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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

Ya,wats done is done,we can't live out of the subcontinent and we have to remain neighbours,share a common history of centuries of Mughals and British,of unity,even if we don't want to.... We and our future generations have to pay if it was a sin,or we'll live happily ever after,if it had been an act of virtue.... Judging by the current condition of the subcontinent,its hard to believe,if it was indeed an act of "virtue"...on the part of our "fathers" like Gandhi or Jinnah... Gandhi himself had paid with his life...and Jinnah had cried when people had called him "Qaatil-e-Azam" and died an early death..... The people of both the countries didn't share the goodwill of their leaders,once their new "nationalities" were born... This is what people like Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan had feared... "Evil" and "wrong" "enemy" is what we choose someone to be,its not the word of any religion,for that matter... Anyways both the countries are a reality now and peace-friendship-prosper and "greatness" for evry country are the only thng by which stability can be achieved...for the entire subcontinent! Inshallah!

there is nothing common between undia and Pakistan , inida is a dirty word in Pakistan
there is nothing common between undia and Pakistan , inida is a dirty word in Pakistan

The great Mughals fought for Delhi,not a scarp of land on the outskrits of India.... Now by naming half of your missiles after them you,yourself are using "dirty words" by your standard...to things dedicated to defend your now,"country".... You see,once you deny your past as as a "dirty word"...you'll have no history left to be told.... cause Mughals are and will be a part of INDIAN history... The word "Pakistan" itself came into this history...in the 20th century! :rofl:
The great Mughals fought for Delhi,not a scarp of land on the outskrits of India.... Now by naming half of your missiles after them you,yourself are using "dirty words" by your standard...to things dedicated to defend your now,"country".... You see,once you deny your past as as a "dirty word"...you'll have no history left to be told.... cause Mughals are and will be a part of INDIAN history... The word "Pakistan" itself came into this history...in the 20th century! :rofl:

Missiles are named as a sign of respect to 'Muslim' conquerors and are not limited to Mughals. Western world still treats 'Greeks' as the foundation of western civilization when most western countries had no direct link to Greeks and in-fact have a long history of extremely brutal battles among themselves.

Pakistanis adhere to Two Nation Theory, i.e. Muslims were a distinct entity and wanted a state where they could develop a constitution in light of Islamic principles. We are happy with that our struggle bore fruits and will do everything in our power for the well being and protection of Pakistan. As an Indian Muslim we wish you the best, I don't know why you need to put down Pakistan to feel better about yourself.
Missiles are named as a sign of respect to 'Muslim' conquerors and are not limited to Mughals. Western world still treats 'Greeks' as the foundation of western civilization when most western countries had no direct link to Greeks and in-fact have a long history of extremely brutal battles among themselves.

Pakistanis adhere to Two Nation Theory, i.e. Muslims were a distinct entity and wanted a state where they could develop a constitution in light of Islamic principles. We are happy with that our struggle bore fruits and will do everything in our power for the well being and protection of Pakistan. As an Indian Muslim we wish you the best, I don't know why you need to put down Pakistan to feel better about yourself.

I am not "putting down" anything brother... see the post I had qouted before,and that was my response being an INDIAN... The western civillizations named their achievements to Greek names....cause they upheld and realised the GREATNESS of the Greek civillization.... You should have to do the same in regards to the INDIAN civillization...which you yourself were a part of,some 60 years back...if you wish to use the names and consider THE GREATS OF INDIAN HISTORY....as part of your "new culture" or "new society"..... Babur fought for,conquered,and made Delhi as the Mughal and INDIAN capital,for example,so you have to recognise THE GREATNESS OF INDIA UNDER THE MUGHALS...if you wish to honour him by using his name... :thank_you2:
Missiles are named as a sign of respect to 'Muslim' conquerors and are not limited to Mughals. Western world still treats 'Greeks' as the foundation of western civilization when most western countries had no direct link to Greeks and in-fact have a long history of extremely brutal battles among themselves.

Pakistanis adhere to Two Nation Theory, i.e. Muslims were a distinct entity and wanted a state where they could develop a constitution in light of Islamic principles. We are happy with that our struggle bore fruits and will do everything in our power for the well being and protection of Pakistan. As an Indian Muslim we wish you the best, I don't know why you need to put down Pakistan to feel better about yourself.

Well No comparison between Western civilization and Muslim civilization , Western C. which treat every one equal , where in Muslims civilization no comparison , Non-Arab(particularity Asian ) Muslims get treated very badly in Arab world , Even you can not marry Saudi girl , you can not Get citizenship , View is low grade converts . which kind of racist civilization.
Well No comparison between Western civilization and Muslim civilization , Western C. which treat every one equal , where in Muslims civilization no comparison , Non-Arab(particularity Asian ) Muslims get treated very badly in Arab world , Even you can not marry Saudi girl , you can not Get citizenship , View is low grade converts . which kind of racist civilization.

You see the problem lies in the name itself.... "Western" and "Muslim" .... its called western though there are many religions and sects.... whereas we have been and still are fighting among ourselves for far too long to develop... hence "Muslim" "Hindu" "Arab" "Shia" "Buddhist" civillization but no EASTERN civillization as a whole... :undecided:
Well No comparison between Western civilization and Muslim civilization , Western C. which treat every one equal , where in Muslims civilization no comparison , Non-Arab(particularity Asian ) Muslims get treated very badly in Arab world , Even you can not marry Saudi girl , you can not Get citizenship , View is low grade converts . which kind of racist civilization.

