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Junior's Cafe


Nov 5, 2008
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We watch discussions in Seniors Cafe but cannot participate due to being juniors obviously. But there're some points that make us give our comments and talk about them. So in this thread we will pick the points and posts with links from there and debate here.

First is the case about comments of sir @Atanz in the thread:

India-Pakistan Trade: A Roadmap for Enhancing Economic Relations | Page 2

where the respected member talked about declaration made that 1947 was full on fiasco.

Sir 1947 was a fiasco if only two parties were involved. But there was third party the Britishers. Former two's ultimate objective was to get freedom one way or the other and they took the other. So 1947 was a complete success. If someday in future Pakistan and India get united their national monuments will still remain there reminding the freedon struggle.

One example is BD's Sher e Bangal, even after 1971 he is Sher e Bangal telling about their original and ultimate freedom struggle.
We watch discussions in Seniors Cafe but cannot participate due to being juniors obviously. But there're some points that make us give our comments and talk about them. So in this thread we will pick the points and posts with links from there and debate here.

while what you have created here is a logical work-around and is understandable, there is a simple solution.

the 'seniors cafe' section is undemocratic and naive :

1. it is not necessary that senior members are automatically sensible and kindly, nor is it necessary that junior members are automatically trolls and generally uneducated people... this all is proved by so many examples.

2. it is not reasonable to disallow junior members from participating in discussions where so-called senior members gather... how can cliques and stand-offish behavior be allowed in a forum that otherwise is quite lenient??

the idea of 'seniors cafe' must be abolished and what instead must be done is forcing the exit of members who are hate-mongers, war-mongers and terrorist supporters ( from any country, including mine )... this forum has potential to be recognized in offline peace creation and this can be achieved through effective policing and not through segregating members.


@WAJsal @haviZsultan @Joe Shearer

@Levina @Zibago @django

@Mentee @BDforever @Bilal9

@Spring Onion @Ammara Chaudhry

@Irfan Baloch @WebMaster
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Bus posts kartay raho aap bhe senior ban jayo gay i was only full member last year
@IrbiS @Aether - my previous post.

Bus posts kartay raho aap bhe senior ban jayo gay i was only full member last year

certainly but as you said it took you a more or less a year to become senior, but there could be threads where during your junior time you as a sensible member wanted to participate in but couldn't because those were in 'seniors cafe'.

and then about 'posts karte raho', it is possible that some members make troll posts to increase their post count and in the process become unpleasant members.

and then there is the undemocraticness of having a 'seniors cafe', as if once members turn senior they all suddenly become as wise as enlightened sufi socialist cats. :D
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while what you have created here is a logical work-around and is understandable, there is a simple solution.

the 'seniors cafe' section is undemocratic and naive :

1. it is not necessary for senior members to be automatically sensible and kindly, nor is it necessary for junior members to be automatically trolls and generally uneducated people... this all is proved by so many examples.

2. it is not reasonable to disallow junior members from participating in discussions where so-called senior members gather... how can cliques and stand-offish behavior be allowed in a forum that otherwise is quite lenient??

the idea of 'seniors cafe' must be abolished and what instead must be done is forcing the exit of members who are hate-mongers, war-mongers and terrorist supporters ( from any country, including mine )... this forum has potential to be recognized in offline peace creation and this can be achieved through effective policing and not through segregating members.


@WAJsal @haviZsultan @Joe Shearer

@Levina @Zibago @django

@Mentee @BDforever @Bilal9

@Spring Onion @Ammara Chaudhry

@Irfan Baloch @WebMaster
Senior member should be a title like 'Think Tank', many Senior members are an insult to the title, along with some Elite Members. 'Senior member' should be a title given to sane members. I know some good members who do not have the Senior tag. A lot of trolling in Senior section too.
@WebMaster , thoughts?
@Salik you are not junior. You are almost a veteran here. Thread should be renamed veteran's khookhah

I am not talking about myself khookhay :D

Admins can tell whats the statistic of senior and otherwise members. Non seniors must be in majority. Not all of them are mental kids. @Horus
We watch discussions in Seniors Cafe but cannot participate due to being juniors obviously. But there're some points that make us give our comments and talk about them. So in this thread we will pick the points and posts with links from there and debate here.

First is the case about comments of sir @Atanz in the thread:

India-Pakistan Trade: A Roadmap for Enhancing Economic Relations | Page 2

where the respected member talked about declaration made that 1947 was full on fiasco.

Sir 1947 was a fiasco if only two parties were involved. But there was third party the Britishers. Former two's ultimate objective was to get freedom one way or the other and they took the other. So 1947 was a complete success. If someday in future Pakistan and India get united their national monuments will still remain there reminding the freedon struggle.

