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Karachi Violence .. Updates & Discussion ..

We have enough landmass and contented with whatever we have. But we wont mind if something comes our way. We will certainly wait and watch.


Keep dreaming dear. You can't do but just blabbering about attacking Pakistan after mumbai attacks and here you are dreaming about more land mass. Move on yaar. Smell the coffee. You are getting hilarious now.

You might get all the made in Pakistan bullets in your head but sorry no land mass. ;)
We have enough landmass and contented with whatever we have. But we wont mind if something comes our way. We will certainly wait and watch.


naah i doubt you hae enough land mass if you didn't you wouldn't be fighting to grab kashmir or aksi chin from china!
حکومتی دعوﺅں کے باوجود شہر میں فائرنگ اور لاشیں ملنے کا سلسلہ جاری، مزید 8 افراد ہلاک، 3 زخمی

کراچی، شہر میں حکومتی دعوﺅں کے باوجود فائرنگ اور پرتشدد واقعات کا سلسلہ جاری ہے، تفصیلات کے مطابق محمود آباد کے علاقے چنیسر گوٹھ میں نامعلوم ملزمان نے فائرنگ کر کے آکر 10 سالہ شہریار علی ولد منٹھار اور 15 سالہ ذیشان ولد خدا بخش ہلاک جبکہ ایک بچہ 8 سالہ عبدالرحمان زخمی ہوگیا۔ لاشوں اور زخمیوں کو جناح اسپتال منتقل کردیا گیا۔

دوسری جانب اورنگی ٹاون MPR کالونی سے 2 نوجوانوں کی نعشیں ملیں ہیں جن کو اغواءکے بعد سخت تشددکا نشانہ بنایا گیا مقتولین کی فوری شناخت نہیں ہو سکی۔ سفاری پارک کے قریب نامعلوم افراد کی فائرنگ سے 28 سالہ سمیع اللہ ہلاک اور 2 افراد زخمی ہو گئے۔ گزشتہ روز گلشن حدید میں مسلح افراد نے ایک گاڑی پر فائرنگ کر دی جس سے واٹر بورڈ کے سپرنٹنڈنگ انجینئر خالد صدیقی جاں بحق ہوگئے۔ ریسکیو ذرائع کے مطابق تین ہٹی پل کے نیچے سے بھی ایک شخص کی لاش ملی ہے جس کی شناخت نہیں ہوسکی۔

پاک کالونی سے ایک شخص کی بوری بند لاش برآمد ہوئی جسے تشدد کرکے قتل کیا گیا۔ پولیس کے مطابق مقتول کا نام رضوان ہے اور وہ گارڈن کا رہنے والا تھا۔ علاوہ ازیں کھارادر، فیڈرل بی ایریا، نیو کراچی اور شہر کے دیگر علاقوں سے بھی فائرنگ کی اطلاعات موصول ہوئی ہیں۔
Karachi violence: Six killed, Army offers assistance


KARACHI: As the death toll reached to six in Karachi on Sunday, the Army offered its assistance in restoring peace in the city, reported Express 24/7.
Sources say that the military leadership offered its help to bring peace back in Karachi asserting that it will not interfere in the matter unless the government asks for it.
The Army also praised the federal and provincial governments for taking effective steps to control violence in the city.
The sources said that the Army believes the situation can be improved if Rangers and other law-enforcement forces are properly deployed in Karachi.
Talking to Express 24/7, Political Analyst Hassan Askari said that the government has not yet made up its mind about Army deployment in the city. He added that even if the Army is called in, it will still be a tough situation to control the violence as people of all ethnicities are involved, and their respective political parties will speak up each time anyone gets arrested.
Express 24/7 correspondent Ahmed Jung reported that bodies of two people tortured to death were found in the Orangi area. The police have identified the bodies.
He added that the operation conducted by police in various areas is not very effective as the police and the Rangers are still avoiding going to no-go areas which have been badly stricken by violence.
This Karachi violence (where 100s are killed daily) is least covered in International Media....and then pakistani complain of 'western media putting them in bad light'....

simple. they like to cover and report bomb blasts and 'islamists terrorism' since it gives more focus to Islam and Pakistan than gang wars wars for turfs and financial reasons in the same country. 30 people dead in a suicide attack gathers more international attention than 30 poeple dead between gang rivalry. Make sense?
would Indians kindly not troll and derail this thread>?
what this deadly Karachi Violence has to do with Great Anna Hazare's struggle or India's defeat in cricket match ??

din't you see the kind of coverage London riot got even though no. of casualitites were in single digit but see the kind of coverage karachi is getting where 100s are killed daily..or maybe...daily suiicide attacks in Pakistan are keeping international media busy...but then this karachi violence is even deadlier than suicide bomb attacks...

there hasn't been a 'daily suicide attack' in Pakistan in almost two years. Last year saw a sagnificant drop and more so this year. You guys have to poke your nose into everything, dont you. continue with your bull$hit.
Karachi gang war: Imran fears economic meltdown


The continued economic slide, coupled with the breakdown of law and order in Karachi, would lead to an economic collapse, a handout quoted chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf Imran Khan as saying on Saturday.
According to him, the national economy “is in a state of stagflation with little or no economic growth and high inflation”. The PTI chief said that electricity shortfall in Faisalabad alone resulted in massive unemployment. “If the current chaos and gang warfare is not controlled in Karachi…Pakistan faces imminent economic collapse…Loans amounting to Rs5 trillion, which were acquired over the past 60 years, have doubled to Rs10 trillion since the government came to power. How can a country with 80 per cent of the population on the fringe of extreme poverty repay the loans borrowed by our corrupt leaders through indirect taxes? There is a limit to taxing the poor through indirect taxation.”
Imran Khan said the sooner “this government is removed from power, the greater the chances of Pakistan’s recovery”.
Meanwhile, PTI’s Information Secretary Omar Sarfraz Cheema condemned the latest spate of bloodshed in Karachi.
A handout quoted Cheema as saying that the situation effectively exposed the government’s incompetence and its lack of will to deal with the Karachi situation.
MQM demands action against criminals

Updated at: 1827 PST, Saturday, August 20, 2011
KARACHI: MQM's Rabita Committee member Raza Haroon Saturday demanded to take action against criminals and extortionist. He said that not a single criminal, involved in Karachi violence, has been taken to task.

