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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

Dear ISI next time kindly tell this retard, that when a sensitive installation is mentioned it means, anything everything. And airport is a sensitive and key installation. What a moron.

These bastard politicians only know about Air ports when they want to run, just wait & see. When Pak Army will take over these bastard politicians will know & remember only one direction AIR PORT.
the people of the failed stated of denialistan should also check their birth certificates. I'm sure RAW has a handle in that as well :azn:
The term failed state and rapistan or salay Indian rapiest is strictly prohibited.

Oh so you cant answer so aukaad par agiyea? Shabash...

@Fulcrum15 @Manticore @Jungibaaz @WebMaster @Aeronaut @Chak Bamu any of you online I see one asking for a pink slip ^^
Negatively rated for using the term 'failed state'
If they are indeed Indians then we will answer in the language they understand, believe me we have just the right guy in the HQs.
If it was India then whole airport would have been burring along with planes........ India got Right PM now who, do thing and do things which he don't speak.

unlike other Indian PM who only speaks and don't do things.

It is the mess you have created and blame whole world for it.
I smell a Kargil 2.0 around the corner. This was a deliberate inside job to derail talks between India and denialistan

Inside job? please explain & what kind of talks were going on with India? I only saw personal business talks nothing more.
Well there are always contractors and side businesses...wasnt there like 2 threads with Indian members admitting to corruption in India being the highest?

I am waiting for the final say by the stupid news agencies....so aint saying anything is confirmed...
corruption is everywhere. .. Modi seems taking positive measures to reduce corruption levels... but corruption is not on par with Pakistan. .. your politicians will sell anything for money... If you dnt get the message from modi .. I can do nothing... It looks like he is keen to improve relation with neighbours. ..
India-Pak verbal duel after Karachi airport siege
Jayanta Deka,TNN | Jun 9, 2014, 06.50 AM IST

LUCKNOW: On Sunday night, it was bizarre accusations doing rounds on Twitter with tweeples busy presenting their views on the Karachi airport search and rescue operations even as Pakistani security forces were battling it out to secure the Karachi international airport.

The social networking website suddenly saw "independent reporters" offering inside scoops. Sample this: Breaking News. DG Rangers says Indian made weapons recovered from terrorists | Modi's name was inscribed in Sanskrit!

The first tweet by Geo TV (@geonews_english) — (Breaking News) DG Rangers says Indian made weapons recovered from terrorists #KarachiAirport — drew sharp reactions with both sides staging verbal war. And with the tweet, many chose to add their part of the report. @afsarjan23 countered the tweet with, "@geonews_english they wear Made in China Jackets and Nike shoes too! :/"

India-Pak verbal duel after Karachi airport siege - The Times of India

I see why Indians last night were posting shit!! Look at the tweets of Indians vs the real news from GEO ...Not sure if I need to laugh or be confused!
I don't know why india is at all mentioned....ttp has claimed responsibility, and through all these attacks TTP has never been linked with india, so.....ITS YOUR OWN GODAMM INTERNAL PROBLEM.....sort it out yourself, we dont care.
please shows us the clear picture of those marking, by seeing these pic i can claim these "Made in Mars" height of imagination
As if anyone here is in a position to do that and as if you are in a position to confirm or deny......get a life.
These bastard politicians only know about Air ports when they want to run, just wait & see. When Pak Army will take over these bastard politicians will know & remember only one direction AIR PORT.
Seriously, would u know of hunger if u sleep every night with a full stomach. Would u know of homelessness, when u have shelter on ur head. What about needs, when all urs are being fulfilled, and still u have plenty to waste. What I am trying to say is that how would these bastards know of the helplessness we as normal folks feel when they are surrounded by layer after layer of security. When miles upon miles of roads are shut down for them hours before they get there. When they dont have to worry that their kids will not make it back home, because some low life thug had shot them while stealing from them. How do we expect these guys to understand at all. They wont, they cant, because to solve a problem u have to live, and understand a problem.
Antihemophilic factor (factor VIII) is used to treat or prevent bleeding in people with hemophilia A.

Hope crocin is not find with Them , then PAk will say Indian uses crocin :rofl: TTP already claim responsibility, kid
to bhai Deccan Mujhaideen claimed responsibility of mumbai attack after 3 hours of mumbai attack phr pakistan ko kun blame kea kiddo ... search audio interview of deccan mujahideen hyderabad leader to ur Media channel during mumbai attack
Either you are trolling or ignorant...I already posted it like 15 mins ago!

And now the weapons are told of so you jump on the suicide vest...what do you want a full made in India terrorist from head to toe? Like even wearing Indian underwear?! Really?
where it is written "Made in India " and Tag on these weapon .... please show us ;) .......... yea ......We can say these bullets are "Made in Mars" .... how can you say its Made in India and not PAK ? Any serial no , Date show pls in Pic.
India-Pak verbal duel after Karachi airport siege
Jayanta Deka,TNN | Jun 9, 2014, 06.50 AM IST

LUCKNOW: On Sunday night, it was bizarre accusations doing rounds on Twitter with tweeples busy presenting their views on the Karachi airport search and rescue operations even as Pakistani security forces were battling it out to secure the Karachi international airport.

The social networking website suddenly saw "independent reporters" offering inside scoops. Sample this: Breaking News. DG Rangers says Indian made weapons recovered from terrorists | Modi's name was inscribed in Sanskrit!

The first tweet by Geo TV (@geonews_english) — (Breaking News) DG Rangers says Indian made weapons recovered from terrorists #KarachiAirport — drew sharp reactions with both sides staging verbal war. And with the tweet, many chose to add their part of the report. @afsarjan23 countered the tweet with, "@geonews_english they wear Made in China Jackets and Nike shoes too! :/"

India-Pak verbal duel after Karachi airport siege - The Times of India

I see why Indians last night were posting shit!! Look at the tweets of Indians vs the real news from GEO ...Not sure if I need to laugh or be confused!

That ranger has a shotgun mouth.....nothing has been said by any member of GOP.

'Fakhrul H. Khan' lost his life in Lastnight attack.
inna-lillaahe wa inna illaihi raajeoon #Karachi #Airport #Attack
where it is written "Made in India " and Tag on these weapon .... please show us ;) .......... yea ......We can say these bullets are "Made in Mars" .... how can you say its Made in India and not PAK ? Any serial no , Date show pls in Pic.
wow you really are brand conscious arent you...That you leave the tag on...Oh yea Terrorists in Pakistan carry their Identity cards so yea you would expect the same level!
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