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Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

Clearly the target of this operation was to lay waste to couple of passenger jets and considering they couldnt achieve their primary target i would say that due to brilliant done by our ASF Shaheeds and SSG they failed miserably. Plan was to replicate a condition of Karma and mehran base by targeting Planes.
An old Google earth is being spread by some people to misguide people.
Google earth imagery is always a couple of years old or in some cases 6 months old.

The correct date of the imagery can be found out by selecting the dateline button and then checking the time line of the imagery on the left top of the page :
This picture being shared on the net of from 17 November 2013.

JIAP - Copy.jpg
because their handlers sitting in kabul are not only anti military but also anti Pakistan thats why they attacked civil international airport

That is a very sweeping statement, mate. One of your reporters tweeted that gunmen had got inside an aircraft as well. Why does it look like this was a hijack attempt?

Because if they really wanted to massacre people, they would simply have to stand in the middle of the terminal building ans blindly fire at everyone. If there have been very limited casualties, their objective and motive was not killing. They wanted to hijack a PIA aircraft most likely.
It is all over news! and India will give them to spread terror in Pakistan. It's not a rocket science.

All over the news? Pls provide credible info.

Also, when its easy to get foreign made weapons easily, why would we give India made weapons???
Clearly the target of this operation was to lay waste to couple of passenger jets and considering they couldnt achieve their primary target i would say that due to brilliant done by our ASF Shaheeds and SSG they failed miserably. Plan was to replicate a condition of Karma and mehran base by targeting Planes.

No SSG during operation-
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