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kalu_miah's new world order, a road map for the future

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2010-2020: things stay on the same trend; China becomes world #1 economy just ahead of US at 15000 GDP/capita in 2018.
2020-2030: US and Europe suffer further stagnation and recession. China becomes the last industrial superpower on planet earth. peak oil starts.
2030-2040: peak oil devastates every economy. numerous small conflicts erupt in Africa and the Middle East over resources. US Great Plains dry up and dust bowl conditions return. smaller resource importers like South Korea, Japan and Britain start sinking as their value added cannot keep up with resource prices, global warming starts reducing world crop yield as population increases.
2040-2050: global population decrease due to famine and disease. last ditch effort by the UN for fusion power fails. grid goes dark in many countries.
2050-2060: possible WW3 and nuclear holocaust.
I have heard these political forecasts before and they are nothing new. The idea that the political regions of today will develop into unions and then become super unions and eventually after these stages are finalized a world government.

Stop, trying to act as if you're the first to "predict" this.
I have heard these political forecasts before and they are nothing new. The idea that the political regions of today will develop into unions and then become super unions and eventually after these stages are finalized a world government.

Stop, trying to act as if you're the first to "predict" this.

The general idea that unions will be formed and there will be world government is very common, yes, but the details of how it may happen I believe is new. Please show us some source where you can find the same projections and stages I have presented in OP.
While see this with optimism I don't agree with a world government and erasing all borders.
As for an Asian Union does that mean all of Asia ? don't think something like this could ever be done not in 1,000 years.
kalu bhai u r thinking 2 much :blink:
BRO, don't take it offensively but your one liner to address such an important/revolutionary intellectual product is an insult to it. Kalu Bhai being Bangladeshi and coming up with such brilliance should more be applauded by us more than others? I think his profundity of thought has way more depth than mediocres. So, now say cheers to Kalu Bhai, thanks.
not gonna happen unless aliens decide to take over earth and enslave us..
Ahem! It's already happening, though not by exact permutation or combination but differently and your country is either knowing or unknowingly assisting into it (Don't ask for details and find out by reading my lips). Unless you, the Bhratat-Rakshakers put a hold on your current trajectory and re-direct it towards to more humane, reconciliatory path; then you guys would look like the worst fools of millennium, thanks.
EU took at least 50 years with foreign aid to make, very rich countries today yet many problems, you can imagine an Asian Union on how hard it will take to create not to mention the differences.
I see a South Asia Union happening (without name India may be some other name, already India Pakistan and Bangladesh are starting give best trade concessions to each other)after 20-30 yrs to keep america out of region. (Both India and Pakistan will save billions of dollars spend on 10 million army standing at border to defend from each other)

China-Taiwan integration is also quite possible again to keep america out.

European Union is going through stages of unification wiht Germany and France dictating the economic terms to debtor nations like Greece, Italy and Ireland

ASEAN countries are too diverse to combine.

Central asia Stans were earlier together under USSR so quite a possiblity to come together to protect themselves from external influences.

Rest is dreams.

South Asia Union, I believe, will not happen, mainly because of the reasons why we had partition, the reason for partition still exists, if anything the rivalry between Hindu-Muslim will be getting worse with time, although there will be less physical fighting and loss of lives, hopefully and more and more trade within the region, which will improve relations between both sides. Also, Hindu-Muslim conflict will not go away, because many Hindu nationalists feel that we Muslims have taken away their land and civilizational space, which some among this group are adamant to roll back and reclaim, just like it happened in Spain (Al Andalus), from 1200-1500, in a centuries long process.

