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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

as if Punajbis and mohajirs themselves have produced Einsteins, Russells, Newtons etc


Nobel Prize Synopsis of Dr. Abdus Salam - Pioneer of the 'God Particle'

Biography by Gordon Fraser

Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions, Gauge unification of fundamental forces (pdf of Nobel lecture), and other selected works.


Edit: for the rest of your garbage post, consult a history book rather than the right half of that akhroat-size brain.
he isn't with the taleban; he defected --after a handsome bribe payment made by the British government - not the Afghans. After the payment he switched hats and joined the Karzai puppet government.

helps always to know the facts first - especially those that pertain to your own country

I know I know, he isn't a paid defector! his defection broken the backbone of Taliban in north Afghanistan and he brought many other Taliban to peace!

Though there are reports that local Taliban fighters has announced support to ANSF in Nangrahar province against pakistani army.

Hes doing it for the money my frnd..

Evidence please?
We need All Afghani to leave our country this instant...

Lanat on Zia ul Haq for bringing these druggie radical Afghans in and spreading gun culture in Pakistan
I know I know, he isn't a paid defector! his defection broken the backbone of Taliban in north Afghanistan and he brought many other Taliban to peace!

Ideally that should happen; Afghans should focus their energy on RECONCILIATION rather than being at war with eachother and provocations into our side

NATO wont be there forever!

Though there are reports that local Taliban fighters has announced support to ANSF in Nangrahar province against pakistani army.

certainly could be some factions; we already know TTP has generous support across the border as your Karzai is well aware
Pakistan Warns Kabul To Show Restraint
Hundreds Of Afghans Rally In South
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan, May 7, (AP): Pakistan warned Afghanistan on Tuesday that it would not be responsible for the consequences if a border spat between the two countries escalated further, even as hundreds of Afghans rallied in a southern city to protest the latest incidents along their country’s frontier.
The Pakistani warning came one day after Afghanistan lodged a similar protest with Islamabad, blaming its neighbor for a spate of shootouts near the boundary.

Afghanistan had claimed Monday that its forces were fired on in the Goshta district of Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province, the same place where a firefight between Afghan and Pakistani forces left an Afghan border policeman dead and two Pakistani soldiers wounded last week.

Relations between the two neighbors have been severely strained in recent months, and the mountainous region in eastern Afghanistan where the shootings occurred has seen acrimonious exchanges between the two sides over the demarcation of their border.

The Pakistani protest, made to Afghanistan’s charge d’affairs in Islamabad, described Monday’s incident as an “unprovoked fire incident” that resulted in the wounding of five Pakistani soldiers.

A Pakistani statement said the Afghan diplomat was told that “in case of any further escalation as a result of this situation, the responsibility would be on the Afghan government.”

It added that in Monday’s incident “Pakistan security forces exercised maximum restraint.”

“Pakistan feels that repetition of unprovoked firing incidents are adversely affecting the friendly relations between the two brotherly countries which have covered a long distance in building trust and understanding in the recent years,” the statement said.

Although Afghanistan’s national security forces have swelled to nearly 352,000 in recent years, their size is tiny compared to a Pakistani military that is one of the 10 biggest in the world.

Earlier, hundreds of men marched through downtown Kandahar chanting “Death to Pakistan” and “Death to the ISI,” a reference to Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, the country’s spy agency.

The demonstrators, who dispersed peacefully after the march, were protesting the two shooting incidents along the frontier.

In the first incident last week, a border gate built by Pakistan was damaged in the fighting. Afghan officials say the second exchange started Monday when Afghan border police told Pakistani forces to stop repairing the gate, sparking a firefight that ended two hours later with a cease-fire.

