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Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

You wanna know something funny?
The people in Pakistan who hate Afghans the most are Pashtuns!
I have met so many Pashtuns who curse every Afghani.
So while you live in your delutions, the reality is that it is not punjabis who hate you people, it's your own pushtuns :lol:

Well, If you really think that pashtuns hates us and they like being pakistani, then lets set up a fair refurandum governed by united nation where the pashtuns of pakistan should take stance if they want to be part of pakistan, create an independate state or join Afghanistan. As an afghan nationalist we promise to respect the outcome of this poll and if pashtuns chose to side with pakistan then we would never bring up the durrand issue and will recognize the line is offical border and I would never blame panjabis for aggration or opperation of pashtun nation. So what is the problem why your government doesn't want to solve this issue this way? and are you Ok with this solution?

what kind of idiot suggestion is this?
No one in KPK is asking for independence, only retarded outsides like you are.

We are a sovereign nation, we don't just allow cave dwellers to come to us and tell us what to do.
Facts remain that there is no government in the Tribal area by the border and yet those people still fly the Pakitani flag. How easy do you think it would be for them to simply declare independence if they wanted to?
The rest of the KPK are enthusiastically voting in the coming elections, which is an enforcement of being Pakistani.

Look at the sepertists Baloch on the other hand. they don't vote and are fighting the government, this is not something you see by common pashtuns in KEP.
Hell, even the TTP does not want independence.

So once again, for the love of God take care of your own drug addicted and gun toting country first. Improve the lives of your own people, take command of your country before you even dream of looking at Pakistan.

PS, the man who has the most support and love in Pakistan, across all ethnicity is Imran Khan... a Pashtun :toast_sign:
Call me what you want, but I can't stand fools like you.
I am just being honest with you and you don't like that because you have spent your whole life with a victem complex, blaming others for your problems.

All I am saying is that for once in your life stop acting like a chick and man up, take responsibility.
There is no magic evil Punjabi that is causing all your problems, its you, you people cause your own problems.
Fix yourself and no one else will dare to bother you.

I hope you understand what I am saying, but somehow I doubt it.

The real enemies of afghan pashtuns are tajiks and uzbeks. Since they control afghanistan, our afghan friend cannot outrightly blame them so he tries to blame punjabis instead.
Not exactly good judgment. I can assure you that most of the lar pakhtuns have no problem with afghan refugees...afghan refugees are hard warking people and keep it to themeselves, do not interfere in any local issue...if a local hotel-wala has problem with success of kabuli hotel, then its jealousy...if burger family pathan is mocking simple and poor afghan selling chana then he is a messed up individual.
Also many settled pakhtuns hate wazir and mehsuds due to taliban factor, what do make of it? Both are pakistanis. Pakhtuns in jumat e islami hate pashtun nationalists of ANP, both are lar pakhtuns..

I am just saying my experience, I have never heard Punjabis or Urdu speaking people insult Pathans, they might complain about something but they respect Pathans. I have, however, heard some really nasty things said about Afghanistan pashtuns by Pakistani pashtuns. Just my little experience :angel:

The real enemies of afghan pashtuns are tajiks and uzbeks. Since they control afghanistan, our afghan friend cannot outrightly blame them so he tries to blame punjabis instead.

while this is true, the real real enemy is themselves.
if you have a functioning society and country, no one would dare interfere with them.
If they run their country like a circus....well everyone wants to go to the circus ;)
while this is true, the real real enemy is themselves.
if you have a functioning society and country, no one would dare interfere with them.
If they run their country like a circus....well everyone wants to go to the circus ;)


Afghans have been fighting each other for centuries, today Punjabis are their scapegoats tomorrow it'll be the Somalis!
I am just saying my experience, I have never heard Punjabis or Urdu speaking people insult Pathans, they might complain about something but they respect Pathans. I have, however, heard some really nasty things said about Afghanistan pashtuns by Pakistani pashtuns. Just my little experience :angel:

while this is true, the real real enemy is themselves.
if you have a functioning society and country, no one would dare interfere with them.
If they run their country like a circus....well everyone wants to go to the circus ;)

What kind of nasty things about Afghanistan? Can you share the details? Of what background those pakhtuns were and why they were saying such stuff in the first place?
what kind of idiot suggestion is this?
No one in KPK is asking for independence, only retarded outsides like you are.

