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Jundallah () or Jundalshaitan ()

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@ Aryan : There is a way these things are said. I'm not a massive fan of the Saudi Royal Family either but whats the point of going on and on and on about how they are so so very bad when the other person doesn't think so ! They - the Saudis - seem to like it...good for them; their country...their choice ! Lets end at that. Furthermore they didn't get ticked off by the criticism directed at the Royal Family they got ticked off at some very racist and offensive posts that many of us Pakistanis made about them ! And like always I'm not talking about you...! Posts that went to the tune of : Whenever Mosa would post that the Saudis have got this and this TOT agreement signed, that they're manufacturing this and this or that they're investing heavily in R&D and JVs with others; I could swear that you'd find at least one Pakistani, by conservative estimates, who'd belittle that by mentioning everything from 'the likeness of a certain pink animal', 'camels', 'brainless retards', 'they've probably got Pakistanis and Indians who came up with that', 'haaaah the just bought over-priced trash to service American debt because of American pressure' or 'as soon as the oil runs out...they're foOked' and of course we can't forget 'Wahabi' can we ? I'm probably being euphemistic here. You tell if us Pakistanis were subjected to the same abuse...senseless abuse which often borders on racism, would you come back all nice and polite the next day ? So...please yaar a bit of 'empathy' here !

Very much agree with u bro....
I resent your unfounded allegations. Dont forget what Sauds call Pakistanis that is orphans. Why Iranians do not have any derogotary name for Pakistanis??

The ones who speak well of Sauds will reduce as time goes on and Saud get deeper into bed with India/Israel/America

man I love you my Pakistani peaceful brother lol

CIA SAUDS RAW MOSAD its all the same. Palestinians used to love Sauds as well. You will learn soon enough

So, according to you we are dreaming of getting down our regimes in GCC and Jordan?:hitwall:
So why so much rage for Arab when Iranian decendent aren't not any lesser disasterous? try be neutral terrorist are terrorists . don't relate them with any nationality.

Iranians and Arabs are secondary on my radar. America is the evil who is trying to divide and rule and Sauds are complicit with Americans
And can you give me a one link available?

Just go and read the many articles I and others have put on here. Honest mate I have no hatred for Arabs how many times you want me to tell you. But whilst they that evil hedonistic family are proxy of America like India and Israel they are all the same to me

No offence, but u r no less than America in spreading blind hate against Arabs and dividing muslims......

I reject your analysis it is clear you have not read all my posts on this forum. But hey if you lack comprehension skills to understand what someone is saying that is a matter for you not me
:lol: You don't know? May be you are just a new born Baby. :lol: who is providing weapons and support to Al-assad ? Only for once just watch that clip of attack on Makkah ,Those people were proudly holding that Poster pic of Iranian national Hero.

It wasn't my answer , instead of reciting a long list of claims try to proof them one by one . please prepare a link to that clip .
That's a fact that we do support Assad , I'm not supporting killing innocent people in Syria but obviously it's an American dirty plot .
when some dictatorship countries that have never experienced an election in their whole history are demanding democracy in the other countries when USA which all its alliances in region are nothing but some corrupt monarchies all the sudden join their forces plus Israel and NATO, which well-known as friend of some Muslim countries in ME , to topple Syrian government it would be a little hard for me to believe them . I mean I'm smelling a rat ...

furthermore we have never occupied the other nations territories to help a regime to crack down its ppl .
Just go and read the many articles I and others have put on here. Honest mate I have no hatred for Arabs how many times you want me to tell you. But whilst they that evil hedonistic family are proxy of America like India and Israel they are all the same to me

No offence, but u r no less than America in spreading blind hate against Arabs and dividing muslims...../QUOTE]

I reject your analysis it is clear you have not read all my posts on this forum. But hey if you lack comprehension skills to understand what someone is saying that is a matter for you not me

Action speaks louder than word bro....
Are we the fools? aren't you the ones who babble day and night about Saudi support and finance for Qaeda and Taliban whom themselves the first enemies of USA and Israel? And yet, calling Saudi American slaves!? Someone get it right for me! But hey, who cares what you think of us.
Al Qaeda is One ofbiggest enemies of Islam like some hardcore Taliban there is tons of these groups I'm no talking about all
To more accurate I mean every group that flame sectarian wars like jondullah and some branch of Taliban and sOme of al Qaeda in Iraq bombing Sunni and Shia In same time these are the branch that al said support of. Purse they were the one that caused destruction of Afghanistan in involved Pakistan in internal affairs and made stupid look of Islam that can't control themselves and killin each other.they work for zionists al saud US
Just go and read the many articles I and others have put on here. Honest mate I have no hatred for Arabs how many times you want me to tell you. But whilst they that evil hedonistic family are proxy of America like India and Israel they are all the same to me

Action speaks louder than word bro....

