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Karachi is moving towards 'Civil Disobedience' movement

@mods Please check his IP
Looks like Indians are getting desperate after their agents were busted recently


Sindh Govt is deliberately trying to instigate the public by beating people on roads, creating multiple cases on those who got arrested. It crossed all limits today when Sindh police arrested Imam masjid and few other management related people from Memon Masjid Bolton Market and from few other mosques as well. No Azaan was given for Asar, Maghrib and Isha prayers which have angered people and this news is spreading like fire.

On March 26, Kamran Khan in his show 'Ajj Kamran Khan k Saath' mentioned how Sindh police are involved in taking bribes from people. PPP even tried to create a food shortage in Pakistan by blocking the movement of cargo etc. Today Imran Khan in his interview ordered Police to leave all those people who were arrested during the ongoing lockdown as we can't win the war without the support of people. But Sindh police are still arresting people and creating multiple cases against them.

Another issue with PPP Govt which no media is covering is that they promised to distribute ration to thousand of poor people but still not a single bag was distributed. Secondly, this spread of viruses can't be stopped by just imposing a curfew. Govt needs to disinfect the whole city just like Punjab Govt is doing using Fire brigades etc. But PPP is not doing anything on the ground and their complete focus is on imposing curfew via Police which is the easiest thing to do for them.

I think PPP is either deliberately trying to spread chaos in Karachi or it's happening because of their sheer incompetency. If the situation goes on like this in the remaining days of lockdown, the civil disobedience movement is inevitable and Karachi once again will fall into complete chaos and anarchy just like in old MQM days.
It crossed all limits today when Sindh police arrested Imam masjid and few other management related people from Memon Masjid Bolton Market and from few other mosques as well. No Azaan was given for Asar, Maghrib and Isha prayers which have angered people and this news is spreading like fire

You mean this imam masjid? Didn't he knew about the complete lockdown? Our normal Pakistani is a jahil Pakistani. I am with Sindh govt on this.



@Indus Pakistan
lock down in Sindh is on paper only as far citizens are concerned, They are roaming in streets buying at super marts. only thing which worries me is survival of poor daily wagers.
Though I disagree with prayer ban but I follow Tableeghi Ulemah and they asked to follow Govt orders in one of their fatwa which was issued yesterday. But Brelvi Ulemah didn't follow and asked to offer prayers in congregation.

Problem is this decision is not easy to digest nor state has the capability to completely shutdown Karachi and specially masjids. Sindh police is corrupt to the core and they are taking bribes and allowing people to do whatever they want. Don't believe me? Check Hussainabad and Lyari to get a fact check.

I am concerned about PPP performance which is not adequate to contain the virus. They have not disinfected a single area which is alarming. PPP is heavily investing on social and mainstream media to get favourable views but ground reality is far different from what you see on media.

@mods Please check his IP
Looks like Indians are getting desperate after their agents were busted recently
I guess mods have already investigated my account so you don't need to worry about it.

Curfew is better than disinfecting you can disinfect the insides of him and that have the coronavirus so they’ll just continue contaminating disinfected places if they’re just walking around

No disinfecting whole Karachi is equally important as complete lockdown or curfew. You need to check how China controlled this pandemic.

COAS and Imran Khan on Karachi trip ...Thursday.
Armed Forces of Pakistan currently rule / govern / administer directly or indirectly, when they retire, more than 30 percent of the total area of Karachi.

What special or extraordinary could a high or highest ranking military officer visiting Karachi would do for the city?
nothing will happen ...in few days people will forget everything as usual ...as new events will take place and people will become busy discussing them... when elections will come pppp will win again in sindh and show will go on as it happend in past ..
this system is designed to rob the country not to deliver promises... and that is exactly it is doing ...
COAS and Imran Khan on Karachi trip ...Thursday.

Thursday! They having a laugh? Found some time from their efforts to being peace in Kabul and scratching camel jokies balls off their itch?

Seriously, even Macron went to Beirut as soon as it was safe to do so, and he is not even president of Lebanon. What these two clowns are waiting for? Fear of drowning in the streets of Karachi?

Karachites needs to give them only one choice. I.e. what happen in Karachi, stays in Karachi. Not a single penny is going out of Karachi in state coffers until its issues are resolved permanently, and it is restored completely to the satisfaction of it's people. Until then, go to your pinds, your town up north and collect the taxes from there.
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