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Karachi Violence

Karachi owing to this economic important should be declared non-political zone and all political parties banned from operating there. Or else we should bring police from Punjab for a repeat of 91 operation against criminal elements. These people are like fungus leeching the society..without regular fumigation they tend to grow very fast. No political party is a saint in Karachi and especially whenever PPP comes to power, Karachi becomes a free for all daciotry playground.
People from Lahore single-handedly blame the MQM for the violence in Karachi but these thugs aren't the only ones responsible. I mean there was clearly a second political party involved as well. This party was the PPP. Torture cells have been found in Lyari that clearly belonged to the PPP thugs. The peoples amn committee has done some horrific things.

All I am saying the MQM wasn't the only one responsible for the violence back last year. There is more than one group involved.

Its our loyalty, and the influence these criminal parties like MQM, PPP and PMLN hold over the Pakistani public that is allowing them to escape with the murder of innocents.

For justice to be done and killers and murderers to be arrested and put on trial someone neutral is needed not someone who has a vendetta against one party and supports the other. Even handed action against the thugs of each and every party needs to be taken. Bhattakhor's even from the Jamaat E Islami have been caught. It is such a great phenomenon. Every party is doing it. To deal with it someone unsympethetic to any party is needed to deal with the situation and in Pakistan the atmosphere is politically charged and everyone is willing to support his political party even if it means death.

Its sad but true. The political parties mean more to people than Pakistan itself.
To fix karachi you have to first flush the mafia called MQM..a city controlled by world largest criminal organisation can never be free of crimes!

MQM always cries for merit and credibility but under MQM tenure I was the most uneducated "bhaiyas" manning Karachi police recruited right from the crime dens of lallu khet..
Doing that the country will lose 7% of it's population(and most of them very educated)
I mean that as literally as possible.
Life before wallet.
Karachi owing to this economic important should be declared non-political zone and all political parties banned from operating there. Or else we should bring police from Punjab for a repeat of 91 operation against criminal elements. These people are like fungus leeching the society..without regular fumigation they tend to grow very fast. No political party is a saint in Karachi and especially whenever PPP comes to power, Karachi becomes a free for all daciotry playground.
I agree with the first part, but are you crazy? Ive heard stories from my mom of how rude and horrible the punjabi army was in 91(not being racist, but the punjabis back then were less tolerant)
Wonder why MQM has all of a sudden got this issue up?

Seems like they haven't got their want from the PPP, better late than never though.
Karachi owing to this economic important should be declared non-political zone and all political parties banned from operating there. Or else we should bring police from Punjab for a repeat of 91 operation against criminal elements. These people are like fungus leeching the society..without regular fumigation they tend to grow very fast. No political party is a saint in Karachi and especially whenever PPP comes to power, Karachi becomes a free for all daciotry playground.

abe pehle balochistan to sanbhaal le jaani
Doing that the country will lose 7% of it's population(and most of them very educated)
I mean that as literally as possible.
Life before wallet.

You are telling me that7% of the educated people are in MQM??? Sorry to say but I havent met an educated person even by lallu kheti standards in MQM..

get a life!

I agree with the first part, but are you crazy? Ive heard stories from my mom of how rude and horrible the punjabi army was in 91(not being racist, but the punjabis back then were less tolerant)

