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Kargil Vijay Diwas: Day to mark India’s victory in 1999 conflict against Pakistan

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Na baba. Do not want to touch the filthy Hindus even with a barge pole. That pleasure is yours. :lol:

I don't have a problem with them. They were nice to my ancestors when they worked the land and man in India.
1. you "still have kashmir" like you "still have ladhak"! :lol:
2. point 5353 is the highest peak in the region that puts all your other peaks at our mercy! :lol:

but no worries, keep enjoying your "big vijayna"! :rofl:

yeah not sure what you’re doing with the peak 5353 that has oh so wrested Kashmir out of Indian control.

because from what I can tell either your country is incompetent or the peak is as useless as tits on a bull, for Pakistan not to be able to use it to its advantage. Especially after the grave provocation of art 370.

but you know, we have Kashmir, so as I said, we really don’t care whether you sit on the peak or drink from the bulls tit.
makes no difference to us.
yeah not sure what you’re doing with the peak 5353 that has oh so wrested Kashmir out of Indian control.

because from what I can tell either your country is incompetent or the peak is as useless as tits on a bull, for Pakistan not to be able to use it to its advantage. Especially after the grave provocation of art 370.

but you know, we have Kashmir, so as I said, we really don’t care whether you sit on the peak or drink from the bulls tit.
makes no difference to us.
not that's what I call taking thru your vijayna! :rofl:
If you want details of those 140 peaks ..read your own generals book ..In the line of fire.

Point 5353 is the only peak ..rest are ridges of the very same peak.
Wonder why, more than 2 decades have passed and Pakistan had never again been able to direct any fire NH 1A?

Firstly point 5353 is very far from the NH1A(right on the LOC)
Only in very ideal visibility conditions and no cloud cover, a small portion Indian highway is visible.
Secondly point 5353 is surrounded by Indian peaks on 3 sides. Any fire being directed from point 5353 brings massive fire from surrounding peaks in Indian control as happened during 2002.

5353 is far from the highway? you are just humiliating yourself here.. i would suggest you to stop right now ..the well versed indians must be cringing..

lol dont worry we PA will attack on a sunny day.. not a cloudy one.. no you are clutching straws..
the other peak around you are talking about is just the tiger hill (the only peak you won back then while we till hold others around it to date.. and tiger hill is at a lower elevation compared to 5353 so can be easily annihilated.

no im asking you to list them since you made a claim..
We didn't have to say $hit to Clinton. It was Pakistan prime minister who dropped uninvited to USA on the American independence day to try and find a face saving exit for his army, which was loosing badly.

Clinton called his bluff and refused any mediation with India on Kashmir. And Pakistan had to withdraw it's remaining army from Kargil to prevent their complete anhilation.
Bla bla bla......The real indian is a cornered indian
here uttering BS:flame:
Deaths of indian troops larger than Pakistan, lost fighter jets and lost territory too but yeah indian won. Indian always wins even when they loose 60 km of territory to china, they also win if we shoot down abhinandon and bomb their military. India is a supa powa it always wins, no matter what.

Ok, you won Kargil. After occupying the heights you kept them & are continuing to hold to ransom the Srinagar-Leh highway. Happy!

oh dear...there goes india's vijayNA!:lol:

Their Srinagar-Leh Highway is at our mercy from point 5353

View attachment 656065

5353 is far from the highway? you are just humiliating yourself here.. i would suggest you to stop right now ..the well versed indians must be cringing..

lol dont worry we PA will attack on a sunny day.. not a cloudy one.. no you are clutching straws..
the other peak around you are talking about is just the tiger hill (the only peak you won back then while we till hold others around it to date.. and tiger hill is at a lower elevation compared to 5353 so can be easily annihilated.

no im asking you to list them since you made a claim..

Peak Point 5310 located inside Pakistani side of Line of Control is still under Indian control along with Mount Anzabar and several more peaks like Point 5770 located inside Pakistani territory in Qamar sector.
Source: Pak defence jouno Nasim Zehra's book.
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