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Karachi Violence .. Updates & Discussion ..

Request To ALL : Please Contribute And Donate as many bangles as you can for The Government Police,Rangers,F.C who's Number In Karachi Are 56 Thousand And Their Yearly Expense Is 32 billion which is taxpayers money but Still are Unable To Stop these Killings.
On top of the businesses they are operating as well as public land and properties they occupy , the no is much higher for these useless force. Send them on afghan border they would be rather usefull there , atleast the choors wont cross
Don in President House fighting with Don in London, they converted economical hub of Pakistan into hell and our people still don't want to open their eyes. Why an economical center of Pakistan should control from London? There should not be any Don pretending his area.

This is pathetic that in other side PPP destroying Karachi and economics respectively, these don type goons have no importance how many lives has lost and how many economical loss Pakistan is facing because their power games.
as an 'outsider' my heart grieves for Karachi and it's locals, no matter who. Being from Punjab doesn't mean I feel less pain for Karachiites. This holy month we pray for peace in Karachi, too many families have seen death, and not just a temporary peace where violence picks up again after few days, but real long term peace between all the people and politcal parties.
If you guys sincerly believe MQM is the better of the lot there and best for karachi then I really hope you're right. I have heard some crazy stories of MQM and their violence and extortion (friend of mine is ex-mqm junior member) but if you guys feel this party will deliver then wish you all the best.

We live there , our families are there ... we understand the problems MQM faces in karachi.
in my immediate family there are appx 20-25 people who operate retail businesses in different parts of karachi , in my neighbour hood there are another few 100 ... friends etc most of the people are self employed and i havent ever heard complaining about bhatta, The only people complaning and accusing MQM of extortion are non karachietes in some cases there are exapatriate pakistanis. What do else you want to bet on

well, with all due respect, that's really strange of you to say that. You and your immediate family belong to MQM, of course MQM won't be taking bhatta from their own. They target other communities.
3) Where is his Family ? are you sure he got any family ? & if he got where is his family in UK ? or in India ? :unsure:

again lack of info yet we have experts without a clue giving lectures on karachi situation . altafs brothers and nephews were killed , and if he has more family its not our concern & thats how it should be ""the leadership comes from middle class. However its hard for people to digest since we are used to dynastic politics.
Request To ALL : Please Contribute And Donate as many bangles as you can for The Government Police,Rangers,F.C who's Number In Karachi Are 56 Thousand And Their Yearly Expense Is 32 billion which is taxpayers money but Still are Unable To Stop these Killings.

Why you asking people to buy bangles for FC, Rangers & Police when you don't want to take step against MQM? It will far better to buy bangles for thier leaders in Karachi & London sitting with full comfort and forming hell for people. Why you people don't want to be free from this London based telephone speaches?
RT @ "If needed, Military is ready to assist government in #Karachi" Gen.Kayani
well, with all due respect, that's really strange of you to say that. You and your immediate family belong to MQM, of course MQM won't be taking bhatta from their own. They target other communities.

offcourse no one is going to beleive a thing , if people who support their word is not enough please help me find a ligid source claiming that , please find me a columnist (well known publications) claiming that that. Please find me a news anchor out of 100 bad news channels we have accusing any MQM spokesman that.
RT @ "If needed, Military is ready to assist government in #Karachi" Gen.Kayani

They must step in and conduct operation clear up , be it any ones area .. with the amount of weaponary police cant do a thing infact our police operates their own criminal gangs
Death continues to stalk Karachi, 4 killed


At least four more people, including two children, were shot dead in Karachi.

According to police, unidentified men shot dead Khalid Siddiqui in Gulshan-e-Hadeed area.

The deceased was a sub-engineer in Water Board and was the younger brother of the Information Department deputy director.

Unidentified men gunned down two children in Mehmoodabad area, besides injuring another.

A man was shot dead and two others were injured near Safari Park.

Meanwhile, police have arrested eight extortionists from Maripur, Docs and Saeedabad.