ASEAN countries are actively working on their Union. They will further unite when they understand that there is no easy escape from constant pressure of the big states next door. Currently Korea and Japan are dependent on the US for their security against the Chinese threat, but once US looses its preeminence, who will they depend on, India? The best solution for them is to join hands, forget Dokdo/Takeshima island dispute or other similar irritants, and get to work to develop the human potential in ASEAN. In a way both of these countries are already heavily involved in ASEAN, as well as Bangladesh. An expanded ASEAN is a ghost of the earlier Greater East Asia co-prosperity sphere that Imperial Japan tried to establish by force, this time around, it will be done with people's democratic will, because people of these small states would want a big and strong state/union of their own, to face up to the threat from the big neighboring states:
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The rest are also as viable as the above and some have progressed some ways already, like African Union, UNASUR etc.:
Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Union of South American Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
African Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Central Asian Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arab League - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, of course big states of the world are not going to like this development, and this includes the US, China and India, as it will reduce their freedom to abuse any small state or internal minority the way they want to, but the rest of us in smaller states really see no way out from our future predicament, so sooner or later, I believe people will see the light and start working to make things happen. My prediction is that as soon as people wake up to the fact that China may eclipse the US, the US and the West will work overtime to make the above scenario a reality, for their own protection, in their greater EU, but also to create regional satellites, who will be led by the greater EU and work to counter the threat from the big states.
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2010-2020: things stay on the same trend; China becomes world #1 economy just ahead of US at 15000 GDP/capita in 2018.
2020-2030: US and Europe suffer further stagnation and recession. China becomes the last industrial superpower on planet earth. peak oil starts.
2030-2040: peak oil devastates every economy. numerous small conflicts erupt in Africa and the Middle East over resources. US Great Plains dry up and dust bowl conditions return. smaller resource importers like South Korea, Japan and Britain start sinking as their value added cannot keep up with resource prices, global warming starts reducing world crop yield as population increases.
2040-2050: global population decrease due to famine and disease. last ditch effort by the UN for fusion power fails. grid goes dark in many countries.
2050-2060: possible WW3 and nuclear holocaust.

2030-2040: peak oil devastates every economy. numerous small conflicts erupt in Africa and the Middle East over resources..
What if pick oil doesn't start and the theory itself is a distance myth then would the follow up occurrences take place?
That is bullshit
the western and the European are playing a big game so it will be easy for them to get what ever they want by diving people making them so weak. nowdays they find it so difficult for them to deal with diffrent governments around they world. under the name of democracy :pleasantry: and human rights, they would be able to interfere in many countries and do exactly as the did in Sudan.

This the new middle east by Bernard Lewis. WHAT I CAN SAY IN HIS DREAM:angry:

This is a good example of the divide and rule policy that I mentioned in OP, starting from the first empire in human history down to the existing ones today, none are immune to it:
Divide and rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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2010-2020: things stay on the same trend; China becomes world #1 economy just ahead of US at 15000 GDP/capita in 2018.
2020-2030: US and Europe suffer further stagnation and recession. China becomes the last industrial superpower on planet earth. peak oil starts.
2030-2040: peak oil devastates every economy. numerous small conflicts erupt in Africa and the Middle East over resources. US Great Plains dry up and dust bowl conditions return. smaller resource importers like South Korea, Japan and Britain start sinking as their value added cannot keep up with resource prices, global warming starts reducing world crop yield as population increases.
2040-2050: global population decrease due to famine and disease. last ditch effort by the UN for fusion power fails. grid goes dark in many countries.
2050-2060: possible WW3 and nuclear holocaust.
And shows you are joker

Cars and economies of the world will run on oil only for another 2 decade maximum,after that either man will invent alternate for oil,which is eco-friendly or oil will run out and cars will stop

---------- Post added at 10:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 AM ----------

More like:

2010-2020: things stay on the same trend; China becomes world #1 economy just ahead of US at 15000 GDP/capita in 2018.
2020-2030: US and Europe suffer further stagnation and recession. China becomes the last industrial superpower on planet earth. peak oil starts.
2030-2040: peak oil devastates every economy. numerous small conflicts erupt in Africa and the Middle East over resources. US Great Plains dry up and dust bowl conditions return. smaller resource importers like South Korea, Japan and Britain start sinking as their value added cannot keep up with resource prices, global warming starts reducing world crop yield as population increases.
2040-2050: global population decrease due to famine and disease. last ditch effort by the UN for fusion power fails. grid goes dark in many countries.
2050-2060: possible WW3 and nuclear holocaust.
And shows you are joker

Cars and economies of the world will run on oil only for another 2 decade maximum,after that either man will invent alternate for oil,which is eco-friendly or oil will run out and cars will stop
im totally supporter but its not gonna happen :cry:

thanx for bring that up and that what we have to be UNITED

It can happen, we need to improve our individual countries, bring as much democracy as possible and bring power and decision making closer to the people. People used facebook and twitter to organize the Arab spring, in the future we will use more sophisticated web 2.0 open source tools like drupal based social networking site etc. to organize over the net, unite and empower our people. Once the snow ball starts rolling, it can become avalanche. It all depends on us and our initiatives.
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