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Apple sells over 5 million iPhone 5s, investors worry about supply

If you are passionate about something you would too. I think its the pride of owning something extraordinary.

Oh, please!! 'Passionate' about something? If that woman's interview posted by @jaunty above is not fake then it should make you realize how stupidly people follow Apple. BTW, iPhone 1 may have been extra-ordinary but certainly not iPhone 5--and this has been said by many more people than they used to.

We should fear a future where Apple will dominate to the extent of people buying iTV, iCar, iToaster, iFridge... This greedy company was lead by an ego-maniacal Jobs who didn't contribute much to charity (unlike Gates did/does) and like its leaders the iSheeps are the ultimately stupid, 'me, me, me!!' wannabes. I would leave them alone except the relentless marketing and hype makes even poorer people buy against their interests.
New product from Apple

New product from Apple


Normally I don't quote such big images but this gave me a hearty laugh. Epic! And not too far from truth.
Thanks for sharing!
Now dig up some Apple iCar photos?!
Man I am having a major hard time whether to make the jump and go for the Iphone 5 or an Android but their are too many pros and cons on both sides for me to come to a logical conclusion!!!
Man I am having a major hard time whether to make the jump and go for the Iphone 5 or an Android but their are too many pros and cons on both sides for me to come to a logical conclusion!!!

Why not the 3rd option: Nokia Lumia 920? The image stabilization system in that phone's camera is probably the topmost in the market right now. Here is a comparison:
iPhone 5 vs. Galaxy S3 vs. Lumia 920: By the numbers | iPhone Atlas - CNET Reviews
Oh, please!! 'Passionate' about something? If that woman's interview posted by @jaunty above is not fake then it should make you realize how stupidly people follow Apple. BTW, iPhone 1 may have been extra-ordinary but certainly not iPhone 5--and this has been said by many more people than they used to.

We should fear a future where Apple will dominate to the extent of people buying iTV, iCar, iToaster, iFridge... This greedy company was lead by an ego-maniacal Jobs who didn't contribute much to charity (unlike Gates did/does) and like its leaders the iSheeps are the ultimately stupid, 'me, me, me!!' wannabes. I would leave them alone except the relentless marketing and hype makes even poorer people buy against their interests.

Apple gets a very positive press or PR. Some people actually cosinder apple as holistic and all. The force is strong among the belivers.

To me its about utility for a decent price.
If you are passionate about something you would too. I think its the pride of owning something extraordinary.

What is there in iPhone5 to be passionate about? It doesn't have anything extraordinary and entirely different or pathbreaking from previous versions or other comparable smart phones.

Enjoy this, nice spoof :D

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