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Karakorum - 8 (K-8) | Jet Trainer Aircraft.

Well actually there is...163cm or 5.4 ft and there is also an upper limit.
But that wasnt my point..my point was that he is not a strong guy like a soldier/or most pilots are but is still better than many of them.
Being physically strong matters a lot when u are fighter pilot and if u arent that strong and still a good pilot then KUDOS.
You dont need height; height is a negative in high g's.
You dont need height; height is a negative in high g's.
Thats why i said there's an upper limit...stop arguing on a useless point.
There are tall and short,slim and fat pilots...THE END.
Thats why i said there's an upper limit...stop arguing on a useless point.
There are tall and short,slim and fat pilots...THE END.
After the rank of Wing Commander.....most fit in that category in PAF.
man, you better get control on your writing.... there is no argument.... period. Stop making this a i said this you said that.
and another user added to my ignore list..
and another user added to my ignore list..

Your posts are worthless---. You may know someone here and there---daddy---uncle---cousin---a friend---other than that---there is nothing original---.

The person in question in the post is a professional---you and your daddy's squardon's experience put together won't get close to what he knows---.

We have worked very hard to build this website for over a decade---and have gathered professionals from many a countries to listen to their honest opinions---and turds like you come over here and destroy our hard work---.

Take your worthless posts somewhere else---go join some other board---.
Your posts are worthless---. You may know someone here and there---daddy---uncle---cousin---a friend---other than that---there is nothing original---.

The person in question in the post is a professional---you and your daddy's squardon's experience put together won't get close to what he knows---.

We have worked very hard to build this website for over a decade---and have gathered professionals from many a countries to listen to their honest opinions---and turds like you come over here and destroy our hard work---.

Take your worthless posts somewhere else---go join some other board---.
And the level of ur professionalism is calling military personnel TRAITORS AND INCOMPETENT while u sit abroad filling ur account with dollars..If thats what professionalism is then SORRY i am ok with my posts being worthless bcuz I dont call our soldiers traitors and try to prove myself some highly experienced professional.

And how come a person who isnt in a certain profession is more experienced than a person who is actually in that profession?..never heard of this stupid logic before.

Last but not least u dont own this forum,its free for everyone and everyone has got right to say whatever he wants...u've got problem with my posts then stop noticing them.

BTW the first person added in my ignore list were you:p:,next time kindly mind ur own business and not interfere in others' arguments(and which has already ended).

Here's a saying for folks like u:

And the level of ur professionalism is calling military personnel TRAITORS AND INCOMPETENT while u sit abroad filling ur account with dollars..If thats what professionalism is then SORRY i am ok with my posts being worthless bcuz I dont call our soldiers traitors and try to prove myself some highly experienced professional.

And how come a person who isnt in a certain profession is more experienced than a person who is actually in that profession?..never heard of this stupid logic before.

Last but not least u dont own this forum,its free for everyone and everyone has got right to say whatever he wants...u've got problem with my posts then stop noticing them.

BTW the first person added in my ignore list were you:p:,next time kindly mind ur own business and not interfere in others' arguments(and which has already ended).

Here's a saying for folks like u:



My account is not filled with dollars and will never be---. My money will go to my mother---she will distribute it to the needy---for their kids schooling---for their hospital and surgeries or other needs---. I live an average reasonable lifestyle.

Indeed---I don't own this forum---but I was part of those who built it from when it was nothing in 2005 to where it is now---so that you can come here and post---brag about it and not to destroy or ruin the integrity of this forum with the likes of you or anyone else---so learn and respect.

How would a professional in pak military know more than me---regarding strategy and tactics---what would make him know more---. Just because he is a general---you think he would know more---.

Young man---the library in my small town holds more books than the main library of the pakistani military consortium or any other library in pakistan---+ the unlimited access to all the libraries in my region.

Their and my source of learning is no different---where they have access to 5 books on a subject matter---I have access to 5000 books---.

I don't want to tell you too much.

You better learn to behave and respect our foreign guests on this forum---they are an asset---.

Posters like you are a dime a dozen---.

My account is not filled with dollars and will never be---. My money will go to my mother---she will distribute it to the needy---for their kids schooling---for their hospital and surgeries or other needs---. I live an average reasonable lifestyle.

Indeed---I don't own this forum---but I was part of those who built it from when it was nothing in 2005 to where it is now---so that you can come here and post---brag about it and not to destroy or ruin the integrity of this forum with the likes of you or anyone else---so learn and respect.

How would a professional in pak military know more than me---regarding strategy and tactics---what would make him know more---. Just because he is a general---you think he would know more---.

Young man---the library in my small town holds more books than the main library of the pakistani military consortium or any other library in pakistan---+ the unlimited access to all the libraries in my region.

Their and my source of learning is no different---where they have access to 5 books on a subject matter---I have access to 5000 books---.

I don't want to tell you too much.

You better learn to behave and respect our foreign guests on this forum---they are an asset---.

Posters like you are a dime a dozen---.
So u are the most pious,obedient,humble,intelligent,knowledgeable etc etc person..in short an ideal person.
Thus I cant argue with u I can just ignore u.. so good luck with ur Fictitious and Ideal life in which u are nauzubillah all knowing person.
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So u are the most pious,obedient,humble,intelligent,knowledgeable etc etc person..in short an ideal person.
Thus I cant argue with u I can just ignore u.. so good luck with ur Fictitious and Ideal life in which u are nauzubillah all knowing person.


Not know it all---but know more than your generals---. Thank you.

Not know it all---but know more than your generals---. Thank you.
U think u know more than a General,who has spent his whole career in field/office/practice(whatever u call it),just by reading books in a foreign country..WOW!

I think U havnt seen AVM Haseeb paracha.:D
There is an OC of a mirage sqn who sits in the cockpit first and puts his belly in the cockpit later..
Used to go to his house when I was living at Sargodha.....and I said most (there are a few exceptions here and there).
I was just kidding around:-)

U think u know more than a General,who has spent his whole career in field/office/practice(whatever u call it),just by reading books in a foreign country..WOW!

There is an OC of a mirage sqn who sits in the cockpit first and puts his belly in the cockpit later..
:rofl: and that too In mirage who's cockpit is smaller I can just wonder what he may look like:lol:
But last CAS had conditioned promotions with medical fitness , I remember All DCAS's used to go to gyms straight after office timings:lol:
U think u know more than a General,who has spent his whole career in field/office/practice(whatever u call it),just by reading books in a foreign country..WOW!
paf guys goes to that very same foreign country to read a specific catalogue of those very same books for training purposes which you've just disregarded
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