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Junaid Jamshed in hot water again over sexist remark

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Excuse me,
Why Carbon has valency of 4 and Hydrogen of 1?.Reason is simple:Like Carbon and hydrogen are molecules of different amazing characterstics,yet still considered as elements. In the same way it goes with humans.See,Carbon and hydrogen is involved with various amazing work which they perform together such as building up tails of fatty acids in plasma memberane, which also act as baseline of various functional groups that attaches such as alchohol,easter etc.They also exhibit individual qualities ie hydrogen alone with single oxygen molecule forms water which is essential for life.
We cannot compare their unmateched chemical behaviour and characterstics and call hydrogen inferior,because we are looking at bigger picture.Same analogy goes with man and women,an alternative form of humans.Both have various characterstics and each performing their own tasks.Keep west aside,we have example of muslim women who lead,rule and fought such as Hazrat Ayesha(R.A),bibi Khaula,sister of sahabi hazrat Zawar(R.A).
West hasn't brought any empowerment,they introduced industrialization and their lies huge difference between them.Women was already empowered at the time of Islam ie their property rights were enforced,nice treatment and freedom to choose their spouse and alot more were given to them.
Coming to the topic,Mr.Junaid Jamshed must realize that he is more representing Islam than anyone else.He must make sure that he is maintaining dignity of beard and islamic code of conduct which he is promoting.About women's discussion in Quran,his statement contradicts with truth as whole Surah Marium(Mary,mother of Jesus AS) was desended in quran.Besides that,in last paras of Quran,another surah was desended in which Allah(SWT) defined characterstic of Pharoh's wife and her kindess and sacrifice and forbid women for not to become like Hazrat Luth's wife.
I can show you various verses in which god addressed both men and women.In some cases he addressed men to tell their women to do certain things was simple,just like your father calls you and tell you:"Go and get prepared,our beloved daughter is coming.Tell your wife to cook her favouraite food".I do not understand that how your wife for example or your relative will conclude that your father doesn't like her or his daughter-in-law.


i like your example of Hydrogen and Carbon ... Inter ki supplement yaad a gaye :cray:
I liked him better before he was a righteousness businessman.

Why do you bother? You're certainly not the hundredth member to talk some sense into him, and probably not the last, all in vain nonetheless.


"Meri mat mari gaye the" :lol:
That is the problem when people get converted..I have seen Najam Sheraz teaching "Allah yeh kehta hai....woh kehta hai...."
at 1:30am while at daytime,I almost got mini heart attack seeing him singing "Jaisay chahao jiyo",lol.Comparing to JJ,Najam was terrible,trust me.
Similarly,few years back,I went to patrol pump and saw Farahan Ali Agha asking poor mechanic of ''Adwaleen ka matlab pata hai?''.I seriously felt so awkward,along with poor mechanic.
About Mr.Junaid Jamshed,the way he transformed himself is really impressive and appreciating.However,he is now in hitlist of everyone.I have seen that video at ARY and realized that he wasn't even finished when Waseem Badami jumped up for break.Lateron hype and manipulation such as ''sexiest remarks''.I saw his explanation and realized that he didn't intended to,but well we all make mistakes.That was 12-6 hour live show and he was continously addressing public,so definitly some errors were expected.Anyways,I am sure that he will be careful next time.

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WTF is going on.
If you cant understand simple things go read Quran with translation.

In every religion women must cover her head.

Islam even tells men to cover their heads too.

Pork is forbidden in every religion(God's religions)

Both men and women are equal but made for different purposes and both have different qualities and weakness.

Women must cover herself to protect her from evil God has made women so a man can want her but only one man dont obey you can see the rape happening in all other world that is the same thing will happen to your daughter if she is not obeying in result both sinful man and girl will go to hell.

This is not a difficult thing to understand people those holy books have a purpose here they are your guide dont follow them you will get failed.

What a women can do man cant do! What a man can do women cant do.

Junaid is very right in fact but you guys are brainwashed by TV.

And in Islam women is allowed to work and fight but everyone has limits this why Armed forces are represented by men because God gave him the quality.
Mother is called the best teacher because God gave her the personality to do this.

