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Journalist Arshad Sharif martyred in Kenya

We were so childishly blinded that this Army is going to protect the country.
They are loyal only to themselves.
Israel army occupied palestine in 1948 outnumbered 1 to 100 against arabs but got a country for them. This Army so quickly always ready to throw arms and run away. They gave away Dhaka, kargil and siachin.
Gwadar, they pretend to be champions was obtained by a CIVILIAN, PM, Sir Feroz Khan Nun, though he was PM barely for 10 months.
And paid by agha Khan.

We even screwed up Kashmir war..mostly taken by local tribes and pushtoons

Army refused to fight when Quaid I azam asked them sure the general at that time was British but that's how strong the chain of command was...

The core sided with their British general.

Untill he had to be removed
Do you think destroying own country, destroying image of PA, regime changing for US, torturing politicians and journalists by stripping them naked, killing FIA officers and Maqsood Chaprasi, shelling protestors, abducting people for social media posts, leaking PM house audios, blackmailing people and giving NRO to the corrupt is rational and sane? Those who can do all this have no rationality or sanity left in them.
To me it's look pretty rational..I would do the same to protect billions of dollars I laundered with multiple army generals
And paid by agha Khan.

We even screwed up Kashmir war..mostly taken by local tribes and pushtoons

Army refused to fight when Quaid I azam asked them sure the general at that time was British but that's how strong the chain of command was...

The core sided with their British general.

Untill he had to be removed
Our history is full of bloody traitors ....and they ask to look other side...Quad e Azam was murdered ....lots of memoirs in archives ....and lots on internet, people should read ...

This is not how things usually work. Our enemies know quite well what the sentiments of the people are for the PA. They could have taken advantage of this situation. Not advocating just a perspective. But then the question arise, why was he forced to leave the country and then the whole regime change operation fiasco comes to mind .....

This is the first thing I saw when I turned on my mobile this morning and man I have no words
And paid by agha Khan.

We even screwed up Kashmir war..mostly taken by local tribes and pushtoons

Army refused to fight when Quaid I azam asked them sure the general at that time was British but that's how strong the chain of command was...

The core sided with their British general.

Untill he had to be removed
It is Indian British Army.
Invader and Occupier of our own country.
اے وطن کے سجیلے جوانوں
سارے پلاٹ تمہارے لئے ہیں۔

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un​

P.S: I personally don't think the guys are capable enough to assassinate someone abroad else we have a higher priority killing list. Unfortunately, we do not have guts like Iran, Israel or North Korea.

Let's wait for more news and Kenyan investigation. ( like this will stop posters from conspiracy theories and blaming the usual [facepalm]).

Yeah sure

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

This is shocking, where is Pakistan going? Why are the people in power running this pseudo democracy in Pakistan?! Khud ajao power mein yaar, stop this crap!
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