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Just ordered an IPHONE 5, have I made a bad decision??!!

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Jun 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
Hi guys,

So I just ordered a 32 GB BLACK iPhone 5 which should be delivered on the 24th of Oct. I was tempted by a VERY attractive contract and have been desperate for an IPhone/new phone for literally years now so jumped at the chance.


However on refelcetion I have had som second thoughts- the contract is good relavtive to other IPhone contracts but when compared to comparable spec Android phones the deal is still very expensive for what it is.

I was also very tempted by the Samsung Note II but was put off by the fact I have never had an Android before and whenever I have used the tech have disliked it profusely.


So I gave in to my "fanboyish" desire and ordered the iPhone, so have I made the right descion? I have time to change my mind if I deem nessercary.

Feedback would be very much appreciated.
With apple you cant go wrong samsungs are good copies of apple products ..
Yes, Yes you have made a bad choice. I'm an American so trust me.

You would have been better off buying a iPhone 4 or what ever, since there is no difference between the new and the previous model.

Samsung would have been a better choice.
As long as you're happy with it mate! I've been using an S3 for a couple of months now and it's never let me down. The eye sensor, auto-brightness, voice search and the camera are just awesome, they make life much easier!
Thəorətic Muslim;3465875 said:
Yes, Yes you have made a bad choice. I'm an American so trust me.

You would have been better off buying a iPhone 4 or what ever, since there is no difference between the new and the previous model.

Samsung would have been a better choice.
I agree the jump from the 4S to the 5 was not as much as many had hoped for but the jump is sizable all the same and anyway the deal I got was not such that it was not too far off what I'd pay for a 4S and if you're going to spend the kind of many we're talking you might aswell by the latest right?
Truthfully I don't see anything wrong with buying an Iphone it is just the people and the company that kinda tick me off. :D Getting a Chinese phone BTW.
You wont be disappointed, it may not have as much features as android based fones, but it definitely has quality. Not to mention the Retina Display feels so smooth on eyes. Apple's been struggling with Apple maps, so lets see what sort of improvements they will offer in future updates.
One of the biggest reasons you should consider Android over the iPhone is the Apple Ecosystem. You are pretty much tied down to the iTunes ecosystem. That is really annoying when it comes to music. I pretty much transfer music across multiple devices.

Another point is that while most Android Apps are free, the equivalent Apple Apps are not.

I also have a Windows Phone which just like the iPhone ties you to its ecosystem - Zune. But the interface of the Windows Phone is well and truly unique, easy and beautiful. It is hard to believe that this came out of Redmond and not Cupertino. People keep saying that there are limited Apps in the Windows Marketplace but every App that I have in my Android has a Windows version except the popular game "Words with Friends". Also, having access to Microsoft Office on a Phone is definitely a useful feature for me.

Lastly, I also have a Blackberry. It is unfortunate - but I think this was my last BB. It is the dumbest smartphone out there. The only good thing I can say about the BB is that the e-mail is still rollicking and typing is a breeze.

My first choice if I had to sign a contract would be

1. Samsung S3
2. Lumia 920 / 900
3. iPhone 5
4. Blackberry.

Oh and I forgot about videos. If I download a movie or the latest episode of Dexter - I just transfer it via Bluetooth on an Android and presto! it works! Not possible in any of the other ecosystems. Neither Apple nor Windows.
i didn't use smart phones till now should i taste it ? i don't like games chat or mails from cell :disagree:
Whatever you are getting with the Iphone 5 was already available in the Samsung Galaxy 3 and the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 so basically you just payed for the name and a slightly bigger screen which is fine by the way because at the end it comes down to preference. Personally I would have just gotten an Samsung Galaxy 3 (although the Galaxy Note is a bit better it is huge) as its cheaper with same features for the most part.

i didn't use smart phones till now should i taste it ? i don't like games chat or mails from cell :disagree:

You are too old to be using smart phones. :whistle:
You made a wrong decision if you are living in united kingdom and got the contract/mobile for personal use without thought of selling it later. First of all contract of iphone are very expensive and you have to pay upfront charges as well. I don't know whether you got some discount but i know you can get S3 for half monthly price than what you are paying for Iphone 5. I personally prefer good andriod phones because flash is my first requirement to watch live matches and live tv channels when i am away home and also good android phone make life much easier compare to ios which come with some restrictions. I will only buy apple iphone on cheap contract for purpose of selling it later otherwise i am very much satisfied with my S2 right now and i heard iphone 5 is 1.2 dual core processor and its just look taller but not proportionally bigger like s2/s1/s3 and also stupid nano sim and non removable battery, no usb mass storage mode, No sd cards etc
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