Nonsense statements as all we can do on forum are words bro
On 23 October 2011 the Pakistan Cricket Board discussed renaming the stadium following the death of Gaddafi, to support NTC and Libya. The Punjab Olympic Association made a similar request in late October 2011 to the provincial chief minister, telling Cricinfo:,[4] "I don't think his profile is inspirational enough to link with our cricket stadium's identity." As of April 2012, however, it does not appear that the stadium's name will be changed after all.

No likes for this post Mr...

more details

Most of the world`s Muslim leadership at the time had been converted to the cause of Pakistan. In the process, Lahore`s Charing Cross was rechristened Faisal Chowk (after King Faisal of Saudi Arabia); however, the name never stuck; Lyallpur too was renamed Faisalabad. Gaddafi Stadium stayed firmly as Gaddafi Stadium, despite the Libyan autocrat`s open hostility to Pakistan during the Ziaul Haq years.

Remember the Libyan trade commission in Pakistan was linked to anti-state activities in the 1980s? And Tripoli was the choice destination of Al Zulfikar hijackers who demanded that their jailed friends be delivered to Libya to end the 13-day PIA plane hijack drama in 1981? The prisoners were delivered to Damascus only after Qadhafi abruptly changed his mind as the plane carrying them was in mid-air.

Hundreds of Pakistanis expats were sent packing from Libya in the 1980s; yet, somehow, the petrodollars kept flowing in from Tripoli, not into the government exchequer but to individuals, all the same. Libya, together with Saddam Hussein`s Iraq, supported certain, mainly Barelvi, religious parties and outfits as a counterweight to Saudi money coming in to fund the CIA-backed Afghan jihad; and then there was the A.Q. Khan connection on the transfer of nuclear technology. Somebody there too made good money from Qadhafi, which perhaps was enough to keep the Libyan dictator honoured with his name attached to Pakistan`s premier cricket ground.

But now, as Qadhafi takes on his own people in the most ruthless way, it`s time he also lost the stadium named after him because he`s lost touch with the nation he once claimed to lead. Remember the Shahrah-i-Pehlavis in Quetta and Karachi also lost their names just as the Iranian revolution of 1979 triumphed, and the Shah of Iran fled Tehran. Dawn Lahori`s Notebook Gowalmandi Gwalmandi n

I am sure my former editor in Lahore, Mr Zafar Iqbal Mirza (Zim), whose inimitable remains a very popular column, would not object reverting to `Lahore Stadium` from `Gaddafi Stadium`. It is not after all (as spelled by the colonial rulers), which he would not allow changing to a more vernacular, . “It`s our heritage, you can`t change it,” he would insist.

What to do with Gaddafi Stadium? | DAWN.COM
Why iranian supporting, financing and training shia terrorist killing innocent people in pakistaif iran was not involved and our govt. was sincere we should have finished sacatirian problem lomg before
The simple thing for iranians to give all rights to sunni muslims there

My dear, its the mindset of people like you that the innocent people of tribal areas are having to suffer the "DRONE THERAPY"

when was the last time you heard Hazara attacking Pakistani check posts, blowing up Mosques and beheading people?
wake up[ buddy. its our own Sunni brothers under the name of TTP and Taliban spilling the blood of Sunnis now because they know they will get away with it as the majority kept sleeping during the slaughter of shias and Ahmedis.

a terrorist is a terrorist, he doesnt have a sect. if you identify him with sect or religion then you are accepting his ideology.
we need to beat them physically and intellectually as well. shia or sunni or deobandi organisations that are involved in the killing of Pakistanis must all be condemned and beaten, we cant be selective otherwise this issue will never go away.

re Jundullah, remember that we have double the problem than Iran has because they are workign with BLA as well and getting all the sympathy and help from enemies of Pakistan. the constant killing of civilians, soldiers and policemen in Quetta is due to their activities and we must fully support and assist Iran in crushing them.

it is great if the news about pakistan helping Iran to capture Rigi are correct. that ruthless animal didnt even spare people that were related to him. thank goodness he has met his end in Iran otherwise our courts would have freed with due to insufficient evidence.
Bro Maybe you are misunderstanding him. I see it as an attack on the respective leaderships and their supporters rather than all Arabs

Oh really? wear your glasses this time and reread his comment.
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