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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

See that your case is even worse because if you been damaged by the consumption of too much crappy **** propagande aslong with daal. Very bad combination I have to say. I know that you have been inspired by isreal to accept the religion as your identity but in reality even a simple mined pakistani know that this is not the case because if you had really consider Islam as your primary identity in tis case you shoul consider al muslims as your brothers and you wouldn't fund a terrorist groups to kill muslims and burn their schools and make million as refugees for years. If islam had been really your identity you wouldn't mind that bengalis wanted to study in their own language because studying in bengali or pashto doesn't make one kafeer. If you really believed in islam and had accepted islam as your primary identity you wouldn't make degaratory remaks about refugees because Muhmmad (Puh) has been also once a refugee

We have no problems with those refugees who aren't trouble makers.
Afghans bought drugs trade, prostitution, militancy, lots of crime and other mafia.

The rest of the refugees who've settled in Pakistan and are loyal to Pakistan too are just as Pakistani as the rest of us.
We are happy to have allowed them it.
We don't know where he is but we do know about some 3 million refugees, after taking care for 30 years it is high time they go back to Afghanistan which according to you is more developed then Pakistan now and has a better HDI :coffee:

He lived next door to OBL, but had to move after the raid. Now the Amir of the Faithful lives in a spare bedroom of Gen. Kayani.
Well seems that you uncle ahev married a stupid womnen who hates people based on the langauge they speak. Assume that you uncle must have a hard time living under the same roof with such a moron

No personal attacks, his aunt is none of your business.

He lived next door to OBL, but had to move after the raid. Now the Amir of the Faithful lives in a spare bedroom of Gen. Kayani.

You are missing the point, since Afghanistan is now more developed then Pakistan then it is very unjust that we are keeping 3 million Afghanistanis in Pakistan away from all that glorious development. The pun about Kayani's bedroom was in bad taste, mind it in future.
No personal attacks, his aunt is none of your business.

You are missing the point, since Afghanistan is now more developed then Pakistan then it is very unjust that we are keeping 3 million Afghanistanis in Pakistan away from all that glorious development. The pun about Kayani's bedroom was in bad taste, mind it in future.

Indeed, cities like Herat are perhaps more developed than most regions of Pakistan. But that is not where the majority of the refugees are from. They are Pashtuns from the east and south, who can't go back to their home for various reasons.
Indeed, cities like Herat are perhaps more developed than most regions of Pakistan. But that is not where the majority of the refugees are from. They are Pashtuns from the east and south, who can't go back to their home for various reasons.

You mean Pashtun areas have not been developed in the glorious nation of Afghanistan?
No personal attacks, his aunt is none of your business

He shouldn't then share the stupid ideas of his stupid relates to proof his point that pashtuns hates afghanis because this is not true. I admit that there some pakistani pashtuns who hate afghans and it could be that there are some afghans who hates pakistani pashtuns but the vast majority of pashtuns on both side of durrand line does not think so. Contrary I have seen pakistani pashtuns to be very happy when they hear something positive about afghans and they are hearing afghans making progress in some area and the same thing is true about afghans who consider pakistani pashtuns as their own brothers and sisters

You are missing the point, since Afghanistan is now more developed then Pakistan then it is very unjust that we are keeping 3 million Afghanistanis in Pakistan away from all that glorious development. The pun about Kayani's bedroom was in bad taste, mind it in future.
When did I say that pakistani is more developed than Pakistan? we are not there yet but giving the high rate of our economic growth despite the fact that half of our country ( the areas of pashtuns) are suffering because of ISI we will be ahead of you in the next two decades. The number of refugees have decreased a lot and 3 million is an exagaration and people who have been living in KPK can confirm this
You mean Pashtun areas have not been developed in the glorious nation of Afghanistan?

Boneheaded Taliban would rather wage jehad than lay down their weapons and do something constructive. I believe if Pakistan really desires to repatriate the refugees, they could use their influence over all the insurgency groups and force them to stop fighting. But here we see the divide between the civilian government, and the deep state (Pak military/ISI) who are the ones that make the decisions.
Boneheaded Taliban would rather wage jehad than lay down their weapons and do something constructive. I believe if Pakistan really desires to repatriate the refugees, they could use their influence over all the insurgency groups and force them to stop fighting. But here we see the divide between the civilian government, and the deep state (Pak military/ISI) who are the ones that make the decisions.

