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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

the weapons seized from dead terrorists are indian, so are the medical kits.. the issue must be taken up to the indian authority to check who is supplying this to terrorist.
If they are indeed Indians then we will answer in the language they understand, believe me we have just the right guy in the HQs.
I am just saying, if we act united, we will push them to corner, or expose them to those who still blindly support them.. I believe that if foreign hand is involved, our defence should go pro-active and get things done in their own way, to achieve this, we must push the govt in place to give orders.. nawaz sharif must act... simple !

Its a fact, your prime minister is world known hindu terrorist.

The Army they want to act freely because they know the enemy well but nora ganja league will not allow this to happen & even army knows this well, these politicians with their english debates have wasted a lot of time.

The fact is these politicians they don't want to get disturbed during corruption, they have no love for Pakistan. Pak Army will have to take over but first they will have to warn the politicians & given them time to handle the situation if they fail, which they will then Army needs to act accordingly. Pakistan is more important not the constitution.

Gen. Raheel should stop walking on Gen. Kayanis corrupt foot print, he needs to think about Pakistan not DEMOCRAZY, as it has only brought blood & pain to Pakistan.
What is wrong with BBC? 58 misn ago it announced gun fires re assumed! Is it settled yet?

'Gunfire resumes' at Karachi airport after deadly raid

Gunfire has reportedly resumed at Pakistan's biggest airport after an attack by gunmen that left at least 23 people dead on Sunday night.

The attack took place at a terminal used for cargo and VIP flights at Karachi's international airport. Many of those killed were airport staff.

Fresh violence broke out hours after the army said it had retaken control and all 10 attackers had been killed.

Pakistan's Taliban said they had carried out the assault.

Shahidullah Shahid, a Taliban spokesman, was quoted as saying by Reuters on Monday: "It is a message to the Pakistan government that we are still alive to react over the killings of innocent people in bomb attacks on their villages."

The dead terminal staff were said to be mostly security guards from the Airport Security Force (ASF) but also airline workers. At least 14 people were wounded.

All flights are being diverted to other airports.

Analysts say the attack further undermines Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's attempt at initiating peace talks with the Taliban.

The negotiations have made little headway since February. Critics have argued that they could allow the militants to regroup and gain strength.

Ok soo which bastard supposed to land or take off that needed to be killed or "rescued" ??
It is necessary to analyse the situation at macro level. Mere acceptance of responsibility does not close the chapter. We have to fit the pieces of jigsaw to identify who is our enemy. Country where weapons/ammo was produced, Mir Jafer/Mir Sadiq in our ranks, country of origin of terrorist, etc. @batmannow @BATMAN @Secur @Spring Onion

1. Agree analyzing the situation to pick all pieces

2. it doesn't matter who is producer/manufacturer of arms they are using its more important to cut off their resources which help them buying these.
3. Yes finding mir jaffars is important to block their way
I am just saying, if we act united, we will push them to corner, or expose them to those who still blindly support them.. I believe that if foreign hand is involved, our defence should go pro-active and get things done in their own way, to achieve this, we must push the govt in place to give orders.. nawaz sharif must act... simple !

Its a fact, your prime minister is world known hindu terrorist.
so is your country... The fact instead and before knowing truth .. you guys are blaming India .. and wishing for revenge. that is nothing but terrorist mentality ...
Look at them jumping on R&AW and MODI. Now do you even blame India for power shortage?

a dead terrorist @JonAsad he looks afghani.
@Leader who will raise the issue, brother you are expecting a lot from these corrupt politicians, they will not do anything.
You tried your best to cause trouble in Kashmir. But you are running out of gas my friend. The more you peek into others houses the more your own house gonna get destroyed.
Comprehension problem there, ever wondered why every other day there is either a shut down strike or curfew imposed in down town Srinagar..... is it due to shortages of GAS.
We never denied it...We are asking who the hell is funding them and why! Now if we find Indian supplies on terrorist what do you expect us to do or say? The camel from the mountains did it? Grow a brain... Indians cry like babies and suddenly even find NICOP issued Identity cards on blown up terrorists and point at ISI at once while finding weapons of Indian origin is like I dont know pointing to the chicken shit instead? Why the masked double standards? Can a spade a spade for once!
that If is quite big... you don't know fact yet still blaming India...
Actually, Uzbeks look surprisingly Asian, so the comparison can be forgiven. The Indian made weapons hasn't been confirmed, and even if it is, it isn't confirmed how they got them.

In short, military and police aren't blaming India. Such weapons can be found in the black market.
What about the suicide vests which the Armed attackers were wearing.Is it Indian made,Armerica or FATA. These things hardly matters.But How did the armed attackers entered the Airport premises.What were the security guards doing, groping in the dark or munching peanuts
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