Pakistan claims the facility is on its territory. But Afghanistan does not recognize the disputed Durand Line, the 19th century demarcation between present-day Afghanistan and Pakistan as its border. Pakistan accepts the line as the boundary between the two sides.
Durand line is Not a settled issue, it needs to be settled.......................
When Afghanistan signed it in 1893, it was not completely sovereign state, its foreign policy was controlled by British per Treaty of Gandamak. Amir signed it under pressure and British clearly dictated their terms in treaty......Moreover Colonial British empire was not representing people of Hindustan, it itself was an occupying force of foreign origin.....so this treaty is invalid from the very beginning........Also Pakistan was new country and it had to sit with Afghanistan to settle the border, it didnt......so it is a disputed border.....it can not be settled without Afghanistan recognition.....

Durand line is an unnatural border, it doesn't make any sense from demographic or strategic point of view.......Pashtuns and their tribes are split up and natural order would be to get lar Afghans united back with bar afghans in their historical motherland of Afghanistan........

Pakistani pashtuns are not citizens of Pakistan but are subjects....Pashtun's culture, language, traditions and even identity is facing an onslaught in this country....The Urdu media has been very negative in its stereotyping. Its demonization and generalization of the Pashtuns has left them at a loss for their identity and they are forced to ask whether they can call Pakistan home. A perception is created among the urbanite middle class of Pakistan that Pashtuns are cultural savages, backward and unable to assimilate into the mainstream culture. They are ridiculed in dramas, humour based shows and morning shows and their stigmatization is a routine occurrence on Pakistani TV channels and newspapers. Pashtuns have been alienated so much that they feel strangers in pakistan...

I would give an example as to how they present Pashtuns on television screen. In a prime time drama scene a Pashtun is shown as security guard, a clown in fact. When he reports for duty at a house, the owner asks him to check if he has a brain before assigning him responsibility........... as if Punajbis and mohajirs themselves have produced Einsteins, Russells, Newtons etc

Pashtuns of pakistan need to realize that honour, dignity, ghairat, self-respect, self -esteem ,independence etc are more important than economic incentives , boot licking, and psychological slavery.............your urdu accent is ridiculed in pakistan and you feel inferior, that wont happen when you are with your own pashtuns of jalalabad or kandahar.....azad qabail of FATA are bearing the brunt of wrong policies of pakistan and they are either getting killed or getting displaced as refugees, its simply genocide......sooner or later khyber pakhtunkhwa would also be burning......you people have to take big decision in future which would ensure your survival....We bar afghans are always with you.

Lar o bar yo Afghan !

Are you for real? Do you believe this nonsense?

You are a war torn and war ravaged country but you still want to pick a fight.

and the greatest offence to you is not what's happening to your people but their depiction in a TV show - is this actually a serious opinion?
firstable if you click on his profile you see his profile pic, which shows obviously some kind of muslim CLERIC portrayed as evil and than you see his avatar

Why do you assume? Ask him what does the picture mean? May be he meant the Mullah's who steer Pakistan in wrong way all the time!

and then you have this guy talking non sense about us cutting india into 2 parts, and it makes you wonder is this guy full of crap? and i think he is full of crap

Anti-India design and work is carried out by Pakistan from 1947.. If it is NOT about the terrorist you send... We seldom care about you!


he is either a non muslim indian pretending to be a muslim.

or he was born into a muslim family and is clearly not a muslim any more judging from his speech.

Who are you to judge on who is a Muslim and who is NOT! The Indian Muslims can live with peace with other religions in India... It is NOT possible by a Pakistani!
Most Pakistanis remember what happened last time the US withdrew too quickly. Let's see how the US handles the mess we had to endure last time.

US will most likely leave behind 15 to 20 thousand soldiers;that wont be enough, if ANA fails to safeguard the nation and perform as disciplined force
So pakistan really has started invasion of afghanistan or what?

because the pashtunistan belong to pashtuns and pakistani pashtuns are not only in 3 time more number but

*Major tribes of pashtuns infact all the tribe of true pashtuns are from kpk and balochistan
*none are pakistani pashtuns have given up there language like uzbekized/tajikized pashtuns of afghanistan has given it for dari or say persian...even there president speaks in persian while they blame us for urdu
*Urdu and dari/persian are the most spoken language in afghanistan not pashto anymore
*they are now brainwashed by uzbeks and tajiks makes them equal to dirty uzbeks and tajiks

we pakistan pashtuns should step up and tell our army to leave the afghans and afghan national army to us..we will take our pashtunistan back and merge it with kpk to make greater pakhtunkhwa.

