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Kashmir all-party meet: Modi discusses atrocities in Azad Kashmir, Balochistan

Quetta is also in CPEC routs??
Then whu you couldn't protect it?
Well for one thing CPEC doesnt pass through Quetta secondly even paris and brussels cant stop such isolated terror attacks done by one man army unlike Kashmir we dont see any other nations flag or months of curfew or people chanting azadi.

Its just that we need few more months to catch all indian spies working in Balochistan and bust Terrorist Modi's network in Pakistan.
Was great chatting guys!....Its Friday and I am off to the beach for the weekend...Wishing Pakistan/Indians a very Happy independence day.....!...God Bless both the countries.

Yeah when one runs out of argument and is caught pants down this is what he has to say.

Despite your so called 2 trillion economy number of people shitting in open is hundred times more than anyother state in world and I guess its time for you to go out and take a shit and cool your *** after so hard continuous spanking by me for last one hour.;);)
Yeah when one runs out of argument and is caught pants down this is what he has to say.

Despite your so called 2 trillion economy number of people shitting in open is hundred times more than anyother state in world and I guess its time for you to go out and take a shit and cool your *** after so hard continuous spanking by me for last one hour.;);)

We still growing at 7.6 rate

Unlike countries where jehadis blow people on daily basis

You saying like the river of milk and honey flows in Pakistan

Your people are in worst state

Look at there HDI and GNI
Still i don't understand, why can't our neighbour understand that they are messing with a neighbour which is almost 10 times more powerful than them.When u mess an enemy at least the basic criteria is that mess an enemy of equal size and not with some one of having 10 times powerful.

Indian economy is now 7th largest and going to be 5th largest at the end of this decade and fastest growing major economy on planet.Largest arms importer and many parameters 1st,2nd,3rd etc in the world.If they can't mess successfully in several decades back, how they are going to mess with a modern india !
Don't forget n
Islam is only a 100 years old in Kashmir but Hinduism is thousands year old in Kashmir but with advent of Islamic terrorism in the 90's the dharmic people are geonicided and thrown out of their houses and are refugees in their own country.time for this wahabism to end and return Kashmir to its ancient form

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Don't forget naxals and other minorities who are sick of your state terror we can do similar with them but we are not fear that day if we used them than u start crying and go to usa for help like in 99 to clinton
Nothing is going to happen between Pakistan and India.

IoK's current protests were completely caused by India, so India cannot blame Pakistan this time, and the fact that it has been going on for a month, clearly India's government has failed to rectify the situation that the gov itself caused.

Here is another angle:

India is already blaming Pakistan for the current protests although there is no (direct or indirect) Pakistani involvement. They first killed Burhan Wani knowing well that it would draw a huge public outrage. Maybe that's what they wanted. The way they have intentionally mishandled the situation, and now these statements after the All Party Meet in fact lay bare the Indian strategy. It was never about Kashmir. It was about CPEC. It was a calculated move by the Indians. They knew that Kashmir unrest is nothing new and that no one in the international community really cares about Kashmiris' plight. And they knew that Pakistan will try to take advantage of the situation (and up the ante) and it will try to raise the issue internationally. And this in turn would give the Indians a justification to raise Baluchistan issue on international level thus making the CPEC controversial. I do expect them to soon announce diplomatic and moral support for the oppressed Baluch people. And we know what that means (or what the implications might be). India will do everything it can to sabotage the CPEC. India knows very well that the success of this project would change the regional power matrix forever.

Pakistan needs to immediately rectify its “diplomatic failings” and steps should be taken to effectively counter Indian propaganda and India's aggressive foreign policy.
Before azad kashmir and balochistan modi needs to clarify his atrocities in gujarat first

India is crying internally... dont go on what they saying every crying person say things which he cant do...
They have invest billions indian peoples tax money on what.. we clean BLA terrorist TTP is deying indian monkeys are in cage their assets are gone india is exposing its policies china is in afghanistan too CPEC is protected Kashmir is rising again..
And modi and RN singh is blah blah blah blah...
India is crying internally... dont go on what they saying every crying person say things which he cant do...
They have invest billions indian peoples tax money on what.. we clean BLA terrorist TTP is deying indian monkeys are in cage their assets are gone india is exposing its policies china is in afghanistan too CPEC is protected Kashmir is rising again..
And modi and RN singh is blah blah blah blah...
Economic development tells who are crying internally

Quetta blast says it all how peaceful Pakistan is
Kashmir in India's internal matter and you are interfering in it

Kashmir is a disputed territory and not your internal matter. First get your history right and then discuss Kashmir with us.

Neighbours with their envy says everything .But do we need to cares that?
I dont think so .

It doesn't matter you care or not. The point is you are our enemies and that's what I was saying.

That is the whole point .This is not due to desperation
A strategic shift in GoI approach .

The so called strategic shift is due to desperation. Trying to cure IOK with AJK just shows the fact that when you are desperate you act stupid and that's exactly what your government is doing.
Kashmir is a disputed territory and not your internal matter. First get your history right and then discuss Kashmir with us.

It doesn't matter you care or not. The point is you are our enemies and that's what I was saying.

The so called strategic shift is due to desperation. Trying to cure IOK with AJK just shows the fact that when you are desperate you act stupid and that's exactly what your government is doing.

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