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Kargil Vijay Diwas: Day to mark India’s victory in 1999 conflict against Pakistan

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ok you indians need to shutup and stop lying...

for your education....

"India's main effort took place on two fronts - the war on the ground, and a delicately nuanced diplomatic initiative to try and get the Americans to intervene."

"So when Bill Clinton phoned Vajpayee in June 1999, three weeks into the war, and promised that he was working on Pakistan to pull back its soldiers"


the fact remains your army wanted attack LOC to give tonic relief to your ineffective infantry on the Kargil front... with veil threats on nuke weapons deployment it force Clinton to intervene and forced Pakistan to withdraw.

i really dont know why you indians love lie so much.. you lied then you lied even today via China.

Cherry picking are we? ..from the very same Barkha dutt article.

" A secret letter sent by former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee to U.S President Bill Clinton at the height of the Kargil war in 1999 made it clear that if Pakistani infiltrators did not withdraw from Indian territory, "one way or the other we will get them out."

Indians had made it very clear to the American from the beginning itself , either on their own two feet or in body bags and stretchers.. Pakistanis will leave Kargil.
Infact it was Pakistani who were preparing it's nuclear weapons..which was picked up by American satellites and Pakistani prime minister was humiliated by American president for attmepting a nuclear black mail.



"I would not have expanded on what I meant'. Mishra believed that without this letter, Clinton would not have got actively involved. "


A letter given by Indian envoy to American envoy on the sidelines UN meet.

And that letter stated.."come what may Pakistanis will be kicked out of Kargil."

In comparison.

Pakistani army chief on almost a week long
China visit begging for their help ..during which his conversation was tapped by Chinese secret service and handed over to RAW.

And Pakistani prime minister dropping uninvited on American independence day and being badly humiliated by Americans for starting this conflict.
Cherry picking are we? ..from the very same Barkha dutt article.

" A secret letter sent by former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee to U.S President Bill Clinton at the height of the Kargil war in 1999 made it clear that if Pakistani infiltrators did not withdraw from Indian territory, "one way or the other we will get them out."

Indians has made it very clear to the American from the beginning itself either in own two feet or in body bags and stretchers.. Pakistanis will leave Kargil.
Infact it was Pakistani who were preparing it's nuclear weapons..which was picked up by American satellites and Pakistani prime minister was humiliated by American president for attmepting a nuclear black mail.


err.. no

You need to apply your self.

You went to the americans as your infantry was effective. If it wasnt why involve the americans?..

why do think you threaten LOC, ?... if you really doing well why LOC?..

The fact does remain operation Vijay was a horrible failure... your army straightjack tactics made your infantry one big turkey shoot.

it was a political victory not a military

And Pakistani prime minister dropping uninvited on American independence day and being badly humiliated by Americans for starting this conflict.

Why do think we kicked him out?.... Nawaz is a panicky guy with low attention span who gets scared by a US call of threats. General Musharaf told just before he left to US that on the ground the war was 100% in our favour and there was nothing to talk about.

I have seen nothing to dislodge that. Indian army performed poorly as usual, just like in Galwan Valley, in Uri, in Mumbai attacks, against BAT, and even against BD where a small border skirmish led to the deaths of 14 indian soldiers..

pathetic soldiers you have.
We got other 140 peaks. So can you tell us how many of your soldier's lives is one peak worth?
Because you lost nearly a thousand soldier and just managed hold on to one peak.

Please list those 140 peaks.. I'm curious..btw we got more than 1 .. I just named the most important spot in that region that can shut down your artery any time. .also a good spot to show Electro magnetic warfare skils.
err.. no

You need to apply your self.

You went to the americans as your infantry was effective. If it wasnt why involve the americans?..

why do think you threaten LOC, ?... if you really doing well why LOC?..

The fact does remain operation Vijay was a horrible failure... your army straightjack tactics made your infantry one big turkey shoot.

it was a political victory not a military

We went to Americans?

Yes, this is Indian prime minister in oval office uninvited?

We handed Americans a letter on the sidelines of UN meet. Stating..come what may , Pakistanis will be kicked out of Kargil and that's it.
I know and it really does not matter.
I'm just trying to show hypocrisy. Person (@HalfMoon ) supporting a country doesn't consider that country worthy enough to carry it's flag on his/her Profile.

You have violated your CoC by doubting the flag of your fellow Indian.

@The BrOkEn HeArT @jamahir @meghdut @KhanBaba2 @Krptonite @The_Showstopper @jbgt90 @Mad Scientist 2.0 @xeuss @Dustom999 @Syama Ayas @Joe Shearer @Shantanu_Left @sms

It is time to debar and rustigate

Infact it was Pakistani who were preparing it's nuclear weapons..which was picked up by American satellites and Pakistani prime minister was humiliated by American president for attmepting a nuclear black ma


We threaten nuke counter strike after you made the threat.. you started it not us. Conventionally we were having fun... shooting down your planes, helos and soldiers

after all in mid 1998 it was india that went crazy with daily threats to Pakistan post its nuke test. It STFU after we did ours... and then Vajpee ran to Lahore to sign his insincere peace treaty when they realise who was their daddy...
err.. no

You need to apply your self.

You went to the americans as your infantry was effective. If it wasnt why involve the americans?..

why do think you threaten LOC, ?... if you really doing well why LOC?..

The fact does remain operation Vijay was a horrible failure... your army straightjack tactics made your infantry one big turkey shoot.

it was a political victory not a military

Why do think we kicked him out?.... Nawaz is a panicy guy who gets scared by a US call. General Musharaf told just before he left to US that on the ground the war was 100% in our favour.

I have seen nothing to dislodge that. Indian army performed poorly as usual, just like in Galwan Valley, in Uri, in Mumbai attacks, against BAT, and even against BD where a small border skirmish led to the deaths of 14 indian soldiers..

pathetic soldiers you have.
If something can be done by phone call, why should we lose life for that. We are not fool.
What was pakistani objective? did you achieve it?
What was Indian objective? did we achieve it?
We went to Americans?

Yes.. your diplomatic core was desperately trying to get the americans involved as your army was ineffective...11 weeks and nothing to show for..
If something can be done by phone call, why should we lose life for that. We are not fool.
What was pakistani objective? did you achieve it?
What was Indian objective? did we achieve it?

Re read carefully what i said...

you achieved a "political" victory... your diplomats won not your ineffective soldiers.
Its been 21 years.

Everybody needs a refresher.
Re read carefully what i said...

you achieved a "political" victory... your diplomats won not your ineffective soldiers.
Well our soldier did not back out right.They were there and fighting. If pakistani soldiers were running away, what would they do.
People i.e indians only need to start telling the truth.. and stop making stuff up.

Why can't you manage them with the Chinese?

For Indians, they still believe they have Galwan.
China visit begging for their help ..during which his conversation was tapped by Chinese secret service and handed over to RAW.

BS.... stop lying.

I am suprised you didnt bring the fake voice recording of Nawaz and Musharraf.. i asked an officer in the Signal unit of Pakistan army about this.. he said

"all communications between Brigader and above are encrypted".

he also added if they could not radio intercept the movement 300 NLI troops that took Kargil what makes them think they can intercept PM an COAS level communications...

Why can't you manage them with the Chinese?

For Indians, they still believe they have Galwan.

exactly .. i have seen a consistent pattern with them. They lie absurdly...

Remember they even accuse Pakistan Army of using chemical weapons in Kargil...lol
exactly .. i have see a consistent pattern with them. They lie absurdly...

Remember they even accuse Pakistan Army of using chemical weapons in Kargil...lol

just give them what they want

they think they live in end of times.

i say give it to them. make them happy
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