In various incidents of killing 16 people were killed on Wednesday, 36 on Thursday, 21on Friday and six people were killed on Saturday.

Dunya News: Pakistan:-Death continues to stalk Karachi, 4 killed
Allah hafiz and good night:Army is coming in Karachi @ Javed Chaudhary on twitter...
Army better come and clean this sht up although I highly doubt they will enter Karachi. Pakistan should learn something from Rio de Janeiro. That city faced 4000 gang related murders last year including 60000 unsolved murders in the last decade, so they called in the army and special units to start a full scale operation.
Calling in the army is no solution

The violence in Karachi has crossed all bounds. On August 19, there were 21 more deaths in various parts of the doomed city while, in Korangi, the police itself came under fire from a dozen motorbike-riders who killed four policemen and injured 25. The police itself is now being ambushed with impunity and those doing the evil deed have yet to be even formally identified. Senior police officials of the city have been declaring that they have some target killers in their custody but they have yet to be presented in a court of law for prosecution, only if to mollify a very frustrated and angry general public. In fact, on August 20, the Sindh home minister was quoted by a television channel as saying that a “hundred target killers” have been arrested, but one hopes this will not become yet another in a series of empty meaningless statements. Given the gory events of this year, most analysts are agreed that the ethnic war in the city is being fought by the three ruling political, parties — the MQM, the PPP and the ANP — after converting themselves into narrow ethnic-based entities.

Given this situation of total helplessness, the demand for ‘army action’ seems to be gaining ground. The industrialists of Karachi, who provide the economic backbone to Pakistan, have joined other citizens in calling for ‘army intervention’. The President of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry has formally said: “Given the grave circumstances where civil law-enforcement agencies have failed in restoring peace in Karachi, which has now become a hub of bloodshed, the army must be called in as it is the last resort to enforce peace in the city.” Of course, senior police officers are still making reassuring noises in the wake of the most shocking ambush against their men, but the truth is that the people of Karachi have lost all faith in the civilian law-enforcing elements even though they are reinforced with paramilitary forces.

It is all very well to talk about calling in the military but it is important to first carefully scrutinise the situation that it will be required to handle and how the ‘interventions’ of the past that happened in the early 1990s could be repeated successfully in the Karachi of today. It is crucial to study the sociology of a city where ethnic warriors are actually representing two entities, the ethnic group they pretend to represent and the political party that has encouraged the development of a frozen ethnic vote and which provides them refuge from the arm of the law. Also to be kept in mind would be the financial aspect of the current war: no matter who is doing the fighting, using expensive sophisticated weapons requires money; therefore the army will not only be confronted with bhatta-extorting mafias but also well-armed terrorists. The army will, sooner or later, find itself in a situation where it will have to confront the people themselves. This will happen eventually given the state of the city and with dozens of people being killed every day, with no semblance of government and with public anger and frustration because of this inaction running high. Remember the city is engulfed in no ordinary disorder; and will the army officer in charge of the situation order the opening of fire on these citizens?

The last time the military was asked to step in, the then army chief refused and presented an awkward conditionality: I will have to set up my own courts manned by my own mid-level officers; and the punishments they hand down will not be struck down by reviewing judges already swooning with fear. When this situation arose, the elected government recalled periods in national life when martial laws were imposed on the nation and military courts dished out unfair penalties to persons perceived by the generals as ‘enemies of the state’. In addition to this scary jurisprudence of ‘assistance to civilian rule’, there is another question to consider. The Pakistan Army is busy fighting the terrorists in the tribal areas in battles that remain inconclusive because of their non-military nature. It is also standing up to the rest of the world in the political interpretation of what the intra-state conflict in Pakistan is all about. It may be unwise to ask it to embroil itself in the conflict of Karachi. This is something that the political parties need to sort out themselves because, as much as they contribute to the problem, the solutions lies with them.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 21st, 2011.
This is when you say, Ulta chor kotwal to dante. People of all groups are being killed in Karachi yet MQM is only concern ed about "Urdu Speakers" (read: Illegaly UP settlers). The future of Pakistani political party is being decided from Londo?? Altaf has crossed all bounds of political mujra. Read the magic word "extortionist" and we are all well aware about who actually introduced the culture of extortion in Karachi!

