy Palestine ( Haifa )and little Britain's royal family and Zionists are their main supporters .... almost all of BBC Persian members are Bahai ....
These Bahai are against Islam , they are support all anti Islam (especially Anti Shiia ) events ...

well , another thing , little Britain queen gave " Sir " title to their kaffir leader in past ....
another thing that these Bahai have problem with all religion except Jew and Wahhabism !!!
recently Saudi Arabia king meet most of them in his capital ...

These Bahai are one of the main reason that we need put an end to the fake Zionist country ( Isreal )

another question :

are little Britain and Zionist and west supporting them or not !?
Yes! Exactly my brothr....The are infact not just even called Ahmedis but are also called Qadyaanis.....their beliefs are same as Bahai's of Iran.....They both are infact Kafirs or Murtads from Islam....beliefs are infact the denial of Islam......So they can't be named Muslims........:coffee:
Funny that huh........ why dont the Indians let the Kashmiris live that way, away from India also........

That logic of yours is flawed. By your argument then Muslims too should be allowed to live as they want, hey that means not to attack Islam by the ideology of Ahmadiyyat who itself attaches itself to Islam as given by my example of Christians and Brahmins above

oh I love when our pakistani friends bring kashmir/poverty/mumbai slums whenever they have nothing else to say!! I wont go off-topic like u..
kashmiris are living the way they want... dont believe me? do google search for tourists visiting J&K.. now under a tyranny, tourism can't flourish atleast... yeah yeah, I can hear u- the evil India is suppressing kashmiris under the point of gun... there are two ways of replying to this fantasy of urs- first, check the number of "muslims" killed in karachi in 2011 vs the no. of "kashmiris" killed by security forces in 2011... oh oh, it hurts to know the truth, isnt it!!:tongue: chalo never mind, 2nd option.. and this is not my view, just being used to make u "keep shut".. if u love kashmiris, plz make an official request to india and take your "muslim kashmiri brethern" into the "land of the pure".... WHAT? u want the land?? but why, do u love that arid land more than the life of your kashmiri brothers... THOR, u disgust me man!!!:)

enuf of bull-****... next, I SERIOUSLY did not UNDERSTAND what u wanted to say in the 2nd para!!! and my IQ is pretty ok.... so kindly explain again!!!:P
Can U accept Hindus as Muslims and call them Muslims even they don't practice Islamic laws and beliefs??? If U do then no need to argue with U.....:smokin:

Why should I if they don't don't claim to be Muslims in the first place.
Funny how these chaps are claiming that Islam has nothing to do with the Indian constitution........err, that's our argument! This "Grand Mufti" chap wanted the legislature of J&K to pass a resolution - why is our question? What does a legislature that draws its power from the Indian constitution got to do with what is essentially a religious fight? No one is interfering in what you chaps want to believe in, we are just for keeping the state out of people's personal fights.
Can U accept Hindus as Muslims and call them Muslims even they don't practice Islamic laws and beliefs??? If U do then no need to argue with U.....:smokin:

hi irregular... err, i meant Regular! let me explain.. If today I want to change my religion and embrace Islam, lets say, or Sikhism.. I can do so. every religion has different ways of accepting someone into its fold and that's fair.. thereafter, whether this Muslim guy goes to a Mosque or not OR follows namaz or not.. that shud be his wish... similarly, whether that Sikh goes for Ardaas to Gurudwara or not, that's his freedom... how can someone else tell him that since u didnt follow the words given in page no. 456, para 8- u have done a sin and are out of the religion.... NOT FAIR!!
Can U accept Hindus as Muslims and call them Muslims even they don't practice Islamic laws and beliefs??? If U do then no need to argue with U.....:smokin:
and this is perfectly possible in INDIA, religion is a mater of personal choice and every religion forms the base of INDIA.
A famous couplet by Bullah Shah

: Ashiq hoyon rab da, hoyi malamat lakh, Thainu kaafir kaafir akhde, tu aaho aaho aakh!
oh I love when our pakistani friends bring kashmir/poverty/mumbai slums whenever they have nothing else to say!! I wont go off-topic like u..
kashmiris are living the way they want... dont believe me? do google search for tourists visiting J&K.. now under a tyranny, tourism can't flourish atleast... yeah yeah, I can hear u- the evil India is suppressing kashmiris under the point of gun... there are two ways of replying to this fantasy of urs- first, check the number of "muslims" killed in karachi in 2011 vs the no. of "kashmiris" killed by security forces in 2011... oh oh, it hurts to know the truth, isnt it!!:tongue: chalo never mind, 2nd option.. and this is not my view, just being used to make u "keep shut".. if u love kashmiris, plz make an official request to india and take your "muslim kashmiri brethern" into the "land of the pure".... WHAT? u want the land?? but why, do u love that arid land more than the life of your kashmiri brothers... THOR, u disgust me man!!!:)

enuf of bull-****... next, I SERIOUSLY did not UNDERSTAND what u wanted to say in the 2nd para!!! and my IQ is pretty ok.... so kindly explain again!!!:P

I expect nothing less from an Indian with regards to be red bold part........ Indian mentality and attitude in a debate.......

Secondly, the point was raised about letting people live the way they ant. Hence I raised that you should too let people live the way they want in Kashmir....... The recent genocide of Kashmir by Indian soldiers in what is a State sponsored genocide with mass graves discovered, riots of youth demanding freedom, the flying of Pakistani flags in Kashmir and the APHC who makes one call for strike and the entire valley shuts down, this is proof enough of their resentment of India so please keep your tourist trip to yourself. Even after Jawaharlal Nehru promised a referendum that still hasn't been bought out so the point about letting people live the way they want is a smokescreen, Indian style.

Thirdly, about tolerant India. The recent Christian killings of priest and humiliation whereby Hindus converted to Islam, and the Babri masjid episode and the Gujrat riots really s=does show tolerance and the fact that you people learn from your mistakes better then us...........OK yawn
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