Well, I can assure you that they are lots of people who wants this but out fear for themselves or their family they don't want to bring this issue on up. And I stop calling me a retarded because I if you continue so then I have to call you son of cheap prositue of Heera Mandai where you born and thats why we both will spoil the disscussion.
We are a sovereign nation, we don't just allow cave dwellers to come to us and tell us what to do.
Facts remain that there is no government in the Tribal area by the border and yet those people still fly the Pakitani flag. How easy do you think it would be for them to simply declare independence if they wanted to?

Even sovereign nation has to settle the issue of their borders and have to listen to the wish of its people.
The tribals in the past had made several attemps and those who know the history of the region knows what happened to them and how many people lost their live dure to bombardments of **** army.
The rest of the KPK are enthusiastically voting in the coming elections, which is an enforcement of being Pakistani.
It doesn't means anything, pashtuns are just waiting for their turn because they know that the pashtun masses are poinsoned with islamisim and waiting for their time.
Look at the sepertists Baloch on the other hand. they don't vote and are fighting the government, this is not something you see by common pashtuns in KEP.

Different style but the goal is the same and I wish my baluch brothers and sisters also success in their holy cause.
Hell, even the TTP does not want independence. ]

They don't have know anything about the concept of state and still dreaming about khalifat era so they are nothing, they are just a tool of ISI

So once again, for the love of God take care of your own drug addicted and gun toting country first. Improve the lives of your own people, take command of your country before you even dream of looking at Pakistan.

PS, the man who has the most support and love in Pakistan, across all ethnicity is Imran Khan... a Pashtun :toast_sign:[/QUOTE]

And I don't regard Imran khan as a Pashtun
The real enemies of afghan pashtuns are tajiks and uzbeks. Since they control afghanistan, our afghan friend cannot outrightly blame them so he tries to blame punjabis instead.

And in Pakistan we have Mohajir vs Pashtun, Baloch against Punjabi...so lets not point fingers on Afghanistan in this regard.
The civil war of 90s in Afghanistan was first of its kind, because for last 250 years they were under central authority of Afghan king which when lifted, led to destabilization of Afghanistan. We shouldnt also point fingers on Afghanistan in this regard. Civil war in East pakistan was worst of its kind and we lost half of our country, that didnt happen in case of afghanistan in 90s.
The real enemies of afghan pashtuns are tajiks and uzbeks. Since they control afghanistan, our afghan friend cannot outrightly blame them so he tries to blame punjabis instead.

Thats bullshit which is spread by **** media
and you think we cant speak and write pashto?
because of you guys the afghanistan is lost to uzbeks and tajiks.they are majority now..i am sure in future the pashtuns population in afghanistan will become further smaller..before they change the name to uzbekistan or merge half half with respective uzbekistan and tajikistan

Punjabi are our brothers,we are happy with educated punjabi than illetrate fake pashtuns who dont even count for 10% of total pashtun population now and rather call themselves true pashtuns

has sold there country to americans while jumps over the clash with fellow pakistani whom have given them a free supply line.

anyway i guess its useless to waste my time with a uzbekized pashtun

If I post a pashto text here ,would you be able to read it?.. According to surveys and statistics only 5% of pakhtuns in KPK can read and write in Pashto. Most of the schools in province are private and 95% of such schools are not teaching pashto subject despite of the fact that ANP governament made it compulsory even for private schools upto 6th grade.
You can boast of kor kaman and fertile lands of your bannu, but Afghans are way ahead of you in pashto langauge and literature.
And in Pakistan we have Mohajir vs Pashtun, Baloch against Punjabi...so lets not point fingers on Afghanistan in this regard.
The civil war of 90s in Afghanistan was first of its kind, because for last 250 years they were under central authority of Afghan king which when lifted, led to destabilization of Afghanistan. We shouldnt also point fingers on Afghanistan in this regard. Civil war in East pakistan was worst of its kind and we lost half of our country, that didnt happen in case of afghanistan in 90s.

Then they should stop pointing fingers at Punjabis! in afghanistan there was a civil war between the tajiks/uzbecks/ hazara's and the pashtuns not punjabis and Pashtuns.