MQM demands action against criminals

Updated at: 1827 PST, Saturday, August 20, 2011
KARACHI: MQM's Rabita Committee member Raza Haroon Saturday demanded to take action against criminals and extortionist. He said that not a single criminal, involved in Karachi violence, has been taken to task.

Talking to media, Raza Haroon said that Urdu speaking people were being killed in the city, adding that no criminal was arrested in this regard.

He said that government did nothing to rescue the abducted people. He asked the government that where were those hands who used to rescue kidnapped people after having talks with criminals.

Haroon said that meeting of Rabita Committee London and Karachi was underway and they would soon decide the party's future plan.

Why you asking people to buy bangles for FC, Rangers & Police when you don't want to take step against MQM? It will far better to buy bangles for thier leaders in Karachi & London sitting with full comfort and forming hell for people. Why you people don't want to be free from this London based telephone speaches?

It is called mental slavery effect, the british infested it and still controlling it by hosting the puppet in london.

It is funny that under the Mush rule, MQM has come to fully dominate Karachi police with their "Urdu speakers" yet it has turned into most incompetent police to stop violence against their own people they claim to protect. So who actually is perpuating this violence?

They better save those bangles for Altaf bhai and Mutafa kamal and a burqa as well which they will need very much for escape when another Naserullah Babar wakes up in Karachi. The entire MQM leadership is two faced and criminal.

in my immediate family there are appx 20-25 people who operate retail businesses in different parts of karachi , in my neighbour hood there are another few 100 ... friends etc most of the people are self employed and i havent ever heard complaining about bhatta, The only people complaning and accusing MQM of extortion are non karachietes in some cases there are exapatriate pakistanis. What do else you want to bet on

Because they dont called it "bhatta" but digused as different innocent things like market security funds, market rennovation fund, eid assitance fund, ramzan iftari fund. MQM controlled markets are fully infested with this and its only levied on "non-Urdu Speaker" people. Go to North Nazimabad Hyderi market and check with shopkeepers there.

The definition of "non-Urdu Speaker" here being people non-supportive of MQM.

If you still dont belive me then I must scan and send you all those recipts of Mohallah comitte which is again a disgused front of MQM to spy and extort.

Mohallah comittes were an initiative taken under Mustafa Kamal to appoint private comittes for security of various residential and commerical sectors however under diguise of security they acted as a massive spy ring and extortion in the name of comitte funds.

Another example, Gulshan Iqbal used to be a calm sleeper town of the rich and famous but since MQM has started to rise in this district, it has turned into the worst and most insecure area of Karachi to live in. The person who actually unleashed MQM into this area back in the 90's was a known extortionist and criminal who settled in this area on an illegally occupied 400 yards property of another "Mohajir" family settled in Canada.

For comparison purpose, the place I live in Karachi is year round peaceful, shops remain open until 2-3AM, cars can be parked outdoors, no mobile snatching because residents at large are non-MQM type businessmen, intelactuals or ex-millitary people of all ethinic backgrounds. MQM as of yet has been unable to woo the voters. However, in the next block which has MQM flags on every second house, no taxi or rickshaw wala is willing to drop a passenger in there due to fear of mobile snacting. There is nil commercial activity in there, only one rotten general store and the MQM sector incharge lives in a 600 Yard house worth corore's of ruppes purchased at upfront cash..Where did a "middle and worker class" person get all that money from?
MQM demands action against criminals

It is called mental slavery effect, the british infested it and still controlling it by hosting the puppet in london.

It is funny that under the Mush rule, MQM has come to fully dominate Karachi police with their "Urdu speakers" yet it has turned into most incompetent police to stop violence against their own people they claim to protect. So who actually is perpuating this violence?