You absolutely have no Idea about Greeks, western civilization or even Islamic one.
The problem is the intervention of Pakistan and that pakistanis spread the ISI made version of islam to Afghanistan. We afghans never had any kind of problem among ourselves, these ethnic tensions are just a gift of ISI

C'mon dear. Please wake up and smell the coffee.

Please do not drink the Indian-cola that results in seeing ISI as psychedelic colors in the drunken stooper of hate-Pakistan-at-every-moment $hit.

Next time someone comes to you and says 10 times Hi-Hess-Hi, isi isi isis,

just share with him the following.

-- If you keep your shalwar tied at the waste, no neighbor dan come f you.

Afghans need to keep their shalwar at tied at the waste, especially when it comes to India and Pakistan.

Because when you lower that, well all bets are off.

Thank you.
You see the problem lies in the name itself.... "Western" and "Muslim" .... its called western though there are many religions and sects.... whereas we have been and still are fighting among ourselves for far too long to develop... hence "Muslim" "Hindu" "Arab" "Shia" "Buddhist" civillization but no EASTERN civillization as a whole... :undecided:

there are EASTERN civillizations , there are many civilization in east thats why it's plural . Muslim Doesn't come under EASTERN civillizations.
there are EASTERN civillizations , there are many civilization in east thats why it's plural . Muslim Doesn't come under EASTERN civillizations.

It is Asian... Asia is in the Eastern Hemisphere,not China and the lands beyond it,as is the common perception in the west of being the "East" .... You are very picky while talking about Asian or Eastern civillizations...terming it as "plural" and "backward" while glorifying the west.... well,lets talk about The Dark Ages,Greek,Roman,Protestants,Catholics and other civillizations and religious sects of the west.... The problem was that most of the Eastern or Asian civillizations were too powerful to be controlled by others and there was constant conflict,which is unhealthy for development or advancement.... whereas,being fewer in number one dominant western civillization subdued the other,hence conflict was reduced,which owed to advancement and development!
Ya,wats done is done,we can't live out of the subcontinent and we have to remain neighbours,share a common history of centuries of Mughals and British,of unity,even if we don't want to.... We and our future generations have to pay if it was a sin,or we'll live happily ever after,if it had been an act of virtue.... Judging by the current condition of the subcontinent,its hard to believe,if it was indeed an act of "virtue"...on the part of our "fathers" like Gandhi or Jinnah... Gandhi himself had paid with his life...and Jinnah had cried when people had called him "Qaatil-e-Azam" and died an early death..... The people of both the countries didn't share the goodwill of their leaders,once their new "nationalities" were born... This is what people like Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan had feared... "Evil" and "wrong" "enemy" is what we choose someone to be,its not the word of any religion,for that matter... Anyways both the countries are a reality now and peace-friendship-prosper and "greatness" for evry country are the only thng by which stability can be achieved...for the entire subcontinent! Inshallah!

Great answer. Love your expressions. Balanced approach indeed.
Its quite ironical actually,how a country and new nationality was born overnight,on the belief that,religion is the glue that will bind evryone against the objective reality of war and violence.....and now,some 60yrs later we find the citizens of that country ready to launch war against a fellow Muslim country,ignoring the religion now,and considering all the other objective realities of war and violence against his fellow religious brethren....

In the end,I feel much safer and sin free,surrounded by millions of Hindus around,being an Indian Muslim....than I would have felt,if I had been living in Pakistan,where people die due to fighting between "religious brothers" evryday!

lol what a pathetic comment.
we are not ready to wage war against any muslim country unless we are provoked and if we are provoked we attack and defeat them just like we did to india in 65 and 98.
im very much doubting that your a muslim period, you just dont sound like a muslim at very best you could be person born to a muslim family now an atheist nutjob

and we going to see in a few more days that your actually not a muslim but just a hindu pretending to be a muslim after we do our little pakistani magic on you.

Great answer. Love your expressions. Balanced approach indeed.

maybe you should read the rest of his comments this is what your going to get from him after he knows he is cornered

Great answer. Love your expressions. Balanced approach indeed.

maybe you should read the rest of his comments this is what your going to get from him after he knows he is cornered
We really must make sure karzai or anyone in his cabinet or military NOT take refuge in Pakistan after their eventual collapse - nor should they already have family nestled in Pakistan.

If they act like enemies we should treat them as enemy

Bunch of locusts. Cockroaches
We really must make sure karzai or anyone in his cabinet or military NOT take refuge in Pakistan after their eventual collapse - nor should they already have family nestled in Pakistan.

If they act like enemies we should treat them as enemy

Bunch of locusts. Cockroaches

I hope we don't lure him to Pakistan where thousands of accidents happen every day ... *wink* *wink*
Haven't you and your forefathers served tea to Angreez and other colonial powers, So serving the Others is something that is in your blood, you may like it or not but this is how you are. And If I come infront of you you wouldn't be able to do anyting so stop with these cheap talks, we all know who is an afghan and who is pakistani

Well yes we know who an afghan is, he is the guy begging on our streets. The poor afghan children will be seen collecting rubbish from everywhere and the most accomplish afghan can get is to become a driver. That is the highest goal you guys set for yourself. Although I feel sorry for the poor afghan children, I really dont want Afghans to be in Pakistan. You guys have brought drugs and weapons in our country. If you hate it so much then why dont you go back. I tell you the reason is you guys are bhaigairat. No shame.

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