Thats bullshit which is spread by **** media

No its the truth.

You went to war with the tajiks and uzbeks
What kind of nasty things about Afghanistan? Can you share the details? Of what background those pakhtuns were and why they were saying such stuff in the first place?

rather not, but it is always around the order of "they are jahils" to "they are the scum of the earth"
Mind you don't don't care either way a s I am not Pashtun, this is just some things I have heard other Pakistani pashtuns say about the.
Even sovereign nation has to settle the issue of their borders and have to listen to the wish of its people.The tribals in the past had made several attemps and those who know the history of the region knows what happened to them and how many people lost their live dure to bombardments of **** army.

The sovereign inherited the full and definite border with Afghanistan from the British crown with whom your Amir signed the agreement and later ratified it . So the sovereign nation's issue was already settled in the past , case closed . The tribal only fought the dreaming Afghans who thought they could take Bajaur somehow . The same tribal later asked the RPAF to bomb the hell out of those invaders .

I do not see you protesting against coalition who has deliberately killed Afghans in airstrikes however you are happy to point fingers at Pakistan , which is carrying out a difficult offensive in the North West and collateral damage sometimes happen .
Well, I can assure you that they are lots of people who wants this but out fear for themselves or their family they don't want to bring this issue on up. And I stop calling me a retarded because I if you continue so then I have to call you son of cheap prositue of Heera Mandai where you born and thats why we both will spoil the disscussion.

Even sovereign nation has to settle the issue of their borders and have to listen to the wish of its people.
The tribals in the past had made several attemps and those who know the history of the region knows what happened to them and how many people lost their live dure to bombardments of **** army.

It doesn't means anything, pashtuns are just waiting for their turn because they know that the pashtun masses are poinsoned with islamisim and waiting for their time.

Different style but the goal is the same and I wish my baluch brothers and sisters also success in their holy cause.

They don't have know anything about the concept of state and still dreaming about khalifat era so they are nothing, they are just a tool of ISI

So once again, for the love of God take care of your own drug addicted and gun toting country first. Improve the lives of your own people, take command of your country before you even dream of looking at Pakistan.

PS, the man who has the most support and love in Pakistan, across all ethnicity is Imran Khan... a Pashtun :toast_sign:

And I don't regard Imran khan as a Pashtun[/QUOTE]

I call you a retard because you are acting like one, your cheap name calling is just that. Or perhaps some kind of wet dreams you have.

As for the topic, now you know the deepest inner thought of Pakistan Pashtuns? :omghaha:
Why don't you use your magic powers and read their minds and get their bank pin numbers?
That way you can get rich and you won't even have to use a gun like your countrymen!

We have settled issues with our border, according to International law the Durand line is the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Case closed.

Voting means everything, how many Taliban in your country vote? non! why? because they don't accept the government as legitimate.

So pashtun style is to act like women and not resist?
I don't think Pakistani pastuns would like you calling them pu$$ys. :astagh:

I know more about states then cave dwellers like you.
You people have not been in control of your own state since the 60s, no government in Afghanistan has been able to exert power over all of your nation since then and you people are dreaming about Pakistan.

The best solution for Afghanistan should be that the south Sia part should be given to Iran, the northern parts should be given to Uzbekistan. And the pashtoon area.... after 50 years of Pakistanis civilizing them, should be absorbed into KPK.
This way you people can evolve to the point where you can live with the rest of humanity and stop living in your caves.
Of course this option would be un popular in Pakistan b.c you people have nothing to offer outside of drugs and crime.
But I believe in you guys, 50 years of heavy civilizing influence by Pakistan will inshllah make you people human! :toast_sign:
rather not, but it is always around the order of "they are jahils" to "they are the scum of the earth"
Mind you don't don't care either way a s I am not Pashtun, this is just some things I have heard other Pakistani pashtuns say about the.

Have you met those pakistani pakhtuns in canada?
People say such stuff for different reasons....if an afghan kid is collecting garbage and a pathan with modern dress up call him/her scum of earth, then some thing is wrong with that Pathan , not Afghan kid...
And believe me same pathans would also call people of cholistan, rural sindh and balochistan jahil. Forexample a pathan who had business in hyderabad was telling me that sindhis are most jahil people on earth....
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