So the blood brothers of Afghan Pashtoons, Tajiks are not ready to accommodate some of these refugees in their 'more developed then Pakistan' cities like Herat?
Millions of refugees have already returned from Pakistan. In fact, 3.7 million.

3.7 million Afghan refugees returned from Pakistan since 2002: UNHCR - thenews.com.pk

All that progress will be lost in the event of a future civil war, with the full approval of Pakistan's ISI.

Oh no we are not falling for this again, war or no war this time Pakistan won't be allowing any Refugees. Civil war will happen between Pashtoons and Tajiks and like always its in the hands of Afghanistanis not ISI or Pakistan.
Its quite ironical actually,how a country and new nationality was born overnight,on the belief that,religion is the glue that will bind evryone against the objective reality of war and violence.....and now,some 60yrs later we find the citizens of that country ready to launch war against a fellow Muslim country,ignoring the religion now,and considering all the other objective realities of war and violence against his fellow religious brethren....

In the end,I feel much safer and sin free,surrounded by millions of Hindus around,being an Indian Muslim....than I would have felt,if I had been living in Pakistan,where people die due to fighting between "religious brothers" evryday!

People in Pakistan were not killing each other before this Afghan War, Pakistan is surrounded by Problems just now like about from 5years and our Enemies are trying all they can to make Pakistan like another Afghanistan, let me assure you that we the People of Pakistan are not Against our Muslim brothers, but when some one is wrong then he is wrong no matter from which religion he belongs too. And we didn't ask you to live in Pakistan nor we had ever think about living India ,at least you have something in mind which is letting you think what if was in Pak? it is us the people of Pakistan who are fighting this menace and Inshallah you'll watch the better future and in the end Be safe and Happy in India, for us Pakistan is the Best.
Its quite ironical actually,how a country and new nationality was born overnight,on the belief that,religion is the glue that will bind evryone against the objective reality of war and violence.....and now,some 60yrs later we find the citizens of that country ready to launch war against a fellow Muslim country,ignoring the religion now,and considering all the other objective realities of war and violence against his fellow religious brethren....

In the end,I feel much safer and sin free,surrounded by millions of Hindus around,being an Indian Muslim....than I would have felt,if I had been living in Pakistan,where people die due to fighting between "religious brothers" evryday!

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People in Pakistan were not killing each other before this Afghan War, Pakistan is surrounded by Problems just now like about from 5years and our Enemies are trying all they can to make Pakistan like another Afghanistan, let me assure you that we the People of Pakistan are not Against our Muslim brothers, but when some one is wrong then he is wrong no matter from which religion he belongs too. And we didn't ask you to live in Pakistan nor we had ever think about living India ,at least you have something in mind which is letting you think what if was in Pak? it is us the people of Pakistan who are fighting this menace and Inshallah you'll watch the better future and in the end Be safe and Happy in India, for us Pakistan is the Best.

Ya,wats done is done,we can't live out of the subcontinent and we have to remain neighbours,share a common history of centuries of Mughals and British,of unity,even if we don't want to.... We and our future generations have to pay if it was a sin,or we'll live happily ever after,if it had been an act of virtue.... Judging by the current condition of the subcontinent,its hard to believe,if it was indeed an act of "virtue"...on the part of our "fathers" like Gandhi or Jinnah... Gandhi himself had paid with his life...and Jinnah had cried when people had called him "Qaatil-e-Azam" and died an early death..... The people of both the countries didn't share the goodwill of their leaders,once their new "nationalities" were born... This is what people like Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan had feared... "Evil" and "wrong" "enemy" is what we choose someone to be,its not the word of any religion,for that matter... Anyways both the countries are a reality now and peace-friendship-prosper and "greatness" for evry country are the only thng by which stability can be achieved...for the entire subcontinent! Inshallah!

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