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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

Have you met those pakistani pakhtuns in canada?
People say such stuff for different reasons....if an afghan kid is collecting garbage and a pathan with modern dress up call him/her scum of earth, then some thing is wrong with that Pathan , not Afghan kid...
And believe me same pathans would also call people of cholistan, rural sindh and balochistan jahil. Forexample a pathan who had business in hyderabad was telling me that sindhis are most jahil people on earth....

Not in Canada, but it was no in Pakistan either.
I get your point.
I am just saying that this guy is delusional if he thinks that Pakistani pashtuns want to go to Afghanistan.
Pakistani Pashtuns are some of the loyalists people in Pakistan. :pakistan:
Not in Canada, but it was no in Pakistan either.
I get your point.
I am just saying that this guy is delusional if he thinks that Pakistani pashtuns want to go to Afghanistan.
Pakistani Pashtuns are some of the loyalists people in Pakistan. :pakistan:

There is not even slightest idea of joining Afghanistan neither any movement in KPK...Its true
Even pakhtun nationalists are working within scope of Pakistan....
And this is claiming someone with the picture of Junna of his profile.

Next time you refer to the founder of the nation , learn to say it with respect and civility otherwise I know very well how to reply in the same coin to the stone age cave dwellers .

There is not even slightest idea of joining Afghanistan neither any movement in KPK...Its true
Even pakhtun nationalists are working within scope of Pakistan....

We know . Never has been in history .

So , what is this new referendum drama by the Afghans here ?
Next time you refer to the founder of the nation , learn to say it with respect and civility otherwise I know very well how to reply in the same coin .

We know . Never has been in history .

So , what is it this new referendum drama by the Afghans here ?

Some pakhtun nationalists in western countries, who themeselves are disconnected from ground realities, tell them on forums that lar pakhtuns are waiting to be freed and rescued from punjabis, majority of them hate Pakistan and want loy pakhtunistan or afghanistan......Afghans are influenced from such propaganda and believe it.
99% of supporters of loy afghanistan and related stuff on internet live in foriegn countries, very emotional but incorrect about most of the things....
Some pakhtun nationalists in western countries, who themeselves are disconnected from ground realities, tell them on forums that lar pakhtuns are waiting to be freed and rescued from punjabis, majority of them hate Pakistan and want loy pakhtunistan or afghanistan......Afghans are influenced from such propaganda and believe it.
99% of supporters of loy afghanistan and related stuff on internet live in foriegn countries, very emotional but incorrect about most of the things....

Actually , being active on Facebook and a couple other social networks , I know a little about these Internet " Afghans " totally disconnected from the situation in our country and believing whatever the media tells them like gospel truth . Well for one , majority of Afghans hate Pakistan too since its independence , the hate wasn't developed after the Soviet war , it just couldn't . As for the stuff about being rescued from Punjabis , it is really so absurd and nonsensical that even to answer it , would be to dignify it . I have seen @Armstrong burst their bubbles in this very thread about that .
The old dream of " Loy Afghanistan " , when would the Afghans learn to control the current areas of their country ?
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Actually , being active on Facebook and a couple other social networks , I know a little about these Internet " Afghans " totally disconnected from the situation in our country and believing whatever the media tells them like gospel truth . Well for one , majority of Afghans hate Pakistan too since its independence , the hate wasn't developed after the Soviet war , it just couldn't . As for the stuff about being rescued from Punjabis , it is really so absurd and nonsensical that even to answer it , would be to dignify it . I have seen @Armstrong burst their bubbles in this very thread about that .
The old dream of " Loy Afghanistan " , when would the Afghans learn to control the current areas of their country ?

Territorial integrity, peace , stability and prosperity should be the priorities of Afghans...if Afghans accept durand line as permenant border, Pakistan would stop interfering in the country and even might help them eradicating Taliban...but by provoking pakistan with durand line issue would only make Afghanistan suffer, Pakistan would simply seal the border....
Moreover 58% of population of Afghanistan is non-pakhtun, durand line is not their issue and they are suffering because of it for no reason....
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Territorial integrity, peace , stability and prosperity should be the priorities of Afghans...if Afghans accept durand line as permenant border, Pakistan would stop interfering in the country and even might help them eradicating Taliban...but by provoking pakistan with durand line issue would only make Afghanistan suffer, Pakistan would simply seal the border....
Moreover 58% of population of Afghanistan is non-pakhtun, durand line is not their issue and they are suffering because of it for no reason....

Territorial integrity for both Pakistan and Afghanistan is only possible if Durand line is accepted and demarcated by mutual consent. In the age of nation states an open border is an invitation to trouble. Both countries can work out any details regarding people who live in immediate vicinity of border area but border needs to be demarcated.
Don't really know why you pakistanis are so mad about Karzai's statement.

Are you fcking kidding me?
Stop playing dumb.

Karzai had simply asked taliban to stop destroying theri country and use their weapon instead against those people who are making plots against afghan prosperity.

Abe, namak haram.

He is simply saying, 'go kill Pakistanis instead'.
What kind of sick bastard is he?

Why the hell wouldn't I be pissed off?
And don't blame us for ethnic battles in your own country, naturally we choose what is in our interests.

But throughout the 80's, we went out of our way to bail your ungrateful *****, despite the massive cost to us.

