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Kamaal R Khan announces leaving India because of Modi win

Aaj Modiji ney do sankalp purey karey:

1. Congress Mukt Bharat.
2. Ch****o Mukt Bharat.


Its interesting what you tweeted about Jyothirajya Sindya and Sachin Pilot is true.. If uncles will be sidelined then we will see a resurgent congress which is ultimately good for India..
Its interesting what you tweeted about Jyothirajya Sindya and Sachin Pilot is true.. If uncles will be sidelined then we will see a resurgent congress which is ultimately good for India..

I am not averse to Congress. But no more DYNASTY. Bring a Person like Modi in Congress & see the change.
I am not averse to Congress. But no more DYNASTY. Bring a Person like Modi in Congress & see the change.

I am not sure whether Modi will be interested in joining congress :rofl:.. But seems like Gandi dynasty is ending and Vandre dynasty is going to lead congress now.. Already supporters are asking Priyanka to take leadership..
I am not sure whether Modi will be interested in joining in congress :rofl:.. But seems like Gandi dynasty is ending and Vandre dynasty is going to lead congress now.. Already supporters are asking :woot: to take leadership..

Priyanka is not the answer to debacles of Sonia/Rahul & she will also bring the baggage of her husband.

People have not just rejected Congress but also Dynastic Mindset.

If congress seriously want to come back to power, it has to look beyond dynasty & give chance to people who work hard for party irrespective of there surname.
I am not sure whether Modi will be interested in joining congress :rofl:.. But seems like Gandi dynasty is ending and Vandre dynasty is going to lead congress now.. Already supporters are asking Priyanka to take leadership..
BJP came out of Congress.. Looks like soon Congress(or a large part of it) will merge back into BJP :)
Priyanka is not the answer to debacles of Sonia/Rahul & she will also bring the baggage of her husband.

People have not just rejected Congress but also Dynastic Mindset.

If congress seriously want to come back to power, it has to look beyond dynasty & give chance to people who work hard for party irrespective of there surname.

Congress wont think beyond Gandhi family.. They will be loyal to them.. Gandhi family will play a vital role in congress... Only thing dignified congress leaders can do is split that party and start a new one..

BJP came out of Congress.. Looks like soon Congress(or a large part of it) will merge back into BJP :)

I am not sure whether they will merge, best thing they will do is split the congress and start an alliance with BJP.. Positive note is BJP will no longer an untouchable party..
BJP came out of Congress.. Looks like soon Congress(or a large part of it) will merge back into BJP :)


Oh bhai, BJP is an Independent party, it's earlier version was Jan Sangh which was formed around 1950s & it's roots are within RSS.
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