Survey has shown that now afghan illegal refugees migrating toward balochistan.

I am 100% sure many pashtuns from afghanistan whom are not tajiks/uzbeks in disguise will opt for Greater pakhtunkhwa
So pakistan really has started invasion of afghanistan or what?

because the pashtunistan belong to pashtuns and pakistani pashtuns are not only in 3 time more number but

*Major tribes of pashtuns infact all the tribe of true pashtuns are from kpk and balochistan
*none are pakistani pashtuns have given up there language like uzbekized/tajikized pashtuns of afghanistan has given it for dari or say persian...even there president speaks in persian while they blame us for urdu
*Urdu and dari/persian are the most spoken language in afghanistan not pashto anymore
*they are now brainwashed by uzbeks and tajiks makes them equal to dirty uzbeks and tajiks

we pakistan pashtuns should step up and tell our army to leave the afghans and afghan national army to us..we will take our pashtunistan back and merge it with kpk to make greater pakhtunkhwa.

Survey has shown that now afghan illegal refugees migrating toward balochistan.

I am 100% sure many pashtuns from afghanistan whom are not tajiks/uzbeks in disguise will opt for Greater pakhtunkhwa

I believe you give the Uzbeks too much credit. That's why I can't take your post serious.
So.. what does Pakistan foreign office had replied? or they are only good to take salaries!

In existing circumstances, it is clear that Pakistan's civil institutions are working in the interest of enemies of Pakistan.
Well, Pakistan has the right t defend herself ,and if provoked it will fire back. I still don't quite understand what the Karzai's regime wants from Pakistan. Mr. Karzai contested himself off and on. He once claimed that Pakistan is Afghanistan's best friend and now we hear a different tone.

Let just hope that nobody gets hurt.

So.. what does Pakistan foreign office had replied? or they are only good to take salaries!

In existing circumstances, it is clear that Pakistan's civil institutions are working in the interest of enemies of Pakistan.

The Pakistani government stated that it will retaliate if provoked. Last time we lost 24 brave Pakistani soldiers and we don't wish to see it again.
26 countries have flooded into your country and killed so many of your people, destroyed you.

Yet you turn your guns to Pakistan who has helped you in times of need. Provided shelter for your people, given them a living so they can feed their families.

You want NWFP? You want Baluchistan?

I don't understand your logic.

Afghanistan has nothing to offer the provinces of Pakistan, you don't have an economy, ideology, infrastructure, governance, security. You are struggling to establish your own country and you are targeting our provinces?
he will once again lick the boots of pakistani generals..

let his masters leave the country to him alone

Afgans are sick and tired of this attitude of Pakistan and you simply confirmed how you look down to Afgans and treat them as slaves. :coffee:

I assume that you hate Karzai because of the statement and it seems that you guys would like him to say something like this:

"Dear Taliban, Turn your arms against your own people and continue with the destruction of your country under the pretext of Jahad and you guys should always be grateful for the country which is helping you in your cause against the afghan prosperity"

Afgans are realizing WHO actually is responsible for the destruction of Afganistan and it was not really US to be blamed for.:azn:
US will most likely leave behind 15 to 20 thousand soldiers;that wont be enough, if ANA fails to safeguard the nation and perform as disciplined force

I've said elsewhere that ISAF failed to control all of Afghanistan with the current numbers, what do they wish to achieve with 10k ??
And the ANA is nowhere capable of handling a resurgent Taliban movement. Hence the US insistence on negotiations with them.

The best hope for them, as I see it, is to convert a large portion of Taliban into a purely political movement that functions under a secular Afghan constitutional framework. Silly idea, imo. Talibs are anti-secularism and I don't see them agreeing to this just yet.
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