Last time I checked all Pakistani officials were claiming that they were against the taliban and that pakistan is one of the victim of talibans and that they want a peaceful and progressive Afghanistan so the question is why you guys are so mad if you have nothing to do with taliban

That made no sense.
yes, we are against TTP.

Nothing to do with taliban?
What the hell do you think has been going on in our North West?
TTP pests are there, they have killed tens of thousands civilians and thousands security.

So don't you dare try to pull that kind of ****.
Territorial integrity for both Pakistan and Afghanistan is only possible if Durand line is accepted and demarcated by mutual consent. In the age of nation states an open border is an invitation to trouble. Both countries can work out any details regarding people who live in immediate vicinity of border area but border needs to be demarcated.

Even if you demarcate it , Tribes such as mohmands, shinwaris, wazirs, kakars and achakzais, who live on both sides of durand, would freely move without visa and document...durand line was not properly drawn.
Territorial integrity, peace , stability and prosperity should be the priorities of Afghans...if Afghans accept durand line as permenant border, Pakistan would stop interfering in the country and even might help them eradicating Taliban...but by provoking pakistan with durand line issue would only make Afghanistan suffer, Pakistan would simply seal the border....
Moreover 58% of population of Afghanistan is non-pakhtun, durand line is not their issue and they are suffering because of it for no reason....

Honestly , most of them wouldn't even understand what you are trying to tell here , I told you a long time ago that economic prosperity is the way forward , the guns culture isn't taking anyone anywhere , merely contributing to the lawlessness and chaos it is . Get education and infrastructure development in there and you wont need to carry the weapons for your safety .

That has been the dilemma , Afghans ratified the agreement signed by the Amir with the British in 1919 at Rawalpindi , however they only chose to dispute it when Pakistan came into being , now why did they choose to start flogging a dead horse in '47 is beyond me , the only reason would be the hate against the newly created state of Pakistan . Moreover , they have acted as a hostile since the beginning , the Durand Line is just one of the issue amongst others . It isn't possible to seal the border completely , but still if Govt of Pakistan stops the supplies due to the ongoing animosity with Afghanistan even though that is most unlikely to happen , only the common Afghans would suffer .

Do explain to me , how is it a problem even ? Families can cross the border without any visa or anything else freely to visit relatives on the other side .
Honestly , most of them wouldn't even understand what you are trying to tell here , I told you a long time ago that economic prosperity is the way forward , the guns culture isn't taking anyone anywhere , merely contributing to the lawlessness and chaos it is . Get education and infrastructure development in there and you wont need to carry the weapons for your safety .

That has been the dilemma , Afghans ratified the agreement with the British in 1919 at Rawalpindi , however they only chose to dispute it when Pakistan came into being , what did they choose to only start flogging a dead horse in '47 is beyond me , the only reason would be the hate against the newly created state of Pakistan . Moreover , they have acted as a hostile since the beginning , the Durand Line is just one of the issue amongst others . It isn't possible to seal the border completely , but still if Govt of Pakistan stops the supplies due to the ongoing animosity with Afghanistan even though that is most unlikely to happen , only the common Afghans would suffer .

Do explain to me , how is it a problem even ? Families can cross the border without any visa or anything else freely to visit relatives on the other side .

Exactly, This shows that start of hostilities was from Aghanistan's side not Pakistan.
Exactly, This shows that start of hostilities was from Aghanistan's side not Pakistan.

The Afghan Government accepts the Indo–Afghan frontier accepted by the late Amir
—Article V of the August 8, 1919 Treaty of Rawalpindi

His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom has seen with regret the disagreements between the Governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan about the status of the territories on the North West Frontier. It is His Majesty's Government's view that Pakistan is in international law the inheritor of the rights and duties of the old Government of India and of his Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom in these territories and that the Durand Line is the international frontier.[32]
—Philip Noel-Baker, June 30, 1950

Now , the problem is one Afghan Govt accepts it and just after it , another one comes to power and declares it null and void and illegal , this isn't how it works in the International law . Say , if we make Mr Karzai to accept that border , what is the guarantee that any future Govt will not do the same ?
Even if you demarcate it , Tribes such as mohmands, shinwaris, wazirs, kakars and achakzais, who live on both sides of durand, would freely move without visa and document...durand line was not properly drawn.

The problem lies not with the tribes , but with the terrorists crossing the porous and unsealable border without any restrictions and a whole tribe suffering because of that due to Collective Punishment act in FCR , needs to be abolished . But there are too many obstacles .
Exactly, This shows that start of hostilities was from Aghanistan's side not Pakistan.

Afghans usually opine that they were simply waiting for British to leave hindostan, they were not expecting creation of Pakistan.
The third anglo-afghan war was launched by afghans against British in order to liberate NWFP and FATA, it was a victory in terms of heavy losses to british but British used air force and bombarded royal palace, the king immediately gave orders of retreat. After that they ratified durand line agreement with British...
In urdu it is said "lamho ney khata ki sadio ne saza pai"...Amir abdul made a blunder and signed durand line agreement for 7 lakh rupees pension...if he was not selfish and had guts, had used mullahs and stretagy, pakhtuns could have been fighting for sake of afghanistan against british instead of aimless ambushes here and there...though it is also said that he instigated the most famous malakand revolt of 1897 against british as he was not entirely happy with durand line treaty
Hamid Karzai is a man with serious Psychological problems. Karzai Bro, keep taking your medication and please do not skip those colourful pills.
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