One example is BD's Sher e Bangal, even after 1971 he is Sher e Bangal telling about their original and ultimate freedom struggle.

Nothing wrong with you opening this thread. I am for all to engage in discussion. The more the better. However I don't quite agree with your referance to the "Britishers". If your trying to say that British would have stayed on in British India the answer is no. The writing was on the wall even by 1920s and British knew this.

It would have been simply impossible for British to contine ruling over 1/5th of humanity for much longer. The only issue was timing - earlier rather than later. After WW2 the British were worn out. The age of colonialism was over and the world was moving toward new age of post colonial economic enslavement which is what was put in place after 1950s and still continues to exist in one form or another today.

So if you think the British leaving was achievement I would beg to differ. They also left tiny Sri Lanka, they even left the filthy rich Brunie few decades later which has less people than at anytime in London underground. They left Africa and they even left the tiny islands in West Indies like Barbados.

So the British leaving was forgone conclusion. Maybe ML or more particular Congress brought the clock earlier by few years but at cost of millions of lives.

From point of speculation I think it would have been better if Nehru had agreed with the Cabinet Mission Plan in 1946. As you know it included right of provinces to secede within 10 years. I think most of the westerly provinces like NWFP or Sindh any maybe Punjab would have seceded and gone separately or joined some loose block. That to my thinking would have been infinitely better. I for sure instinctively not in favour of union with India.

I would prefer if the situation had reverted to way it was before the "Britishers" came marching into Punjab, Sindh etc in 1840s.

Ps. If you want to look at examples where the colonialists did not want to leave and the natives had to kick them out you need to look at French in Algeria or in Vietnam. Or possibly South Africa and Zimbabawe/Rhodesia.
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Then, till then keep Seniors Cafe hidden from non senior members. Watching debates and cannot comment is another kind of torture ;)

Then pity us in the West where there are entire TV channels dedicated to transmitting
live broadcasts ( if a half attendance of old geezers sleeping in Senate can be called live ) of our po-
liticians bickering over the fine points of laws designed to fleece the citizens further with!

Just sayin' Tay.
Bro why you want to snatch my senior tag if there is any poling believe me Indian will not let you people to give me even senior tag :D
Many members who have the tag do not deserve it and many who do not have it deserve it. I will talk to Webby about it, Mods should have powers to snatch, and give titles.
while what you have created here is a logical work-around and is understandable, there is a simple solution.

the 'seniors cafe' section is undemocratic and naive :

1. it is not necessary for senior members to be automatically sensible and kindly, nor is it necessary for junior members to be automatically trolls and generally uneducated people... this all is proved by so many examples.

2. it is not reasonable to disallow junior members from participating in discussions where so-called senior members gather... how can cliques and stand-offish behavior be allowed in a forum that otherwise is quite lenient??

the idea of 'seniors cafe' must be abolished and what instead must be done is forcing the exit of members who are hate-mongers, war-mongers and terrorist supporters ( from any country, including mine )... this forum has potential to be recognized in offline peace creation and this can be achieved through effective policing and not through segregating members.


@WAJsal @haviZsultan @Joe Shearer

@Levina @Zibago @django

@Mentee @BDforever @Bilal9

@Spring Onion @Ammara Chaudhry

@Irfan Baloch @WebMaster

indeed, i second that
while what you have created here is a logical work-around and is understandable, there is a simple solution.

the 'seniors cafe' section is undemocratic and naive :

1. it is not necessary for senior members to be automatically sensible and kindly, nor is it necessary for junior members to be automatically trolls and generally uneducated people... this all is proved by so many examples.

2. it is not reasonable to disallow junior members from participating in discussions where so-called senior members gather... how can cliques and stand-offish behavior be allowed in a forum that otherwise is quite lenient??

the idea of 'seniors cafe' must be abolished and what instead must be done is forcing the exit of members who are hate-mongers, war-mongers and terrorist supporters ( from any country, including mine )... this forum has potential to be recognized in offline peace creation and this can be achieved through effective policing and not through segregating members.


@WAJsal @haviZsultan @Joe Shearer

@Levina @Zibago @django

@Mentee @BDforever @Bilal9

@Spring Onion @Ammara Chaudhry

@Irfan Baloch @WebMaster
its a forum,where folks are supposed to express their. Opinions regardless of their age.dont try to run it a like a kingdom.if some member is misbehaving or trollig ban him.I've witnessed that some so called t.t.s many a times show awful retardedness.post for the sake of posting. just to show how pretentious they are..... marasi
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