They better save those bangles for Altaf bhai and Mutafa kamal and a burqa as well which they will need very much for escape when another Naserullah Babar wakes up in Karachi. The entire MQM leadership is two faced and criminal.

Because they dont called it "bhatta" but digused as different innocent things like market security funds, market rennovation fund, eid assitance fund, ramzan iftari fund. MQM controlled markets are fully infested with this and its only levied on "non-Urdu Speaker" people. Go to North Nazimabad Hyderi market and check with shopkeepers there.

The definition of "non-Urdu Speaker" here being people non-supportive of MQM.

If you still dont belive me then I must scan and send you all those recipts of Mohallah comitte which is again a disgused front of MQM to spy and extort.

Mohallah comittes were an initiative taken under Mustafa Kamal to appoint private comittes for security of various residential and commerical sectors however under diguise of security they acted as a massive spy ring and extortion in the name of comitte funds.

Another example, Gulshan Iqbal used to be a calm sleeper town of the rich and famous but since MQM has started to rise in this district, it has turned into the worst and most insecure area of Karachi to live in. The person who actually unleashed MQM into this area back in the 90's was a known extortionist and criminal who settled in this area on an illegally occupied 400 yards property of another "Mohajir" family settled in Canada.

For comparison purpose, the place I live in Karachi is year round peaceful, shops remain open until 2-3AM, cars can be parked outdoors, no mobile snatching because residents at large are non-MQM type businessmen, intelactuals or ex-millitary people of all ethinic backgrounds. MQM as of yet has been unable to woo the voters. However, in the next block which has MQM flags on every second house, no taxi or rickshaw wala is willing to drop a passenger in there due to fear of mobile snacting. There is nil commercial activity in there, only one rotten general store and the MQM sector incharge lives in a 600 Yard house worth corore's of ruppes purchased at upfront cash..Where did a "middle and worker class" person get all that money from?

Very well said. On the middle class drama: how about Altaf's own nephew getting married in Sheraton Karachi? This lavish wedding in a 5 star hotel like sheraton certainly comes at a huge cost ... I wonder how this middle class family afford this?

MQM supporters are in denial thus, they are still able to 'defend' MQM from bhattakhori .. shame on them .. anyone who has lived for a week in Karachi would know about this clearly

Now I am sure that if revolution has to come to Pakistan then it will start from Karachi where these MQM rubbish will be wiped out. All political parties have ills but MQM is totally poisoned.

Yesterday I was watching policy matters show on dunya news, all callers who called in were accusing MQM for this rot.. Besharam log hain jo MQM ko support karte hain. I hope Gen. Naseerullah Babar like Gen will soon come and wipe out this rot.

Let me give another example where many of these MQM goons talk about being educated and thus having jobs and thus karachi is prospering. I have friends working in many govt. offices and all of them are pressured by MQM goons to resign only because they are not supporters of MQM. These are URDU speaking friends I am talking about.

They also talk against waderas - well some news for them, most of these MQM leaders like khanzadas, rizvis etc have large lands in interior sindh and the way they treat their peasants is so bad that no one wants to work for them... so much for pot calling the kettle black

The same MQM (Raza Haroon) is whining against the govt but so ready to join and infact they haven't even left.. Ishrat Ibad has always been there as governor.. for few days he wasn't the governor he fled the country !!

Similarly they talk about INFLATION .. price hike and blame govt .. Shoaib Bukhari (famous target killer protectionist) of MQM is the minister for SUPPLY AND PRICE CONTROL !!! yes you are reading it right - we have a ministry for SUPPLY & PRICE CONTROL which is led by MQM for the longest time. So when they blame govt. they are blaming themselves !!!!

I don't expect blind MQM apologists/ supporter to accept any of these because they are so blinded by either fear or money thrown at them. But remember this - when you reach the grave - even your altaf bhai can't save you... and the grave is the biggest reality... this life is only a staging ground for the eternal life. You (MQM supporters) still have time to repent ... may Allah guide you to the right path .. Ameen.
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