West is just a bunch of savages mindless worshippers of satan thats why they use women as a frontline.(understand this dont use your TV sh!t)
Lady nature is different thought process different no matter How much west lies of being same no they aren't they have different nature and ALLAH knows best How to deal with them ALLAH has allowed men 4 marriages not women Why ?
if you were to read the Quran carefully you would notice that Allah has allowed four wives ONLY IF YOU CAN DO JUSTICE.
now thats decided, lets move on

Allah also said in the same Quran that you will NOT BE ABLE TO DO JUSTICE.

so in short if you cant do justice, you cant marry 4, so its pretty close of a ban, no?
the only reason i can grasp for this allowance to be given is that at that time many early Muslims had more than one wives, so what should they have done? divorced their extra wives and kicked them out of heir houses? that would not be morally correct
The Quran isn't "Jeeto Pakistan" now is it?

It has a forma outlook in which every one is respected.

You don't write about your friends as chums or buddies in formal documents like court orders or the sort do you? In formal correspondences, you use formal addresses.

Why do you need to bring in Malala and Dr Sabeen in this? Stop making a mountain of a mole hill.

Do you find any cheap and low level comment in 'Jeeto Pakistan'? Its a quality program, women are properly introduced by name.

Howmuch can we make our life formal as per the Quran. Or the Quran realy wants us to make our lives that formal to touch fascism?

There is faction in Muslims who don't consult any other book, like Tafseer and Hadith except the Quran. They formulate such views, the topic and other rigid ideas. This is not in Quran that is not in Quram. Pepsi is not in the Quran etc.

This is mind set and works in a system culminating in taking lives.
if you were to read the Quran carefully you would notice that Allah has allowed four wives ONLY IF YOU CAN DO JUSTICE.
now thats decided, lets move on

Allah also said in the same Quran that you will NOT BE ABLE TO DO JUSTICE.

so in short if you cant do justice, you cant marry 4, so its pretty close of a ban, no?
the only reason i can grasp for this allowance to be given is that at that time many early Muslims had more than one wives, so what should they have done? divorced their extra wives and kicked them out of heir houses? that would not be morally correct
No it isn't Sahabas did marriage their students did their students most sufis had more than one marriage this is not even close to be a ban.
No they do but ALLAH has not told it because their are some limits of sharam and Haya ALLAH will give equally but he chooses his ways just imagine ALLAH saying this number of men Can you imagine How it would sound ?
you know, i never found the Quran saying that the Hoors would be your se* slaves, how did we come up with this?
you know, i never found the Quran saying that the Hoors would be your se* slaves, how did we come up with this?
Read Quran and Sunnah you will know it they will be not slaves most probably wives
No it isn't Sahabas did marriage their students did their students most sufis had more than one marriage this is not even close to be a ban.
at one time? please tell me a sufi who had more than one wife at a time,
and cany ou tell me why it is not a ban?
when Allah says you cant do justice, then do you think that you have more knowledge than the Quran? (Naoubillah)

Read Quran and Sunnah you will know it they will be not slaves most probably wives
i listened to the whole tafseer of the Quran, and it didnt go through my ears, it just mentioned that they will do "khidmat"
at one time? please tell me a sufi who had more than one wife at a time,
and cany ou tell me why it is not a ban?
when Allah says you cant do justice, then do you think that you have more knowledge than the Quran? (Naoubillah)

i listened to the whole tafseer of the Quran, and it didnt go through my ears, it just mentioned that they will do "khidmat"
Hazrat Sultan Bahu had 4 and Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani had two and Baba Fareed had more than 1 I can go and on
Hazrat Sultan Bahu had 4 and Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani had two and Baba Fareed had more than 1 I can go and on
then can you explain to me why Allah said in the Quran that you wont be able to do justice?

Hazrat Sultan Bahu had 4 and Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani had two and Baba Fareed had more than 1 I can go and on
then can you explain to me why Allah said in the Quran that you wont be able to do ?
People like you are showing your jahalat of epic proportions. Junaid chose wrong words that is only mistake as for what he was trying to say is clear Have any jahil here ever bothered to ponder why ALLAH has has not told what women will get in Jannah like he has told about men ? I mean men will get hoors what will women get ? @Jf Thunder @M.SAAD @airmarshal

Yes great transformation

OK, so please do tell me. If you have pondered over this, and reached a conclusion, please let us know why Allah has not not specified what women will get in Jannah?

BTW, you are eagerly anticipating hoors after you die, are you? What do you picture doing with them?
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