Talking to media, Raza Haroon said that Urdu speaking people were being killed in the city, adding that no criminal was arrested in this regard.

He said that government did nothing to rescue the abducted people. He asked the government that where were those hands who used to rescue kidnapped people after having talks with criminals.

Haroon said that meeting of Rabita Committee London and Karachi was underway and they would soon decide the party's future plan.

What is wrong in above? Aren't you acting like saas saying to her bahoo 'aata goondhti hai to hilti kion hai?'

It is called mental slavery effect, the british infested it and still controlling it by hosting the puppet in london.

It is funny that under the Mush rule, MQM has come to fully dominate Karachi police with their "Urdu speakers" yet it has turned into most incompetent police to stop violence against their own people they claim to protect. So who actually is perpuating this violence?

They better save those bangles for Altaf bhai and Mutafa kamal and a burqa as well which they will need very much for escape when another Naserullah Babar wakes up in Karachi. The entire MQM leadership is two faced and criminal.

It is called love and respect from them towards their leader. Correct your knowledge, during mush era, police was never under control of MQM, this is what Mustafa Kamal used to complaint during his era that police should be under control of Nazim.

Aah bangles burqas, history shows us that the mullahs used burqa to escape, so your jamatis are potential users of burqa.

Because they dont called it "bhatta" but digused as different innocent things like market security funds, market rennovation fund, eid assitance fund, ramzan iftari fund. MQM controlled markets are fully infested with this and its only levied on "non-Urdu Speaker" people. Go to North Nazimabad Hyderi market and check with shopkeepers there.

The definition of "non-Urdu Speaker" here being people non-supportive of MQM.

If you still dont belive me then I must scan and send you all those recipts of Mohallah comitte which is again a disgused front of MQM to spy and extort.

Mohallah comittes were an initiative taken under Mustafa Kamal to appoint private comittes for security of various residential and commerical sectors however under diguise of security they acted as a massive spy ring and extortion in the name of comitte funds.

This is how jamatis misuse the facts. Can you please post the amounts of those receipts? The idea basically came from the flat systems / societies where you have to pay 'maintenance charges' every month.

This even happens in lahore, in my mamoo's area, when gutter is choked, 50 rs are collected from every house and the person having some say in area collects the money, as no one pays gladly.

Further your theory of bhatta dies here, as u consider them as dumb that they will give 'receipts' for bhatta. Bhatta is what is being asked from businessmen 15crores daily. Get a life and get out of jamati's mentality.

Another example, Gulshan Iqbal used to be a calm sleeper town of the rich and famous but since MQM has started to rise in this district, it has turned into the worst and most insecure area of Karachi to live in. The person who actually unleashed MQM into this area back in the 90's was a known extortionist and criminal who settled in this area on an illegally occupied 400 yards property of another "Mohajir" family settled in Canada.

For comparison purpose, the place I live in Karachi is year round peaceful, shops remain open until 2-3AM, cars can be parked outdoors, no mobile snatching because residents at large are non-MQM type businessmen, intelactuals or ex-millitary people of all ethinic backgrounds. MQM as of yet has been unable to woo the voters. However, in the next block which has MQM flags on every second house, no taxi or rickshaw wala is willing to drop a passenger in there due to fear of mobile snacting. There is nil commercial activity in there, only one rotten general store and the MQM sector incharge lives in a 600 Yard house worth corore's of ruppes purchased at upfront cash..Where did a "middle and worker class" person get all that money from?
Can you please name the area you are talking about? You always speak of your personal experiences. If you are talking about waseem akhtar, he is a businessman. Babur ghori has business of marriage lawns / catering. Why do you think that 'bhookay nangay log' will remain the same forever. Besides, mustafa kamal was living in rented house, mqm gifted him a house. Farooq sattar still lives in 240sq yards house.
There would be more than just parroting out statements.

If influx of oppressed people of sindh begins to happen in Indian territoy India will be forced to act.


My grandparents migrated from India to Pakistan in 1947 and frankly I believe its the best decision they ever made.
naah i doubt you hae enough land mass if you didn't you wouldn't be fighting to grab kashmir or aksi chin from china!

Fighting?? We already have all the Kashmir that was in Maharaja's possession when he acceded to India. And really, thats all the Kashmir that we want..Its Pakistan though that has made multiple unsuccessful attempts to capture parts of it since 1947..
Fighting?? We already have all the Kashmir that was in Maharaja's possession when he acceded to India. And really, thats all the Kashmir that we want..Its Pakistan though that has made multiple unsuccessful attempts to capture parts of it since 1947..

Just take your army out from there to know how much kashmir do you exactly have.

My grandparents migrated from India to Pakistan in 1947 and frankly I believe its the best decision they ever made.

Jinnah was asked by some english journalist the same. Q: why would you like to create Pakistan? Jinnah asked him in return, 'would you like to have a prosperous England under German rule ? or a free England ruled by the English?' thte journo replied its obvious,( :laugh: ) and moved to the next question...

our forefathers made the best choice by deciding to be part of Pakistan... and we thank them alot that they decideded to have a homeland of their own for their future generations to live there with dignity... thanks to their sacrifice that we have a home...
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