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Kargil Vijay Diwas: Day to mark India’s victory in 1999 conflict against Pakistan

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those were great days..we shot one of those jets down and caught an abhinandan back then as well which we returned .. however indians were savvy enough back then not make his retrieval look like like a victory..

Peak Point 5310 located inside Pakistani side of Line of Control is still under Indian control along with Mount Anzabar and several more peaks like Point 5770 located inside Pakistani territory in Qamar sector.
Source: Pak defence jouno Nasim Zehra's book.
they did..but...a year later..:yahoo:. when kargil was over :cheesy: and that too not in kargil section :laugh: ..they sneaked in from Turtuk end and captured a peak 5310 that had little relevance and they lost one jawan who fell in a crevice.. till date they are sitting their wondering if this was a good move or not as the lost jawans's sacrifice has not been officially recognized, the whole point of this action was to avenge 5353 however they couldnt get any recognition from their own people as 5310 was never claimed by either sides to begin with.:toast_sign:.The thing is they cant dwarf the importance of 5353 which is right next to a main artery and PAksitan can target it again anytime in future, however 5310 is right next to a no roads nothing but just a 'nullah' :close_tema:
You have violated your CoC by calling your fellow Indian all kinds of names.

@The BrOkEn HeArT @jamahir @meghdut @KhanBaba2 @Krptonite @The_Showstopper @jbgt90 @Mad Scientist 2.0 @xeuss @Dustom999 @Syama Ayas @Joe Shearer @Shantanu_Left @sms

It is time to debar and rustigate

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Until then, please refrain from preaching about the code and its conduct unless you're on it or at the very least leave me out of your shenanigans.
But you guys didn't have Rafale back then. :crazy:
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