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Karrar MBT

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ghablan goftam bazam migam namuse tanke
guys is this new tank or it is an upgrade?

Iran is license producing T-72S's since around 15 years. They opted for what Russians, by testing tens of different prototypes determined as best layout for a T-72 baseline given current threat requirements. Iran skipped 20 years of prototype testing and trailing and agreed that this layout is the best possible by methodic design principles.

Its fortunate that Iranian designers agreed on that and then developed their own design solutions to archive this layout.

The question is: If its 100% Iranian, whats its engine?
Karrar is clearly a T 72 redesign

As of indigineosity, there is a probaility, tank is featuring russian or belarussian systems or parts
Karrar is clearly a T 72 redesign

As of indigineosity, there is a probaility, tank is featuring russian or belarussian systems or parts

there is no evidence it's using Russian/belarus systems
there is no evidence it's using Russian/belarus systems

Those matters are not higlighted by anyone

Its not being stated but its clear Dehlavieh is Kornet and Raad is BUK. It could turn out easily Karrar is using belarus eletrooptics or/and russian engine, gun or whatever

Zolfliqar was for the most part a result of Iranian exposure to OIF and ally Iraq's M1A1. It really went nowhere.

But this. It's a result of experience with T-90 in Syria, with existing T-72 series stocks appearing upgradeable. It promises a Safir-like upgrade for T-72.

In ways this reminds me of the Soviet T-34/76 model 1943 upgrade to T-34/85 model 1944, what with the upgraded turret etc. Or more recently, Israeli upgrades to M60.
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