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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

I have my reasons for saying this, and there is teeny tiny chance that i could be wrong, but TTP did not carryout this attack, or it was carriedout by a group, that is not very close to TTP
Have this operation been given any name by the SSG COMMANDOS or PAK ARMY
Seized Weapons


Dead Bodies of Militants


Shahidullah Shahid moreover dismissed the Pakistani government's peace talks methodoly as a “tool of war”.

I want this haramzada dead. How much money is being given to ISI? ISI kill this motherfucker please.
I have my reasons for saying this, and there is teeny tiny chance that i could be wrong, but TTP did not carryout this attack, or it was carriedout by a group, that is not very close to TTP

Its quite understandable the sophistication of attack selection of targets .... all indicates towards the involvement of a proper intelligence agency at least at planing & training level.
Hotel is not big?? Do you know how many rooms were there in Taj and Oberoi? They weren't road side dhabas or airport runways where there is nothing but, well, runways...
Do you know how many acres is airport? I didn't say hotel is not big, i said it's not as big as airport.

Typical jai hind people. Read first before you speak.

Airport is big, hotel is small vs airport is big and hotel is not as big, is different my friend.
Just saw statement of DG ranger.He stated that weapons caught are Indian.check aj news.
He further added that they are investigating... they claim to have strong evidences.However,before making final statements they will investigate more.All 10 terrorist are killed while one man caught and it is claimed that he might be one of them. 16 are killed and 12 injured.This is complete apocalypse.
Pakistan must take strong action and whosoever is involved must be dealt strictly.

India needs to answer why their weapons are being used by the terrorists in Pakistan.

RAW should be made accountable!

The class of weapons which were recovered from terrorists ( AK's , RPG's and SMG's ) are not even manufactured in India. It is more of a Pavlovian response from your DG rangers similar to one they had when they confiscated weapons from MQM's office.

Talk about Indian weapons when you recover INSAS , MILAN or Uzi SMG's. In the meantime, stop blaming product of your failed strategic depth project on India.
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