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Journalist Arshad Sharif martyred in Kenya

Aisa kya ego ki apne ghar ke bachche ko maar diya.. Other options are available to send message. Why assassinate in foreign land ?
Remember sahiwal killings? these people dont care if its innocent women or children, let alone a journalist known for mouthing off. back then there were some here who were actually justifying the killing saying that they were travelling with a suspect. not a single one of the killers was punished because all 24 witnesses collectively "retracted" their statements, dont know why. and none of the people and higher ups or officers who gave the order were even named in FIR or presented in court.
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As per Moeed Pirzada, Arshad Sharif was pressurized to leave from UAE. UAE told him that Pakistan govt wants him to be deported back to Pakistan, but UAE said they will not deport him and gave him 24 hours to leave UAE.

He had no option but to go to Kenya on the short notice because of visa free entry.
@blain2 @Foxtrot alpha?

So, was it TTP or somebody else who killed him for bounty? Was it some number 1, trying to be shah sa zaida shah k wafadar, or indian RAW just to quench their hatred for his anti-indian reporting or pro-Pak reporting..
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.
May Allah SWT forgive his sins and grant him Jannah and give patience to his family.

Shocked beyond words. I may not have shared/agreed upon all of his views or opinions, but it is truly heartbreaking news even for me.
To the people who jumping on to conclusions, please have some mercy on dead person. Launching conspiracy thoeries like frisbees; these are the same people who, during army's heli crash, were saying stuff like "Bajwa is getting rid of competition."
Let me summarize based on Merhum Ustad Kadir Misiro'lu, a Turkish historian:
  • The British promised Sherif Husein the kingship of the Arab world and leadership of the Muslim world if he rebelled against the Ottomans. And, he did. Incidentally, Sultan Abdul Hamid kept him as an "honorable guest" in Istanbul for Sherif always had some nefarious intentions. The Young Turks, after removing the Sultan via a coup, set him free.
  • The real problem was the collapse of the Filistin front, where 700K (total population of the Ottoman Empire: 25 to 30 million) embraced Shehadet. It was highest number of casualties amongst all major fronts. On top of it, it was the treachery of a very famous commander which ultimately gave Jerusalem to the British. Nobody should say the Imperialists have got El Kuds for free.
  • After the collapse of the Filistin the logistics support to Medina got completely cut off. The rebels played their roles by sabotaging the railway links. Despite this, Fahrettin Pasha could defend Medina from 1916 to 1919.
  • The British planes, flying from Egypt, distributed pamphlets on Medina stating they would bombard the city if the Ottoman garrison doesn't surrender to Sherif Husein.
  • Fahrettin Pasha made a promise in front of the Revza Mubarek that he would defend Media till the last man. But a difference in opinion sprang up among his officers who overwhelmingly wanted to leave Medina, given their precarious condition of having received no supplies for years, handing over the power to Sherif Husein. Ultimately, Fahrettin Pasha had to give in.
  • By the by, only 350 men Sherif Husein could gather from the Bediun were mostly criminals, while the Ottoman strength was 15K. In fact he asked the Ottomans to provide security till he could manage to set up an administration. It's a myth and an Imperialist propaganda that the Arabs rebelled against the Ottomans en masse.
  • Etc.

Thank You so much. Need to read all about this forgotten tale of Valor by Turks.

I Read how Sultan Mehmet Fateh conquered Constantinople in 1453 when I was a teen. Always wanted to stand on the walls of Constantinople.
Visited Istanbul in 2019 and standing on the remnants I could see how Sultan Fateh sailed battle ships on land bypassing the Goden Horn Chain.
Went to Ayup Sultan Masjid to visit my spiritual leader Abu Ayub Ansari.

Turks were our last bastion, even their distant cousins Mughals of India remain passive to secure Caliphate.

Finally Usmani Caliphate was abolished in 1924. Messengers saying held True, reign of total oppressive World rule commenced.
یہی شیخ حرم ہے جو چرا کر بیچ کھاتا ہے
گلیم بوذر و دلیق اویس وچادر زہرا

It is the Sheikh of Haram that stole and sold
Frayed covering of Bu Dhar, ragged sheet of Owais, threadbare shawl of Zahra
It was Pakistan DEMOCRATIC Movement government that first forced Arshad Sharif to leave his homeland and then UAE

Never forget that
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