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Karachi: Asia's biggest food and entertainment resort opening next month

There are many places in Karachi where you can sit down and enjoy alchohol, I am sure you will be able to do it here too. Just wink and nod, you just might get something. :lol:

Sindh issues 22 permits for wine shops – The Express Tribune

Alchochol was legal until that Zia put the country under Islamization process and banned everything. :angry:

Often misstated. ZAB did it as an election gimmick through an executive order and placed alcohol on the banned items list and banned gambling. It was a political gimmick to get the Islamist vote since PNA was sloganeering on religion.

However Zia made into law and he got this into the constitution:-

Article 37 (g) The state shall prevent prostitution, gambling and taking of injurious drugs, printing, publication, circulation and display of obscene literature and advertisements

Article 37 (h) The state shall prevent the consumption of alcoholic liquor otherwise than for medicinal and, in the case of non-Muslims, religious purposes

I do not drink but I do not think that making it illegal achieved anything substantial. All of the alchohol is brought in through bootlegging and is not taxed, furthermore many get poisoned when they make their own or get theirs from dubious sources.

Every sane person agrees.
@Mogambo - Why is it important if it is biggest or not?

I am personally very happy at the economic progress that Pakistanis make because it takes us towards peace. More the economic progress less the chances of another Mumbai attacks.
What day would this event take place? I would love to go, i am currently enjoying my holiday in Karachi.

Daily Express News Story
The long-awaited opening of the Asia's biggest food and entertainment resort, Port Grand would be carried out in the mid of next month
The long-awaited opening of the Asia's biggest "Books"Port Grand would be carried out in the mid of next month.
It would be much suitable. (My personal feeling)
What day would this event take place? I would love to go, i am currently enjoying my holiday in Karachi.

I am not in Karachi and so can't see for sure. But I thought this project was supposed open on 14th August 2009. Now it is supposed to be 14th August 2010?

Enjoy your stay in Karachi. I am planning to be there in December and just the thought of the mouth-watering food all-over Karachi is enough drive me hungry sometimes. :smitten:
So, whats the actual cost like can you explain in detail; i heard on this forum that the entrance fees is Rs.200 and whats the other charges in this Grand'o Port'e.................. lolz.
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