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Journalist Arshad Sharif martyred in Kenya

I'm Kenyan and I know the general area. I don't have any secret info and for now this is what I have. He and a relative who was driving had left Ammodump Kwenia,a popular civvy shooting range maybe 20 km from the scene of his death around 10 pm.



They came to a suspicious traffic stop- some stones across the road laid by the General Service Unit,who've a training school nearby. They'd received intel of a stolen car. Most of the time the GSU deal with paramilitary situations like cattle rustlers and/or terrorism. It seems the driver, a relative didn't stop prompting them to open fire.
“We have already done the post-mortem, which shows that he was shot between his shoulder and his head. It was a mishap that happened by the Kenyan police between Kajiado and Nairobi, which they have ruled a case of mistaken identity and that they were looking for a stolen car, They said they did not see the registration number clearly,” said Ms Syedah.
For now I'm not convinced it was a conspiracy involving the KP-not that its beyond them: HELLZ NO!? 4 cops are currently under arrest for killing some Indian political advisers of our then Deputy Prez now prez in July.
They had been summoned to the Internal Affairs Unit offices where their colleagues are investigating the saga involving Mohamed Zaid Sami Kidwai, Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan and their driver Nicodemus Mwania Mwange who were abducted near Ole Sereni and driven away in an unmarked car on July 24, 2022.

The two Indians are said to have been part of a team that had come to Kenya to join an IT team for Ruto to run the election campaigns in the concluded polls.
I'll add as and when I get anything concrete but for now I doubt there was a plot involving the KP.
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Kenyan police - master sharpshooters like Punjab police. Manage to hit Arshad in the head with accurate fire, on a moving vehicle with other passengers who remain untouched. Kenyan police, managed to ascertain "identity" (which was eventually mistaken), process that info, make decision to shoot, then shoot, into a moving car and kill the one man who was running and hiding from hit squads. They did this all within the seconds the car was "passing through", a road block that did not manage to block the car. LOVELY!!! Yeah sure, that is exactly how this played out. Any idiot can see this was a hit.
It was a Hit and I dont deny this. I fully agree it was a brutal blow that was dealt out. Look all I am saying is we should first confirm what happened and then act. We do need a judicial enquiry along with one in Kenya. My question remains who gains the most by this murder? Was it the establishment?? Was it some outside force???
Let us look at this supposition.
The establishment hires an intermediary to hit Arshad Shareef!!. What was the motive? To tell the journalists to toe the line or else? What do you think is the counter argument to this? This can easily backfire into an uprising by the lawyers, journalists and the masses. Will they then proclaim martial Law??? How will the public respond? Will everyone simmer down and sit quietly in their houses. I think the public will come out and go up against the authorities and chaos will ensue. If you remember the times after Benazir's death what action did the army take?? Even if the establishment kills a thousand people, do you think this will settle down? I dont think so. Not now!!! As to Bajwa he has already announced his retirement plan and will go in due course. So how does he gain and most importantly what support will he get inside the armyif he wants to impose Martial law.
Was it an outside force?
Let us look at this supposition.
Do they gain from this?? Yes
Kill a journalist. plaster the establishment with a claim of murdering its opponents. The public rises. The establishment panics and imposes martial law and everything comes to a halt.
The public revolts and either Civil war ensues. In the chaos kill a few more prominent people even IK and blame the army for it.
I ask you has it been done before ----- The answer is Umpteenth times.
Who has done it ----- A classic CIA/Mossad /RAW modus opperandi.
What aim------ Cripple the economy and destroy public confidence in the army and establishment. Ensuing chaos allows for more murders, more entrenchment and implanting more people to take over the revolution who will be more malleable to the western demands.
BUlkanize the region and the country gets defanged. Even if the nuclear weapons are not taken away economic dependency ensures we are not able to look up for the next 10 years.
I think you need to learn to see a flip side to this.
In my humble analysis the establishment has more to lose than gain. If they have done it it is the most stupid thing and will hurt them badly. If not we have a much bigger crisis coming our way. We have nutless crackheads on the seat of power who are incapable of doing anything for Pakistan. They willl not be able to handle a pissoff in a brewery much less a tricky situation like this. This has the classic signs of a put on from a foreign agency. Our own establishment does not have a history of doing this unlike other powers. Pakistan is on a very slippery path to self destruction. Le t us just tread carefully here and wait for some more facts to come out.
Don't try to turn this in your favour. He simply means that because of credible information that he would be killed, he asked him to leave. But who was after the life of Arshad is well known to everyone.

There are reports that foreign office asked UAE to deport Arshad back to Pakistan. He tried to save his life and went to Kenya. Under whose control our foreign office is at the moment?

I won't allow you twisting the words of anyone to take advantage.

I'm Kenyan and I know the general area. I don't have any secret info and for now this is what I have. He and a relative who was driving had left Ammodump Kwenia,a popular civvy shooting range maybe 20 km from the scene of his death around 10 pm.

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They came to a suspicious traffic stop- some stones across the road laid by the General Service Unit,who've a training school nearby. They'd received intel of a stolen car. Most of the time the GSU deal with paramilitary situations like cattle rustlers and/or terrorism. It seems the driver, a relative didn't stop prompting them to open fire.
“We have already done the post-mortem, which shows that he was shot between his shoulder and his head. It was a mishap that happened by the Kenyan police between Kajiado and Nairobi, which they have ruled a case of mistaken identity and that they were looking for a stolen car, They said they did not see the registration number clearly,” said Ms Syedah.
For now I'm not convinced it was a conspiracy involving the KP-not that its beyond them: HELLZ NO!? 4 cops are currently under arrest for killing some Indian political advisers of our then Deputy Prez now prez in July.
They had been summoned to the Internal Affairs Unit offices where their colleagues are investigating the saga involving Mohamed Zaid Sami Kidwai, Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan and their driver Nicodemus Mwania Mwange who were abducted near Ole Sereni and driven away in an unmarked car on July 24, 2022.

The two Indians are said to have been part of a team that had come to Kenya to join an IT team for Ruto to run the election campaigns in the concluded polls.
I'll add as and when I get anything concrete but for now I doubt there was a plot involving the KP.
There are so many holes in your police story.
lols this country is already done Pakistan is cheap whore of amrika!

PA is corrupt to the core they wear uniform so they can get a fking plot and they will do anything in their power to get that plot!!

politicians are tool of corrupt wardi mafia!

people i pray to Allah stand up one day and **** this whole system and burn everything in this chotya country!
I pray with you that people become a nation and change fate of this country. But the thing is just like the love of a beloved family member, no matyer how bad he/she becomes you cannot imagine him/her hurt, All you can do is try to make him good or atleast pray.
I love this country too much to even think of it in civil war or disintegrating. Despit the intense hatered i have for its system and mentality of most of its people.
I spent best years of my life here, My Parents, by beloved family and friends, My education, Most part of my professional career My whole life have been in this country. (True for most people in this forum). Even the thought of not having a country names "Pakistan" on map give me jitters.
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