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Jundallah () or Jundalshaitan ()

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Oh really? wear your glasses this time and reread his comment.

I was wearing my glasses. I cleaned them and read it again and still feel that you are worrying for nothing I do not see anyone being racist to Arab people the complaint is against ther leaders
Well, all of them are shamelessly supporting a recognised terrorist organisation in this topic. All of them, without exception, take pride in supporting terrorism around the world starting from Afghanistan to Chechnya.
I see this as a cultural phenomenon which endorses terrorism and fanaticism.

I am most surprised that any decent human being would support ANY type of terrorism. This thread has shocked me to see the open support of such an organization generating mayhem and deaths. Its not necessary in anyone's view.
Terrorism and fanaticism must be crushed- doesn't matter where - it must be stopped. To support it is shameful. To change ones avatar to a terrorist group is really beyond me. At least he is now having a break and wearing pink...
I am most surprised that any decent human being would support ANY type of terrorism. This thread has shocked me to see the open support of such an organization generating mayhem and deaths. Its not necessary in anyone's view.
Terrorism and fanaticism must be crushed- doesn't matter where - it must be stopped. To support it is shameful. To change ones avatar to a terrorist group is really beyond me. At least he is now having a break and wearing pink...

Yes, sad to witness. And look at his thankers too. The underlying reason is their hedonistic, irrational and almost fanatic hatred for Iran. They are prepared to go at any length. Even if it means the pursuit of terrorism.
Yes, sad to witness. And look at his thankers too. The underlying reason is their hedonistic, irrational and almost fanatic hatred for Iran. They are prepared to go at any length. Even if it means the pursuit of terrorism.

I wonder what the source of hatred is. Its like Germans abused Jews, so Israelis abuse Arabs and Arab leadership is looking around to abuse someone maybe?
Yes, sad to witness. And look at his thankers too. The underlying reason is their hedonistic, irrational and almost fanatic hatred for Iran. They are prepared to go at any length. Even if it means the pursuit of terrorism.

Mate their may be faults in Iran - which nation is perfect? I just dont understand the natural anger and hatred with anything tarnished with Iran. This thread has i suppose been useful in in aspect and highlighted how unhealthy this blind and animosity their is. I really hope one day this changes and common sense prevails. Peace and harmony and for goodness sake extinguish terrorism everywhere.
@ Aryan : There is a way these things are said. I'm not a massive fan of the Saudi Royal Family either but whats the point of going on and on and on about how they are so so very bad when the other person doesn't think so ! They - the Saudis - seem to like it...good for them; their country...their choice ! Lets end at that. Furthermore they didn't get ticked off by the criticism directed at the Royal Family they got ticked off at some very racist and offensive posts that many of us Pakistanis made about them ! And like always I'm not talking about you...! Posts that went to the tune of : Whenever Mosa would post that the Saudis have got this and this TOT agreement signed, that they're manufacturing this and this or that they're investing heavily in R&D and JVs with others; I could swear that you'd find at least one Pakistani, by conservative estimates, who'd belittle that by mentioning everything from 'the likeness of a certain pink animal', 'camels', 'brainless retards', 'they've probably got Pakistanis and Indians who came up with that', 'haaaah the just bought over-priced trash to service American debt because of American pressure' or 'as soon as the oil runs out...they're foOked' and of course we can't forget 'Wahabi' can we ? I'm probably being euphemistic here. You tell if us Pakistanis were subjected to the same abuse...senseless abuse which often borders on racism, would you come back all nice and polite the next day ? So...please yaar a bit of 'empathy' here !

Dr.Wajid teaches physiology at our college too. He is a Pakistani Shia and he was voted as the best college teacher by students for 4 years in a row. Really because of him I almost literally worshipped Pakistan and Pakistanis. I came to this forum because I was googling Pakistan to learn more about Pakistan because of him. Have to say the year I spent here made me change my mind 180 degrees of Pakistan and pakistanis.
Dr.Wajid teaches physiology at our college too. He is a Pakistani Shia and he was voted as the best college teacher by students for 4 years in a row. Really because of him I almost literally worshipped Pakistan and Pakistanis. I came to this forum because I was googling Pakistan to learn more about Pakistan because of him. Have to say the year I spent here made me change my mind 180 degrees of Pakistan and pakistanis.

Yea rite. perhaps he should have also taught you logic as well. Your comments in now way mitigate the funding of terrorists that have emanated from Saudi. In any event your country is on the same page as other regional proxies of America that is Israel and Indian.

Funding groups to destabalise Iran and Pakistan is part of the nefarious plans of our enemies.
See what I mean everyone.

This thread is about terrorism. Do you deny your govt has funded terrorism? Do you deny your country is a regional proxy of America? Do you deny American are killing Muslims from Libya to Pakistan? Do you deny their soldiers pi$$ on dead people? Do you deny their people burn our Koran? Do you deny any of this- no.

You seem to feel that you and that hedonistic family are entitled to blind loyalty to your nation and its leaders from Pakistanis no matter how many of our people are killed by Saudi regime actions and in some cases inaction?

Anyone promoting killings of innocents must be condemned.
Yea rite. perhaps he should have also taught you logic as well. Your comments in now way mitigate the funding of terrorists that have emanated from Saudi. In any event your country is on the same page as other regional proxies of America that is Israel and Indian.

Funding groups to destabalise Iran and Pakistan is part of the nefarious plans of our enemies.

Just because Saudi Arabia has rivalry with iran does nt make them American supporters or stooges & u r just portraying it from ur imaginations to make ur hatred more legit...
Just because Saudi Arabia has rivalry with iran does nt make them American supporters or stooges & u r just portraying it from ur imaginations to make ur hatred more legit...

we are also not stooges
although we are allies in WoT

it is agreed that Jundullah is a terrorist organisation and except one silly person, our fellow Arab members have distanced themselves from terrorist activities of Jundullah and rejected them

this thread is turning into anti Arab and Anti Salafi/wahabi vs Anti Iran, Anti Shia argument and we cant have that.
for few pages nothing related to the subject has been discussed so closing it

if anyone has any issue with that then please convince me with a PM

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