I am not Punjabi but I belive they did the right thing....and who ever got targetted deserved it..a lot of MQM wanna bee then escaped to Australia, Japan, UAE, etc etc and Karachi became a lot peaceful. I have seen many MQM'ers in Saudi Arabia as well who have the most awful torture marks all over their body. Once they are done with their sorry stories, you have to ask them what were they doing before all the hell broke loose over them... This is the part of their life they wanna hide all the time..because let face it..they were all criminals under the command of mafia dons keeping the state hostage by hijacking its financial capital. You just have to look around and see how many MQM'ers have gotten rich overnight for illegally annexing Punjabi properties around Karachi by terror and intimidation especially the Shadi hall business which was traditionally run by the Kashmiri - Punjabi families settled in Karachi until 1990's.
Guys ! Its money + crime= politics! Right
Come on now, stop blaming each other!
MQM , may be in 1990s till 99 but ! Not in millions,& surly bahatta wasn't was the, industry , there were nt so much cell phones, I am not saying , MQM is angel ! No one is in our country , I don't want to go into details.
ANP well , after militry opps in. Kpk! Many of pak-talibans turrned themselves in the ranks of !bacha khan & wali khan's ANP & in their lives , I don't think that, a druglord. Like shahi syad would be able do become, as the their provincial chief ?
Talibans like minded peoples, who can't find. Any safe havens already, hood wink them selves in pakhtun populated areas of karachi, killing of shia,s & of those sunni sects , who had never accepted , taliban,s islam are the hit & run targets, by those elements.
But still no one can blame , ANP ! Because these sick & criminal elements can be founded Anywhere, but I stiill don't think that anyy higher leadeRship is doing in terms of bhatta khori , still I am not defeNding criminals like AJMAL PHARI , & like. Him in MQM & still don't like people AFAQ , I still waNt to reach to point of understAnding, on which every stAke holder in karAchi works togatHer. To clean & eliminate street crimes & bhatta khori, that why every one in karAchi needs to join hAnds & put all of our powers & destroy this system of doom which was imposed on us by a super power !!! I don't wana name it, you all know that , PML n or PML q PPP z , no one have cleaN hands here, so pointing fingers is not the solution in. Karachi?

Its my own. Idea! That joint cyber complain units should be formed on area basis, where a joiNt teAm should be set up to recive complAins from the victims & cell phone recived videos & pictures to identify criminAls & then should hAve made plAns to catch & procecute these thugs,participation of the local leAdership should be informed,when only when Any rAid is just about to be conducted. Local leaders should be asked for intell , evry mpa or mnA should come & at leAst spend a hour At these cyber police centers ? Its jst a idea to start with, plz remember in karAchi , no matter who u are A punjAbi, A pushton , a baluchi, a sindhi , we.all r suffreing , so our main targets should be. The criminals!
When any criminal do his crime theyy, never think who you are they just do their crimes. So brother & sisters rAze your mind from a criminals mind to save karachi.
Plz exploRe how can police infiltrate into these criminal gangs, how can we strat using our cell phone. Cams in to cctv cams. & how should govt, train up comming policemens, to fight street crimes, jst for example , how many of our low level policemens can run 200 metters? Why they still carrying smgs , whIch is not suItable. Assult weapon in. Rush ares of KaracHi, why they jst not give them MP5,s or other 9mm small arms with evry weekly targeting tests!! To at least cheack their shooting ability?
Dear friends plz give & think solutions, & plz stop blame game , remember this you couldbe the. Next target!
Thanks wish you all good luck,
PakistAn zindabad!!!
I guss, people here are to busy to keep doing & blaming the same old stuff , let me tell ya, guys its same every where else in the world, you can go to any where!southafrica, brazil, spain,even in germany hell angels , in briton skin heads , newyork black busters, evry where the equation is. Same? Right its all bhattA mafia in different names in different places?

Now, we are talking the use of technolgy, perfect weApons for the job in heavly populAted areas , intell,infiltration, & the will against all odds!
So come on guys let's think about those things, its not imposible to do, think about it, we all are pakistAnis , we all are suffering , we all are the targets.
If the government wants to control the crime they can do so on 24 hr notice but the question is do they really want to?
If the government wants to control the crime they can do so on 24 hr notice but the question is do they really want to?

somebozo; sir,
I would really like to differ with you here!
We are talking about serious & voilent organIzed crimes, & I don't belive , it can vanished. In 24 hours, or just on 1 phone call, it needs serious & impartial intell, infilltration , special training , special weapons,longtime comitment,impartial law introduction, & impartial investigations!
Let just have a reality check, how many policemens were appionted in karachi, police stations ! Who cAn fire a single shot with a pistol, on the target , out of 10 bullets?
How many karachi, policemen can run 100 metters?
How many of the karachi cops can use a computers?

Just try these questions, & check the answers, I hope you will understand, that no has the magic stIck to clean this mess in 24 hours?
So, plz let's just think,& see things with the mirror of reality!
Thanks for the reply!
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